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Kumaladewi, Nia, Larasati, Inggrit, Jahar, Asep Saepudin, Hasan, Hamka, Zamhari, Arif, Azizy, Jauhar.  2021.  Analysis of User Satisfaction on Website Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of Food Crops. 2021 9th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). :1—7.
A good website quality is needed to meet user satisfaction. The value of the benefits of the web will be felt by many users if the web has very good quality. The ease of accessing the website is a reflection of the good quality of the website. The positive image of the web owner can be seen from the quality of the website. When doing research on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of Food Crops, the researcher found several pages that did not meet the website category which were said to be of good quality. Based on these findings, the authors are interested in analyzing user satisfaction with the website to measure the quality of the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate General of Food Crops using the PIECES method (Performance, Information, Economy, Control/Security, Efficiency, Service). The results of the study indicate that the level of user satisfaction with the website has been indicated as SATISFIED on each indicator, however, in measuring the quality of the website using YSlow (the GTMetrix tools, Pingdom Website Speed Tools), and (Web of Trust) WOT found many deficiencies such as loading the website takes a long time, there are some pages that cannot be found (page not found) and so on. Therefore, the authors provide several recommendations for better website development.
Rieser, Denise Christine, Bernhard, Orlando.  2016.  Measuring Trust: The Simpler the Better? Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :2940–2946.

To this date the majority of the existing instruments to measure trustworthiness in an online context are based on Likert scaling [1,3,11]. These however are somewhat restricted in applicability. Statements formed in Likert scaling are typically addressing one specific website. Therefore, adjusting these statements for other websites can be accompanied with a loss of validity. To meet these limitations, we propose to use semantic differential. Research has shown that using semantic differential is appropriate to measure multidimensional constructs [8,12] such as trust. Our novel approach in measuring trustworthiness exceeds Likert based scaling in its effortless application in different online context and its better translatability. After one pre-study and two online-studies with a total of 554 participants we achieved to develop a questionnaire with nine items which is comparable to other existing questionnaires in terms of reliability and internal consistency. But it overcomes the limitation of Likert scale based questionnaire.