The internet of things (IoT) is the popular wireless network for data collection applications. The IoT networks are deployed in dense or sparse architectures, out of which the dense networks are vastly popular as these are capable of gathering the huge volumes of data. The collected data is analyzed using the historical or continuous analytical systems, which uses the back testing or time-series analytics to observe the desired patterns from the target data. The lost or bad interval data always carries the high probability to misguide the analysis reports. The data is lost due to a variety of reasons, out of which the most popular ones are associated with the node failures and connectivity holes, which occurs due to physical damage, software malfunctioning, blackhole/wormhole attacks, route poisoning, etc. In this paper, the work is carried on the new routing scheme for the IoTs to avoid the connectivity holes, which analyzes the activity of wireless nodes and takes the appropriate actions when required.
In IoT (Internet of Things) networks, RPL (IPv6 Routing protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks) is preferred for reducing routing overhead. In RPL, a node selects one parent node which includes the lowest routing metric among its neighbors and the other neighbors are stored as immediate successors. If the selected parent node is lost, the node selects a new parent node among the immediate successors. However, if the new path also includes the same intermediate node which is lost in previous path, it also fails to transmit upward packets. This procedure might be repeated until the new path is selected which does not include the lost immediate node. In this paper, we therefore propose a new path recovery method to reduce the unnecessary repetition for upward path recovery. When a node receives routing message, it calculates the hash value and sets 1 to a new field in the routing message. Based on the field, the node estimates an approximate number of ancestors that are shared between each paths. When loss of upward path is detected, the node selects a new path according to both approximate number and the routing metric. Therefore, a new path which dose not include same ancestors with the previous path is selected and data packet can be resumed immediately.