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Doynikova, Elena V., Fedorchenko, Andrei V., Novikova, Evgenia S., U shakov, Igor A., Krasov, Andrey V..  2021.  Security Decision Support in the Control Systems based on Graph Models. 2021 IV International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). :224—227.
An effective response against information security violations in the technical systems remains relevant challenge nowadays, when their number, complexity, and the level of possible losses are growing. The violation can be caused by the set of the intruder's consistent actions. In the area of countermeasure selection for a proactive and reactive response against security violations, there are a large number of techniques. The techniques based on graph models seem to be promising. These models allow representing the set of actions caused the violation. Their advantages include the ability to forecast violations for timely decision-making on the countermeasures, as well as the ability to analyze and consider the coverage of countermeasures in terms of steps caused the violation. The paper proposes and describes a decision support method for responding against information security violations in the technical systems based on the graph models, as well as the developed models, including the countermeasure model and the graph representing the set of actions caused the information security violation.
Hoarau, Kevin, Tournoux, Pierre Ugo, Razafindralambo, Tahiry.  2021.  Suitability of Graph Representation for BGP Anomaly Detection. 2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :305–310.
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is in charge of the route exchange at the Internet scale. Anomalies in BGP can have several causes (mis-configuration, outage and attacks). These anomalies are classified into large or small scale anomalies. Machine learning models are used to analyze and detect anomalies from the complex data extracted from BGP behavior. Two types of data representation can be used inside the machine learning models: a graph representation of the network (graph features) or a statistical computation on the data (statistical features). In this paper, we evaluate and compare the accuracy of machine learning models using graph features and statistical features on both large and small scale BGP anomalies. We show that statistical features have better accuracy for large scale anomalies, and graph features increase the detection accuracy by 15% for small scale anomalies and are well suited for BGP small scale anomaly detection.
Kashliev, Andrii.  2020.  Storage and Querying of Large Provenance Graphs Using NoSQL DSE. 2020 IEEE 6th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :260–262.
Provenance metadata captures history of derivation of an entity, such as a dataset obtained through numerous data transformations. It is of great importance for science, among other fields, as it enables reproducibility and greater intelligibility of research results. With the avalanche of provenance produced by today's society, there is a pressing need for storing and low-latency querying of large provenance graphs. To address this need, in this paper we present a scalable approach to storing and querying provenance graphs using a popular NoSQL column family database system called DataStax Enterprise (DSE). Specifically, we i) propose a storage scheme, including two novel indices that enable efficient traversal of provenance graphs along causality lines, ii) present an algorithm for building our proposed indices for a given provenance graph, iii) implement our algorithm and conduct a performance study in which we store and query a provenance graph with over five million vertices using a DSE cluster running in AWS cloud. Our performance study results further validate scalability and performance efficiency of our approach.
Arthy, R., Daniel, E., Maran, T. G., Praveen, M..  2020.  A Hybrid Secure Keyword Search Scheme in Encrypted Graph for Social Media Database. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :1000–1004.

Privacy preservation is a challenging task with the huge amount of data that are available in social media. The data those are stored in the distributed environment or in cloud environment need to ensure confidentiality to data. In addition, representing the voluminous data is graph will be convenient to perform keyword search. The proposed work initially reads the data corresponding to social media and converts that into a graph. In order to prevent the data from the active attacks Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm is used to perform graph encryption. Later, search operation is done using two algorithms: kNK keyword search algorithm and top k nearest keyword search algorithm. The first scheme is used to fetch all the data corresponding to the keyword. The second scheme is used to fetch the nearest neighbor. This scheme increases the efficiency of the search process. Here shortest path algorithm is used to find the minimum distance. Now, based on the minimum value the results are produced. The proposed algorithm shows high performance for graph generation and searching and moderate performance for graph encryption.

Awad, M. A., Ashkiani, S., Porumbescu, S. D., Owens, J. D..  2020.  Dynamic Graphs on the GPU. 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). :739–748.
We present a fast dynamic graph data structure for the GPU. Our dynamic graph structure uses one hash table per vertex to store adjacency lists and achieves 3.4-14.8x faster insertion rates over the state of the art across a diverse set of large datasets, as well as deletion speedups up to 7.8x. The data structure supports queries and dynamic updates through both edge and vertex insertion and deletion. In addition, we define a comprehensive evaluation strategy based on operations, workloads, and applications that we believe better characterize and evaluate dynamic graph data structures.
Lewis, Matt.  2018.  Using Graph Databases to Assess the Security of Thingernets Based on the Thingabilities and Thingertivity of Things. Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT - 2018. :1-9.

Security within the IoT is currently below par. Common security issues include IoT device vendors not following security best practices and/or omitting crucial security controls and features within their devices, lack of defined and mandated IoT security standards, default IoT device configurations, missing secure update mechanisms to rectify security flaws discovered in IoT devices and the overall unintended consequence of complexity - the attack surface of networks comprising IoT devices can increase exponentially with the addition of each new device. In this paper we set out an approach using graphs and graph databases to understand IoT network complexity and the impact that different devices and their profiles have on the overall security of the underlying network and its associated data.

Yoshida, Yuichi.  2016.  Nonlinear Laplacian for Digraphs and Its Applications to Network Analysis. Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. :483–492.

In this work, we introduce a new Markov operator associated with a digraph, which we refer to as a nonlinear Laplacian. Unlike previous Laplacians for digraphs, the nonlinear Laplacian does not rely on the stationary distribution of the random walk process and is well defined on digraphs that are not strongly connected. We show that the nonlinear Laplacian has nontrivial eigenvalues and give a Cheeger-like inequality, which relates the conductance of a digraph and the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of its nonlinear Laplacian. Finally, we apply the nonlinear Laplacian to the analysis of real-world networks and obtain encouraging results.

Chang, Zhao, Zou, Lei, Li, Feifei.  2016.  Privacy Preserving Subgraph Matching on Large Graphs in Cloud. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data. :199–213.

The wide presence of large graph data and the increasing popularity of storing data in the cloud drive the needs for graph query processing on a remote cloud. But a fundamental challenge is to process user queries without compromising sensitive information. This work focuses on privacy preserving subgraph matching in a cloud server. The goal is to minimize the overhead on both cloud and client sides for subgraph matching, without compromising users' sensitive information. To that end, we transform an original graph \$G\$ into a privacy preserving graph Gk, which meets the requirement of an existing privacy model known as k-automorphism. By making use of the symmetry in a k-automorphic graph, a subgraph matching query can be efficiently answered using a graph Go, a small subset of Gk. This approach saves both space and query cost in the cloud server. We also anonymize the query graphs to protect their label information using label generalization technique. To reduce the search space for a subgraph matching query, we propose a cost model to select the more effective label combinations. The effectiveness and efficiency of our method are demonstrated through extensive experimental results on real datasets.

Eom, Chris Soo-Hyun, Lee, Wookey, Lee, James Jung-Hun.  2016.  Spammer Detection for Real-time Big Data Graphs. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Emerging Databases: Technologies, Applications, and Theory. :51–60.

In recent years, prodigious explosion of social network services may trigger new business models. However, it has negative aspects such as personal information spill or spamming, as well. Amongst conventional spam detection approaches, the studies which are based on vertex degrees or Local Clustering Coefficient have been caused false positive results so that normal vertices can be specified as spammers. In this paper, we propose a novel approach by employing the circuit structure in the social networks, which demonstrates the advantages of our work through the experiment.

Purvine, Emilie, Johnson, John R., Lo, Chaomei.  2016.  A Graph-Based Impact Metric for Mitigating Lateral Movement Cyber Attacks. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :45–52.

Most cyber network attacks begin with an adversary gaining a foothold within the network and proceed with lateral movement until a desired goal is achieved. The mechanism by which lateral movement occurs varies but the basic signature of hopping between hosts by exploiting vulnerabilities is the same. Because of the nature of the vulnerabilities typically exploited, lateral movement is very difficult to detect and defend against. In this paper we define a dynamic reachability graph model of the network to discover possible paths that an adversary could take using different vulnerabilities, and how those paths evolve over time. We use this reachability graph to develop dynamic machine-level and network-level impact scores. Lateral movement mitigation strategies which make use of our impact scores are also discussed, and we detail an example using a freely available data set.