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Rashid, Tabish, Agrafiotis, Ioannis, Nurse, Jason R.C..  2016.  A New Take on Detecting Insider Threats: Exploring the Use of Hidden Markov Models. Proceedings of the 8th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats. :47–56.

The threat that malicious insiders pose towards organisations is a significant problem. In this paper, we investigate the task of detecting such insiders through a novel method of modelling a user's normal behaviour in order to detect anomalies in that behaviour which may be indicative of an attack. Specifically, we make use of Hidden Markov Models to learn what constitutes normal behaviour, and then use them to detect significant deviations from that behaviour. Our results show that this approach is indeed successful at detecting insider threats, and in particular is able to accurately learn a user's behaviour. These initial tests improve on existing research and may provide a useful approach in addressing this part of the insider-threat challenge.

Meng, B., Andi, W., Jian, X., Fucai, Z..  2017.  DDOS Attack Detection System Based on Analysis of Users' Behaviors for Application Layer. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 1:596–599.

Aiming at the problem of internal attackers of database system, anomaly detection method of user behaviour is used to detect the internal attackers of database system. With using Discrete-time Markov Chains (DTMC), an anomaly detection system of user behavior is proposed, which can detect the internal threats of database system. First, we make an analysis on SQL queries, which are user behavior features. Then, we use DTMC model extract behavior features of a normal user and the detected user and make a comparison between them. If the deviation of features is beyond threshold, the detected user behavior is judged as an anomaly behavior. The experiments are used to test the feasibility of the detction system. The experimental results show that this detction system can detect normal and abnormal user behavior precisely and effectively.

Vávra, J., Hromada, M..  2017.  Anomaly Detection System Based on Classifier Fusion in ICS Environment. 2017 International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent System and Information Technology (ICSIIT). :32–38.

The detection of cyber-attacks has become a crucial task for highly sophisticated systems like industrial control systems (ICS). These systems are an essential part of critical information infrastructure. Therefore, we can highlight their vital role in contemporary society. The effective and reliable ICS cyber defense is a significant challenge for the cyber security community. Thus, intrusion detection is one of the demanding tasks for the cyber security researchers. In this article, we examine classification problem. The proposed detection system is based on supervised anomaly detection techniques. Moreover, we utilized classifiers algorithms in order to increase intrusion detection capabilities. The fusion of the classifiers is the way how to achieve the predefined goal.

Ramachandran, Raji, Nidhin, R, Shogil, P P.  2018.  Anomaly Detection in Role Administered Relational Databases — A Novel Method. 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). :1017–1021.
A significant amount of attempt has been lately committed for the progress of Database Management Systems (DBMS) that ensures high assertion and high security. Common security measures for database like access control measures, validation, encryption technologies, etc are not sufficient enough to secure the data from all the threats. By using an anomaly detection system, we are able to enhance the security feature of the Database management system. We are taking an assumption that the database access control is role based. In this paper, a mechanism is proposed for finding the anomaly in database by using machine learning technique such as classification. The importance of providing anomaly detection technique to a Role-Based Access Control database is that it will help for the protection against the insider attacks. The experimentation results shows that the system is able to detect intrusion effectively with high accuracy and high F1-score.
Aljamal, Ibraheem, Tekeo\u glu, Ali, Bekiroglu, Korkut, Sengupta, Saumendra.  2019.  Hybrid Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Techniques in Cloud Computing Environments. 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA). :84–89.

Intrusion detection is one essential tool towards building secure and trustworthy Cloud computing environment, given the ubiquitous presence of cyber attacks that proliferate rapidly and morph dynamically. In our current working paradigm of resource, platform and service consolidations, Cloud Computing provides a significant improvement in the cost metrics via dynamic provisioning of IT services. Since almost all cloud computing networks lean on providing their services through Internet, they are prone to experience variety of security issues. Therefore, in cloud environments, it is necessary to deploy an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to detect new and unknown attacks in addition to signature based known attacks, with high accuracy. In our deliberation we assume that a system or a network ``anomalous'' event is synonymous to an ``intrusion'' event when there is a significant departure in one or more underlying system or network activities. There are couple of recently proposed ideas that aim to develop a hybrid detection mechanism, combining advantages of signature-based detection schemes with the ability to detect unknown attacks based on anomalies. In this work, we propose a network based anomaly detection system at the Cloud Hypervisor level that utilizes a hybrid algorithm: a combination of K-means clustering algorithm and SVM classification algorithm, to improve the accuracy of the anomaly detection system. Dataset from UNSW-NB15 study is used to evaluate the proposed approach and results are compared with previous studies. The accuracy for our proposed K-means clustering model is slightly higher than others. However, the accuracy we obtained from the SVM model is still low for supervised techniques.

Ullah, Imtiaz, Mahmoud, Qusay H..  2019.  A Two-Level Hybrid Model for Anomalous Activity Detection in IoT Networks. 2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–6.
In this paper we propose a two-level hybrid anomalous activity detection model for intrusion detection in IoT networks. The level-1 model uses flow-based anomaly detection, which is capable of classifying the network traffic as normal or anomalous. The flow-based features are extracted from the CICIDS2017 and UNSW-15 datasets. If an anomaly activity is detected then the flow is forwarded to the level-2 model to find the category of the anomaly by deeply examining the contents of the packet. The level-2 model uses Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) to select significant features and Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) for oversampling and Edited Nearest Neighbors (ENN) for cleaning the CICIDS2017 and UNSW-15 datasets. Our proposed model precision, recall and F score for level-1 were measured 100% for the CICIDS2017 dataset and 99% for the UNSW-15 dataset, while the level-2 model precision, recall, and F score were measured at 100 % for the CICIDS2017 dataset and 97 % for the UNSW-15 dataset. The predictor we introduce in this paper provides a solid framework for the development of malicious activity detection in IoT networks.
Kalwar, Abhishek, Bhuyan, Monowar H., Bhattacharyya, Dhruba K., Kadobayashi, Youki, Elmroth, Erik, Kalita, Jugal K..  2019.  TVis: A Light-weight Traffic Visualization System for DDoS Detection. 2019 14th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP). :1—6.

With rapid growth of network size and complexity, network defenders are facing more challenges in protecting networked computers and other devices from acute attacks. Traffic visualization is an essential element in an anomaly detection system for visual observations and detection of distributed DoS attacks. This paper presents an interactive visualization system called TVis, proposed to detect both low-rate and highrate DDoS attacks using Heron's triangle-area mapping. TVis allows network defenders to identify and investigate anomalies in internal and external network traffic at both online and offline modes. We model the network traffic as an undirected graph and compute triangle-area map based on incidences at each vertex for each 5 seconds time window. The system triggers an alarm iff the system finds an area of the mapped triangle beyond the dynamic threshold. TVis performs well for both low-rate and high-rate DDoS detection in comparison to its competitors.

Igbe, O., Saadawi, T..  2018.  Insider Threat Detection using an Artificial Immune system Algorithm. 2018 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :297—302.
Insider threats result from legitimate users abusing their privileges, causing tremendous damage or losses. Malicious insiders can be the main threats to an organization. This paper presents an anomaly detection system for detecting insider threat activities in an organization using an ensemble that consists of negative selection algorithms (NSA). The proposed system classifies a selected user activity into either of two classes: "normal" or "malicious." The effectiveness of our proposed detection system is evaluated using case studies from the computer emergency response team (CERT) synthetic insider threat dataset. Our results show that the proposed method is very effective in detecting insider threats.
Paul, Avishek, Islam, Md Rabiul.  2021.  An Artificial Neural Network Based Anomaly Detection Method in CAN Bus Messages in Vehicles. 2021 International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI). :1–5.

Controller Area Network is the bus standard that works as a central system inside the vehicles for communicating in-vehicle messages. Despite having many advantages, attackers may hack into a car system through CAN bus, take control of it and cause serious damage. For, CAN bus lacks security services like authentication, encryption etc. Therefore, an anomaly detection system must be integrated with CAN bus in vehicles. In this paper, we proposed an Artificial Neural Network based anomaly detection method to identify illicit messages in CAN bus. We trained our model with two types of attacks so that it can efficiently identify the attacks. When tested, the proposed algorithm showed high performance in detecting Denial of Service attacks (with accuracy 100%) and Fuzzy attacks (with accuracy 99.98%).