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Park, Soyoung, Kim, Jongseok, Lim, Younghoon, Seo, Euiseong.  2022.  Analysis and Mitigation of Data Sanitization Overhead in DAX File Systems. 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :255–258.
A direct access (DAX) file system maximizes the benefit of persistent memory(PM)’s low latency through removing the page cache layer from the file system access paths. However, this paper reveals that data block allocation of the DAX file systems in common is significantly slower than that of conventional file systems because the DAX file systems require the zero-out operation for the newly allocated blocks to prevent the leakage of old data previously stored in the allocated data blocks. The retarded block allocation significantly affects the file write performance. In addition to this revelation, this paper proposes an off-critical-path data block sanitization scheme tailored for DAX file systems. The proposed scheme detaches the zero-out operation from the latency-critical I/O path and performs that of released data blocks in the background. The proposed scheme’s design principle is universally applicable to most DAX file systems. For evaluation, we implemented our approach in Ext4-DAX and XFS-DAX. Our evaluation showed that the proposed scheme reduces the append write latency by 36.8%, and improved the performance of FileBench’s fileserver workload by 30.4%, YCSB’s workload A on RocksDB by 3.3%, and the Redis-benchmark by 7.4% on average, respectively.
ISSN: 2576-6996
Santhosh Kumar, B.J, Sanketh Gowda, V.S.  2022.  Detection and Prevention of UDP Reflection Amplification Attack in WSN Using Cumulative Sum Algorithm. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS). :1–5.
Wireless sensor networks are used in many areas such as war field surveillance, monitoring of patient, controlling traffic, environmental and building surveillance. Wireless technology, on the other hand, brings a load of new threats with it. Because WSNs communicate across radio frequencies, they are more susceptible to interference than wired networks. The authors of this research look at the goals of WSNs in terms of security as well as DDOS attacks. The majority of techniques are available for detecting DDOS attacks in WSNs. These alternatives, on the other hand, stop the assault after it has begun, resulting in data loss and wasting limited sensor node resources. The study finishes with a new method for detecting the UDP Reflection Amplification Attack in WSN, as well as instructions on how to use it and how to deal with the case.
Muragaa, Wisam H. A.  2022.  The single packet Low-rate DDoS attack detection and prevention in SDN. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA). :323–328.
The new paradigm software-defined networking (SDN) supports network innovation and makes the control of network operations more agile. The flow table is the main component of SDN switch which contains a set of flow entries that define how new flows are processed. Low-rate distributed denial-of-service (LR-DDoS) attacks are difficult to detect and mitigate because they behave like legitimate users. There are many detection methods for LR DDoS attacks in the literature, but none of these methods detect single-packet LR DDoS attacks. In fact, LR DDoS attackers exploit vulnerabilities in the mechanism of congestion control in TCP to either periodically retransmit burst attack packets for a short time period or to continuously launch a single attack packet at a constant low rate. In this paper, the proposed scheme detects LR-DDoS by examining all incoming packets and filtering the single packets sent from different source IP addresses to the same destination at a constant low rate. Sending single packets at a constant low rate will increase the number of flows at the switch which can make it easily overflowed. After detecting the single attack packets, the proposed scheme prevents LR-DDoS at its early stage by deleting the flows created by these packets once they reach the threshold. According to the results of the experiment, the scheme achieves 99.47% accuracy in this scenario. In addition, the scheme has simple logic and simple calculation, which reduces the overhead of the SDN controller.
Black, Samuel, Kim, Yoohwan.  2022.  An Overview on Detection and Prevention of Application Layer DDoS Attacks. 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0791–0800.
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks aim to cause downtime or a lack of responsiveness for web services. DDoS attacks targeting the application layer are amongst the hardest to catch as they generally appear legitimate at lower layers and attempt to take advantage of common application functionality or aspects of the HTTP protocol, rather than simply send large amounts of traffic like with volumetric flooding. Attacks can focus on functionality such as database operations, file retrieval, or just general backend code. In this paper, we examine common forms of application layer attacks, preventative and detection measures, and take a closer look specifically at HTTP Flooding attacks by the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) and “low and slow” attacks through slowloris.
Verma, Amandeep, Saha, Rahul.  2022.  Performance Analysis of DDoS Mitigation in Heterogeneous Environments. 2022 Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :222–230.
Computer and Vehicular networks, both are prone to multiple information security breaches because of many reasons like lack of standard protocols for secure communication and authentication. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a threat that disrupts the communication in networks. Detection and prevention of DDoS attacks with accuracy is a necessity to make networks safe.In this paper, we have experimented two machine learning-based techniques one each for attack detection and attack prevention. These detection & prevention techniques are implemented in different environments including vehicular network environments and computer network environments. Three different datasets connected to heterogeneous environments are adopted for experimentation. The first dataset is the NSL-KDD dataset based on the traffic of the computer network. The second dataset is based on a simulation-based vehicular environment, and the third CIC-DDoS 2019 dataset is a computer network-based dataset. These datasets contain different number of attributes and instances of network traffic. For the purpose of attack detection AdaBoostM1 classification algorithm is used in WEKA and for attack prevention Logit Model is used in STATA. Results show that an accuracy of more than 99.9% is obtained from the simulation-based vehicular dataset. This is the highest accuracy rate among the three datasets and it is obtained within a very short period of time i.e., 0.5 seconds. In the same way, we use a Logit regression-based model to classify packets. This model shows an accuracy of 100%.
Nascimento, Márcio, Araujo, Jean, Ribeiro, Admilson.  2022.  Systematic review on mitigating and preventing DDoS attacks on IoT networks. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1–9.
Internet of Things (IoT) and those protocol CoAP and MQTT has security issues that have entirely changed the security strategy should be utilized and behaved for devices restriction. Several challenges have been observed in multiple domains of security, but Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) have actually dangerous in IoT that have RT. Thus, the IoT paradigm and those protocols CoAP and MQTT have been investigated to seek whether network services could be efficiently delivered for resources usage, managed, and disseminated to the devices. Internet of Things is justifiably joined with the best practices augmentation to make this task enriched. However, factors behaviors related to traditional networks have not been effectively mitigated until now. In this paper, we present and deep, qualitative, and comprehensive systematic mapping to find the answers to the following research questions, such as, (i) What is the state-of-the-art in IoT security, (ii) How to solve the restriction devices challenges via infrastructure involvement, (iii) What type of technical/protocol/ paradigm needs to be studied, and (iv) Security profile should be taken care of, (v) As the proposals are being evaluated: A. If in simulated/virtualized/emulated environment or; B. On real devices, in which case which devices. After doing a comparative study with other papers dictate that our work presents a timely contribution in terms of novel knowledge toward an understanding of formulating IoT security challenges under the IoT restriction devices take care.
ISSN: 2166-0727
Manoj, K. Sai.  2022.  DDOS Attack Detection and Prevention using the Bat Optimized Load Distribution Algorithm in Cloud. 2022 International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC). :633–642.
Cloud computing provides a great platform for the users to utilize the various computational services in order accomplish their requests. However it is difficult to utilize the computational storage services for the file handling due to the increased protection issues. Here Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are the most commonly found attack which will prevent from cloud service utilization. Thus it is confirmed that the DDoS attack detection and load balancing in cloud are most extreme issues which needs to be concerned more for the improved performance. This attained in this research work by measuring up the trust factors of virtual machines in order to predict the most trustable VMs which will be combined together to form the trustable source vector. After trust evaluation, in this work Bat algorithm is utilized for the optimal load distribution which will predict the optimal VM resource for the task allocation with the concern of budget. This method is most useful in the process of detecting the DDoS attacks happening on the VM resources. Finally prevention of DDOS attacks are performed by introducing the Fuzzy Extreme Learning Machine Classifier which will learn the cloud resource setup details based on which DDoS attack detection can be prevented. The overall performance of the suggested study design is performed in a Java simulation model to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the current research method.
Das, Soumyajit, Dayam, Zeeshaan, Chatterjee, Pinaki Sankar.  2022.  Application of Random Forest Classifier for Prevention and Detection of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks. 2022 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT). :380–384.
A classification issue in machine learning is the issue of spotting Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks. A Denial of Service (DoS) assault is essentially a deliberate attack launched from a single source with the implied intent of rendering the target's application unavailable. Attackers typically aims to consume all available network bandwidth in order to accomplish this, which inhibits authorized users from accessing system resources and denies them access. DDoS assaults, in contrast to DoS attacks, include several sources being used by the attacker to launch an attack. At the network, transportation, presentation, and application layers of a 7-layer OSI architecture, DDoS attacks are most frequently observed. With the help of the most well-known standard dataset and multiple regression analysis, we have created a machine learning model in this work that can predict DDoS and bot assaults based on traffic.
Chavan, Neeta, Kukreja, Mohit, Jagwani, Gaurav, Nishad, Neha, Deb, Namrata.  2022.  DDoS Attack Detection and Botnet Prevention using Machine Learning. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1159–1163.
One of the major threats in the cyber security and networking world is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. With massive development in Science and Technology, the privacy and security of various organizations are concerned. Computer Intrusion and DDoS attacks have always been a significant issue in networked environments. DDoS attacks result in non-availability of services to the end-users. It interrupts regular traffic flow and causes a flood of flooded packets, causing the system to crash. This research presents a Machine Learning-based DDoS attack detection system to overcome this challenge. For the training and testing purpose, we have used the NSL-KDD Dataset. Logistic Regression Classifier, Support Vector Machine, K Nearest Neighbour, and Decision Tree Classifier are examples of machine learning algorithms which we have used to train our model. The accuracy gained are 90.4, 90.36, 89.15 and 82.28 respectively. We have added a feature called BOTNET Prevention, which scans for Phishing URLs and prevents a healthy device from being a part of the botnet.
ISSN: 2575-7288
Tehaam, Muhammad, Ahmad, Salman, Shahid, Hassan, Saboor, Muhammad Suleman, Aziz, Ayesha, Munir, Kashif.  2022.  A Review of DDoS Attack Detection and Prevention Mechanisms in Clouds. 2022 24th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC). :1–6.
Cloud provides access to shared pool of resources like storage, networking, and processing. Distributed denial of service attacks are dangerous for Cloud services because they mainly target the availability of resources. It is important to detect and prevent a DDoS attack for the continuity of Cloud services. In this review, we analyze the different mechanisms of detection and prevention of the DDoS attacks in Clouds. We identify the major DDoS attacks in Clouds and compare the frequently-used strategies to detect, prevent, and mitigate those attacks that will help the future researchers in this area.
ISSN: 2049-3630
Plambeck, Swantje, Fey, Görschwin, Schyga, Jakob, Hinckeldeyn, Johannes, Kreutzfeldt, Jochen.  2022.  Explaining Cyber-Physical Systems Using Decision Trees. 2022 2nd International Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems (CAADCPS). :3—8.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are systems that contain digital embedded devices while depending on environmental influences or external configurations. Identifying relevant influences of a CPS as well as modeling dependencies on external influences is difficult. We propose to learn these dependencies with decision trees in combination with clustering. The approach allows to automatically identify relevant influences and receive a data-related explanation of system behavior involving the system's use-case. Our paper presents a case study of our method for a Real-Time Localization System (RTLS) proving the usefulness of our approach, and discusses further applications of a learned decision tree.
Qiang, Weizhong, Luo, Hao.  2022.  AutoSlicer: Automatic Program Partitioning for Securing Sensitive Data Based-on Data Dependency Analysis and Code Refactoring. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :239—247.
Legacy programs are normally monolithic (that is, all code runs in a single process and is not partitioned), and a bug in a program may result in the entire program being vulnerable and therefore untrusted. Program partitioning can be used to separate a program into multiple partitions, so as to isolate sensitive data or privileged operations. Manual program partitioning requires programmers to rewrite the entire source code, which is cumbersome, error-prone, and not generic. Automatic program partitioning tools can separate programs according to the dependency graph constructed based on data or programs. However, programmers still need to manually implement remote service interfaces for inter-partition communication. Therefore, in this paper, we propose AutoSlicer, whose purpose is to partition a program more automatically, so that the programmer is only required to annotate sensitive data. AutoSlicer constructs accurate data dependency graphs (DDGs) by enabling execution flow graphs, and the DDG-based partitioning algorithm can compute partition information based on sensitive annotations. In addition, the code refactoring toolchain can automatically transform the source code into sensitive and insensitive partitions that can be deployed on the remote procedure call framework. The experimental evaluation shows that AutoSlicer can effectively improve the accuracy (13%-27%) of program partitioning by enabling EFG, and separate real-world programs with a relatively smaller performance overhead (0.26%-9.42%).
Liu, Chengwei, Chen, Sen, Fan, Lingling, Chen, Bihuan, Liu, Yang, Peng, Xin.  2022.  Demystifying the Vulnerability Propagation and Its Evolution via Dependency Trees in the NPM Ecosystem. 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :672—684.
Third-party libraries with rich functionalities facilitate the fast development of JavaScript software, leading to the explosive growth of the NPM ecosystem. However, it also brings new security threats that vulnerabilities could be introduced through dependencies from third-party libraries. In particular, the threats could be excessively amplified by transitive dependencies. Existing research only considers direct dependencies or reasoning transitive dependencies based on reachability analysis, which neglects the NPM-specific dependency resolution rules as adapted during real installation, resulting in wrongly resolved dependencies. Consequently, further fine-grained analysis, such as precise vulnerability propagation and their evolution over time in dependencies, cannot be carried out precisely at a large scale, as well as deriving ecosystem-wide solutions for vulnerabilities in dependencies. To fill this gap, we propose a knowledge graph-based dependency resolution, which resolves the inner dependency relations of dependencies as trees (i.e., dependency trees), and investigates the security threats from vulnerabilities in dependency trees at a large scale. Specifically, we first construct a complete dependency-vulnerability knowledge graph (DVGraph) that captures the whole NPM ecosystem (over 10 million library versions and 60 million well-resolved dependency relations). Based on it, we propose a novel algorithm (DTResolver) to statically and precisely resolve dependency trees, as well as transitive vulnerability propagation paths, for each package by taking the official dependency resolution rules into account. Based on that, we carry out an ecosystem-wide empirical study on vulnerability propagation and its evolution in dependency trees. Our study unveils lots of useful findings, and we further discuss the lessons learned and solutions for different stakeholders to mitigate the vulnerability impact in NPM based on our findings. For example, we implement a dependency tree based vulnerability remediation method (DTReme) for NPM packages, and receive much better performance than the official tool (npm audit fix).
Williams, Daniel, Clark, Chelece, McGahan, Rachel, Potteiger, Bradley, Cohen, Daniel, Musau, Patrick.  2022.  Discovery of AI/ML Supply Chain Vulnerabilities within Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Assured Autonomy (ICAA). :93—96.
Steady advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) development over recent years has caused AI systems to become more readily adopted across industry and military use-cases globally. As powerful as these algorithms are, there are still gaping questions regarding their security and reliability. Beyond adversarial machine learning, software supply chain vulnerabilities and model backdoor injection exploits are emerging as potential threats to the physical safety of AI reliant CPS such as autonomous vehicles. In this work in progress paper, we introduce the concept of AI supply chain vulnerabilities with a provided proof of concept autonomous exploitation framework. We investigate the viability of algorithm backdoors and software third party library dependencies for applicability into modern AI attack kill chains. We leverage an autonomous vehicle case study for demonstrating the applicability of our offensive methodologies within a realistic AI CPS operating environment.
Thiruloga, Sooryaa Vignesh, Kukkala, Vipin Kumar, Pasricha, Sudeep.  2022.  TENET: Temporal CNN with Attention for Anomaly Detection in Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). :326—331.
Modern vehicles have multiple electronic control units (ECUs) that are connected together as part of a complex distributed cyber-physical system (CPS). The ever-increasing communication between ECUs and external electronic systems has made these vehicles particularly susceptible to a variety of cyber-attacks. In this work, we present a novel anomaly detection framework called TENET to detect anomalies induced by cyber-attacks on vehicles. TENET uses temporal convolutional neural networks with an integrated attention mechanism to learn the dependency between messages traversing the in-vehicle network. Post deployment in a vehicle, TENET employs a robust quantitative metric and classifier, together with the learned dependencies, to detect anomalous patterns. TENET is able to achieve an improvement of 32.70% in False Negative Rate, 19.14% in the Mathews Correlation Coefficient, and 17.25% in the ROC-AUC metric, with 94.62% fewer model parameters, and 48.14% lower inference time compared to the best performing prior works on automotive anomaly detection.
Zhao, Junjie, Xu, Bingfeng, Chen, Xinkai, Wang, Bo, He, Gaofeng.  2022.  Analysis Method of Security Critical Components of Industrial Cyber Physical System based on SysML. 2022 Tenth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD). :270—275.
To solve the problem of an excessive number of component vulnerabilities and limited defense resources in industrial cyber physical systems, a method for analyzing security critical components of system is proposed. Firstly, the components and vulnerability information in the system are modeled based on SysML block definition diagram. Secondly, as SysML block definition diagram is challenging to support direct analysis, a block security dependency graph model is proposed. On this basis, the transformation rules from SysML block definition graph to block security dependency graph are established according to the structure of block definition graph and its vulnerability information. Then, the calculation method of component security importance is proposed, and a security critical component analysis tool is designed and implemented. Finally, an example of a Drone system is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The application of this method can provide theoretical and technical support for selecting key defense components in the industrial cyber physical system.
Al-Amin, Mostafa, Khatun, Mirza Akhi, Nasir Uddin, Mohammed.  2022.  Development of Cyber Attack Model for Private Network. 2022 Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :216—221.
Cyber Attack is the most challenging issue all over the world. Nowadays, Cyber-attacks are increasing on digital systems and organizations. Innovation and utilization of new digital technology, infrastructure, connectivity, and dependency on digital strategies are transforming day by day. The cyber threat scope has extended significantly. Currently, attackers are becoming more sophisticated, well-organized, and professional in generating malware programs in Python, C Programming, C++ Programming, Java, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby etc. Accurate attack modeling techniques provide cyber-attack planning, which can be applied quickly during a different ongoing cyber-attack. This paper aims to create a new cyber-attack model that will extend the existing model, which provides a better understanding of the network’s vulnerabilities.Moreover, It helps protect the company or private network infrastructure from future cyber-attacks. The final goal is to handle cyber-attacks efficacious manner using attack modeling techniques. Nowadays, many organizations, companies, authorities, industries, and individuals have faced cybercrime. To execute attacks using our model where honeypot, the firewall, DMZ and any other security are available in any environment.
Sun, Zeyu, Zhang, Chi.  2022.  Research on Relation Extraction of Fusion Entity Enhancement and Shortest Dependency Path based on BERT. 2022 IEEE 10th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). 10:766—770.
Deep learning models rely on single word features and location features of text to achieve good results in text relation extraction tasks. However, previous studies have failed to make full use of semantic information contained in sentence dependency syntax trees, and data sparseness and noise propagation still affect classification models. The BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) pretrained language model provides a better representation of natural language processing tasks. And entity enhancement methods have been proved to be effective in relation extraction tasks. Therefore, this paper proposes a combination of the shortest dependency path and entity-enhanced BERT pre-training language model for model construction to reduce the impact of noise terms on the classification model and obtain more semantically expressive feature representation. The algorithm is tested on SemEval-2010 Task 8 English relation extraction dataset, and the F1 value of the final experiment can reach 0. 881.
Choucri, Nazli, Agarwal, Gaurav.  2022.  Analytics for Cybersecurity Policy of Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). :1—7.
Guidelines, directives, and policy statements are usually presented in “linear” text form - word after word, page after page. However necessary, this practice impedes full understanding, obscures feedback dynamics, hides mutual dependencies and cascading effects and the like-even when augmented with tables and diagrams. The net result is often a checklist response as an end in itself. All this creates barriers to intended realization of guidelines and undermines potential effectiveness. We present a solution strategy using text as “data”, transforming text into a structured model, and generate network views of the text(s), that we then can use for vulnerability mapping, risk assessments and note control point analysis. For proof of concept we draw on NIST conceptual model and analysis of guidelines for smart grid cybersecurity, more than 600 pages of text.
Liu, Luchen, Lin, Xixun, Zhang, Peng, Zhang, Lei, Wang, Bin.  2022.  Learning Common Dependency Structure for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Ner. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :8347—8351.
Unsupervised cross-domain NER task aims to solve the issues when data in a new domain are fully-unlabeled. It leverages labeled data from source domain to predict entities in unlabeled target domain. Since training models on large domain corpus is time-consuming, in this paper, we consider an alternative way by introducing syntactic dependency structure. Such information is more accessible and can be shared between sentences from different domains. We propose a novel framework with dependency-aware GNN (DGNN) to learn these common structures from source domain and adapt them to target domain, alleviating the data scarcity issue and bridging the domain gap. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Shawky, Mahmoud A., Abbasi, Qammer H., Imran, Muhammad Ali, Ansari, Shuja, Taha, Ahmad.  2022.  Cross-Layer Authentication based on Physical-Layer Signatures for Secure Vehicular Communication. 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). :1315—1320.
In recent years, research has focused on exploiting the inherent physical (PHY) characteristics of wireless channels to discriminate between different spatially separated network terminals, mitigating the significant costs of signature-based techniques. In this paper, the legitimacy of the corresponding terminal is firstly verified at the protocol stack’s upper layers, and then the re-authentication process is performed at the PHY-layer. In the latter, a unique PHY-layer signature is created for each transmission based on the spatially and temporally correlated channel attributes within the coherence time interval. As part of the verification process, the PHY-layer signature can be used as a message authentication code to prove the packet’s authenticity. Extensive simulation has shown the capability of the proposed scheme to support high detection probability at small signal-to-noise ratios. In addition, security evaluation is conducted against passive and active attacks. Computation and communication comparisons are performed to demonstrate that the proposed scheme provides superior performance compared to conventional cryptographic approaches.
Aljohani, Nader, Agnew, Dennis, Nagaraj, Keerthiraj, Boamah, Sharon A., Mathieu, Reynold, Bretas, Arturo S., McNair, Janise, Zare, Alina.  2022.  Cross-Layered Cyber-Physical Power System State Estimation towards a Secure Grid Operation. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1—5.
In the Smart Grid paradigm, this critical infrastructure operation is increasingly exposed to cyber-threats due to the increased dependency on communication networks. An adversary can launch an attack on a power grid operation through False Data Injection into system measurements and/or through attacks on the communication network, such as flooding the communication channels with unnecessary data or intercepting messages. A cross-layered strategy that combines power grid data, communication grid monitoring and Machine Learning-based processing is a promising solution for detecting cyber-threats. In this paper, an implementation of an integrated solution of a cross-layer framework is presented. The advantage of such a framework is the augmentation of valuable data that enhances the detection of anomalies in the operation of power grid. IEEE 118-bus system is built in Simulink to provide a power grid testing environment and communication network data is emulated using SimComponents. The performance of the framework is investigated under various FDI and communication attacks.
Shafique, Muhammad.  2022.  EDAML 2022 Invited Speaker 8: Machine Learning for Cross-Layer Reliability and Security. 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). :1189—1189.
In the deep nano-scale regime, reliability has emerged as one of the major design issues for high-density integrated systems. Among others, key reliability-related issues are soft errors, high temperature, and aging effects (e.g., NBTI-Negative Bias Temperature Instability), which jeopardize the correct applications' execution. Tremendous amount of research effort has been invested at individual system layers. Moreover, in the era of growing cyber-security threats, modern computing systems experience a wide range of security threats at different layers of the software and hardware stacks. However, considering the escalating reliability and security costs, designing a highly reliable and secure system would require engaging multiple system layers (i.e. both hardware and software) to achieve cost-effective robustness. This talk provides an overview of important reliability issues, prominent state-of-the-art techniques, and various hardwaresoftware collaborative reliability modeling and optimization techniques developed at our lab, with a focus on the recent works on ML-based reliability techniques. Afterwards, this talk will also discuss how advanced ML techniques can be leveraged to devise new types of hardware security attacks, for instance on logic locked circuits. Towards the end of the talk, I will also give a quick pitch on the reliability and security challenges for the embedded machine learning (ML) on resource/energy-constrained devices subjected to unpredictable and harsh scenarios.
Wang, Xuyang, Hu, Aiqun, Huang, Yongming, Fan, Xiangning.  2022.  The spatial cross-correlation of received voltage envelopes under non-line-of-sight. 2022 4th International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :303—308.
Physical-layer key (PLK) generation scheme is a new key generation scheme based on wireless channel reciprocity. However, the security of physical layer keys still lacks sufficient theoretical support in the presence of eavesdropping attacks until now, which affects the promotion in practical applications. By analyzing the propagation mode of multipath signals under non-line-of-sight (nLoS), an improved spatial cross-correlation model is constructed, where the spatial cross-correlation is between eavesdropping channel and legitimate channel. Results show that compared with the multipath and obstacle distribution of the channel, the azimuth and distance between the eavesdropper and the eavesdropped user have a greater impact on the cross-correlation.
Zhang, Weibo, Zhu, Fuqing, Han, Jizhong, Guo, Tao, Hu, Songlin.  2022.  Cross-Layer Aggregation with Transformers for Multi-Label Image Classification. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :3448—3452.
Multi-label image classification task aims to predict multiple object labels in a given image and faces the challenge of variable-sized objects. Limited by the size of CNN convolution kernels, existing CNN-based methods have difficulty capturing global dependencies and effectively fusing multiple layers features, which is critical for this task. Recently, transformers have utilized multi-head attention to extract feature with long range dependencies. Inspired by this, this paper proposes a Cross-layer Aggregation with Transformers (CAT) framework, which leverages transformers to capture the long range dependencies of CNN-based features with Long Range Dependencies module and aggregate the features layer by layer with Cross-Layer Fusion module. To make the framework efficient, a multi-head pre-max attention is designed to reduce the computation cost when fusing the high-resolution features of lower-layers. On two widely-used benchmarks (i.e., VOC2007 and MS-COCO), CAT provides a stable improvement over the baseline and produces a competitive performance.