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A Research on the Selection of Cooperative Enterprises in School-Enterprise Joint Cryptography Laboratory. 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Everything (AIE). :659—663.
2022. In order to better cultivate engineering and application-oriented cryptographic talents, it is urgent to establish a joint school enterprise cryptographic laboratory. However, there is a core problem in the existing school enterprise joint laboratory construction scheme: the enterprise is not specialized and has insufficient cooperation ability, which can not effectively realize the effective integration of resources and mutual benefit and win-win results. To solve this problem, we propose a comprehensive evaluation model of cooperative enterprises based on entropy weight method and grey correlation analysis. Firstly, the multi-level evaluation index system of the enterprise is established, and the entropy weight method is used to objectively weight the index. After that, the grey weighted correlation degree between each enterprise and the virtual optimal enterprise is calculated by grey correlation analysis to compare the advantages and disadvantages of enterprises. Through the example analysis, it is proved that our method is effective and reliable, eliminating subjective factors, and providing a certain reference value for the construction of school enterprise joint cryptographic laboratory.
A system for redicting SQLi and XSS Attacks. 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :155—160.
2021. In this study, it is aimed to reduce False-Alarm levels and increase the correct detection rate in order to reduce this uncertainty. Within the scope of the study, 13157 SQLi and XSS type malicious and 10000 normal HTTP Requests were used. All HTTP requests were received from the same web server, and it was observed that normal requests and malicious requests were close to each other. In this study, a novel approach is presented via both digitization and expressing the data with words in the data preprocessing stages. LSTM, MLP, CNN, GNB, SVM, KNN, DT, RF algorithms were used for classification and the results were evaluated with accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score metrics. As a contribution of this study, we can clearly express the following inferences. Each payload even if it seems different which has the same impact maybe that we can clearly view after the preprocessing phase. After preprocessing we are calculating euclidean distances which brings and gives us the relativity between expressions. When we put this relativity as an entry data to machine learning and/or deep learning models, perhaps we can understand the benign request or the attack vector difference.
Sharing Cyber Threat Intelligence and Collaboration. 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :167—172.
2021. With the developing technology, cyber threats are developing rapidly, and the motivations and targets of cyber attackers are changing. In order to combat these threats, cyber threat information that provides information about the threats and the characteristics of the attackers is needed. In addition, it is of great importance to cooperate with other stakeholders and share experiences so that more information about threat information can be obtained and necessary measures can be taken quickly. In this context, in this study, it is stated that the establishment of a cooperation mechanism in which cyber threat information is shared will contribute to the cyber security capacity of organizations. And using the Zack Information Gap analysis, the deficiency of organizations in sharing threat information were determined and suggestions were presented. In addition, there are cooperation mechanisms in the USA and the EU where cyber threat information is shared, and it has been evaluated that it would be beneficial to establish a similar mechanism in our country. Thus, it is evaluated that advanced or unpredictable cyber threats can be detected, the cyber security capacities of all stakeholders will increase and a safer cyber ecosystem will be created. In addition, it is possible to collect, store, distribute and share information about the analysis of cyber incidents and malware analysis, to improve existing cyber security products or to encourage new product development, by carrying out joint R&D studies among the stakeholders to ensure that domestic and national cyber security products can be developed. It is predicted that new analysis methods can be developed by using technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Eligibility Analysis of Different Chaotic Systems Derived from Logistic Map for Design of Cryptographic Components. 2021 International Conference Engineering Technologies and Computer Science (EnT). :27—31.
2021. One of the topics that have successful applications in engineering technologies and computer science is chaos theory. The remarkable area among these successful applications has been especially the subject of chaos-based cryptology. Many practical applications have been proposed in a wide spectrum from image encryption algorithms to random number generators, from block encryption algorithms to hash functions based on chaotic systems. Logistics map is one of the chaotic systems that has been the focus of attention of researchers in these applications. Since, Logistic map can be shown as the most widely used chaotic system in chaos-based cryptology studies due to its simple mathematical structure and its characterization as a strong entropy source. However, in some studies, researchers stated that the behavior displayed in relation to the dynamics of the Logistic map may pose a problem for cryptology applications. For this reason, alternative studies have been carried out using different chaotic systems. In this study, it has been investigated which one is more suitable for cryptographic applications for five different derivatives of the Logistic map. In the study, a substitution box generator program has been implemented using the Logistic map and its five different derivatives. The generated outputs have been tested for five basic substitution box design criteria. Analysis results showed that the proposals for maps derived from Logistic map have a more robust structure than many studies in the literature.
Analysis of Encrypted Image Data with Deep Learning Models. 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :121—126.
2021. While various encryption algorithms ensure data security, it is essential to determine the accuracy and loss values and performance status in the analyzes made to determine encrypted data by deep learning. In this research, the analysis steps made by applying deep learning methods to encrypted cifar10 picture data are presented practically. The data was tried to be estimated by training with VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50 deep learning models. During this period, the network’s performance was tried to be measured, and the accuracy and loss values in these calculations were shown graphically.
Generating Residue Number System Bases. 2021 IEEE 28th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). :86—93.
2021. Residue number systems provide efficient techniques for speeding up calculations and/or protecting against side channel attacks when used in the context of cryptographic engineering. One of the interests of such systems is their scalability, as the existence of large bases for some specialized systems is often an open question. In this paper, we present highly optimized methods for generating large bases for residue number systems and, in some cases, the largest possible bases. We show their efficiency by demonstrating their improvement over the state-of-the-art bases reported in the literature. This work make it possible to address the problem of the scalability issue of finding new bases for a specific system that arises whenever a parameter changes, and possibly open new application avenues.
Optimization of Encrypted Communication Length Based on Generative Adversarial Network. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI). :165—170.
2021. With the development of artificial intelligence and cryptography, intelligent cryptography will be the trend of encrypted communications in the future. Abadi designed an encrypted communication model based on a generative adversarial network, which can communicate securely when the adversary knows the ciphertext. The communication party and the adversary fight against each other to continuously improve their own capabilities to achieve a state of secure communication. However, this model can only have a better communication effect under the 16 bits communication length, and cannot adapt to the length of modern encrypted communication. Combine the neural network structure in DCGAN to optimize the neural network of the original model, and at the same time increase the batch normalization process, and optimize the loss function in the original model. Experiments show that under the condition of the maximum 2048-bit communication length, the decryption success rate of communication reaches about 0.97, while ensuring that the adversary’s guess error rate is about 0.95, and the training speed is greatly increased to keep it below 5000 steps, ensuring safety and efficiency Communication.
A Creation Cryptographic Protocol for the Division of Mutual Authentication and Session Key. 2021 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—6.
2021. In this paper is devoted a creation cryptographic protocol for the division of mutual authentication and session key. For secure protocols, suitable cryptographic algorithms were monitored.
A Random Selection Based Substitution-box Structure Dataset for Cryptology Applications. IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies. :321—325.
2021. The cryptology science has gradually gained importance with our digitalized lives. Ensuring the security of data transmitted, processed and stored across digital channels is a major challenge. One of the frequently used components in cryptographic algorithms to ensure security is substitution-box structures. Random selection-based substitution-box structures have become increasingly important lately, especially because of their advantages to prevent side channel attacks. However, the low nonlinearity value of these designs is a problem. In this study, a dataset consisting of twenty different substitution-box structures have been publicly presented to the researchers. The fact that the proposed dataset has high nonlinearity values will allow it to be used in many practical applications in the future studies. The proposed dataset provides a contribution to the literature as it can be used both as an input dataset for the new post-processing algorithm and as a countermeasure to prevent the success of side-channel analyzes.
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of O'zDSt 1105:2009 Encryption Algorithm. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—7.
2020. In this paper, we examine algebraic attacks on the O'zDSt 1105:2009. We begin with a brief review of the meaning of algebraic cryptanalysis, followed by an algebraic cryptanalysis of O'zDSt 1105:2009. Primarily O'zDSt 1105:2009 encryption algorithm is decomposed and each transformation in it is algebraic described separately. Then input and output of each transformation are expressed with other transformation, encryption key, plaintext and cipher text. Created equations, unknowns on it and degree of unknowns are analyzed, and then overall result is given. Based on experimental results, it is impossible to save all system of equations that describes all transformations in O'zDSt 1105:2009 standard. Because, this task requires 273 bytes for the second round. For this reason, it is advisable to evaluate the parameters of the system of algebraic equations, representing the O'zDSt 1105:2009 standard, theoretically.
Analysis of Subject Recognition Algorithms based on Neural Networks. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—4.
2020. This article describes the principles of construction, training and use of neural networks. The features of the neural network approach are indicated, as well as the range of tasks for which it is most preferable. Algorithms of functioning, software implementation and results of work of an artificial neural network are presented.
Application of the Aho-Corasick algorithm to create a network intrusion detection system. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—5.
2020. One of the main goals of studying pattern matching techniques is their significant role in real-world applications, such as the intrusion detection systems branch. The purpose of the network attack detection systems NIDS is to protect the infocommunication network from unauthorized access. This article provides an analysis of the exact match and fuzzy matching methods, and discusses a new implementation of the classic Aho-Korasik pattern matching algorithm at the hardware level. The proposed approach to the implementation of the Aho-Korasik algorithm can make it possible to ensure the efficient use of resources, such as memory and energy.
An Optimized Structure of State Channel Network to Improve Scalability of Blockchain Algorithms. 2020 17th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :73—76.
2020. Nowadays, blockchain is very common and widely used in various fields. The properties of blockchain-based algorithms such as being decentralized and uncontrolled by institutions and governments, are the main reasons that has attracted many applications. The security and the scalability limitations are the main challenges for the development of these systems. Using second layer network is one of the various methods proposed to improve the scalability of these systems. This network can increase the total number of transactions per second by creating extra channels between the nodes that operate in a different layer not obligated to be on consensus ledger. In this paper, the optimal structure for the second layer network has been presented. In the proposed structure we try to distribute the parameters of the second layer network as symmetrically as possible. To prove the optimality of this structure we first introduce the maximum scalability bound, and then calculate it for the proposed structure. This paper will show how the second layer method can improve the scalability without any information about the rate of transactions between nodes.
Efficient Implementation of HashSieve Algorithm for Lattice-Based Cryptography. 2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :75—79.
2020. The security of lattice-based cryptosystems that are secure for the post-quantum period is based on the difficulty of the shortest vector problem (SVP) and the closest vector problem (CVP). In the literature, many sieving algorithms are proposed to solve these hard problems. In this paper, efficient implementation of HashSieve sieving algorithm is discussed. A modular software library to have an efficient implementation of HashSieve algorithm is developed. Modular software library is used as an infrastructure in order for the HashSieve efficient implementation to be better than the sample in the literature (Laarhoven's standard HashSieve implementation). According to the experimental results, it is observed that HashSieve efficient implementation has a better running time than the example in the literature. It is concluded that both implementations are close to each other in terms of the memory space used.
Protection of Personal Data Transmitted via Web Service Against Software Developers. 2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :88—92.
2020. Through the widespread use of information technologies, institutions have started to offer most of their services electronically. The best example of this is e-government. Since institutions provide their services to the electronic environment, the quality of the services they provide increases and their access to services becomes easier. Since personal information can be verified with inter-agency information sharing systems, wrong or unfair transactions can be prevented. Since information sharing between institutions is generally done through web services, protection of personal data transmitted via web services is of great importance. There are comprehensive national and international regulations on the protection of personal data. According to these regulations, protection of personal data shared between institutions is a legal obligation; protection of personal data is an issue that needs to be handled comprehensively. This study, protection of personal data shared between institutions through web services against software developers is discussed. With a proposed application, it is aimed to take a new security measure for the protection of personal data. The proposed application consists of a web interface prepared using React and Java programming languages and rest services that provide anonymization of personal data.
B-DCT based Watermarking Algorithm for Patient Data Protection in IoMT. 2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :1—4.
2020. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is the connection between medical devices and information systems to share, collect, process, store, and integrate patient and health data using network technologies. X-Rays, MR, MRI, and CT scans are the most frequently used patient medical image data. These images usually include patient information in one of the corners of the image. In this research work, to protect patient information, a new robust and secure watermarking algorithm developed for a selected region of interest (ROI) of medical images. First ROI selected from the medical image, then selected part divided equal blocks and applied Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT) algorithm to embed a watermark into the selected coefficients. Several geometric and removal attacks are applied to the watermarked multimedia element such as lossy image compression, the addition of Gaussian noise, denoising, filtering, median filtering, sharpening, contrast enhancement, JPEG compression, and rotation. Experimental results show very promising results in PSNR and similarity ratio (SR) values after blocked DCT (B-DCT) based embedding algorithm against the Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), Least Significant Bits (LSB) and DCT algorithms.
Efficient Post-quantum Identity-based Encryption with Equality Test. 2020 IEEE 26th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). :633—640.
2020. Public key encryption with equality test (PKEET) enables the testing whether two ciphertexts encrypt the same message. Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) simplify the certificate management of PKEET, which leads to many potential applications such as in smart city applications or Wireless Body Area Networks. Lee et al. (ePrint 2016) proposed a generic construction of IBEET scheme in the standard model utilising a 3-level hierachy IBE together with a one-time signature scheme, which can be instantiated in lattice setting. Duong et al. (ProvSec 2019) proposed the first direct construction of IBEET in standard model from lattices. However, their scheme achieve CPA security only. In this paper, we improve the Duong et al.'s construction by proposing an IBEET in standard model which achieves CCA2 security and with smaller ciphertext and public key size.
Generation and Distribution Secret Encryption Keys with Parameter. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—4.
2020. This article describes a new way to generate and distribute secret encryption keys, in which the processes of generating a public key and formicating a secret encryption key are performed in algebra with a parameter, the secrecy of which provides increased durability of the key.
Statistical Randomness Tests of Long Sequences by Dynamic Partitioning. 2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :68—74.
2020. Random numbers have a wide usage in the area of cryptography. In practice, pseudo random number generators are used in place of true random number generators, as regeneration of them may be required. Therefore because of generation methods of pseudo random number sequences, statistical randomness tests have a vital importance. In this paper, a randomness test suite is specified for long binary sequences. In literature, there are many randomness tests and test suites. However, in most of them, to apply randomness test, long sequences are partitioned into a certain fixed length and the collection of short sequences obtained is evaluated instead. In this paper, instead of partitioning a long sequence into fixed length subsequences, a concept of dynamic partitioning is introduced in accordance with the random variable in consideration. Then statistical methods are applied. The suggested suite, containing four statistical tests: Collision Tests, Weight Test, Linear Complexity Test and Index Coincidence Test, all of them work with the idea of dynamic partitioning. Besides the adaptation of this approach to randomness tests, the index coincidence test is another contribution of this work. The distribution function and the application of all tests are given in the paper.
A Dummy-Based Privacy Protection Scheme for Location-Based Services under Spatiotemporal Correlation. 2020 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :443—447.
2020. The dummy-based method has been commonly used to protect the users location privacy in location-based services, since it can provide precise results and generally do not rely on a third party or key sharing. However, the close spatiotemporal correlation between the consecutively reported locations enables the adversary to identify some dummies, which lead to the existing dummy-based schemes fail to protect the users location privacy completely. To address this limit, this paper proposes a new algorithm to produce dummy location by generating dummy trajectory, which naturally takes into account of the spatiotemporal correlation all round. Firstly, the historical trajectories similar to the user's travel route are chosen as the dummy trajectories which depend on the distance between two trajectories with the help of home gateway. Then, the dummy is generated from the dummy trajectory by taking into account of time reachability, historical query similarity and the computation of in-degree/out-degree. Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme successfully perturbs the spatiotemporal correlation between neighboring location sets, therefore, it is infeasible for the adversary to distinguish the users real location from the dummies. Furthermore, extensive experiments indicate that the proposal is able to protect the users location privacy effectively and efficiently.
A Benchmarking of the Effectiveness of Modular Exponentiation Algorithms using the library GMP in C language. 2020 International Conference on Computational Intelligence (ICCI). :237–241.
2020. This research aims to implement different modular exponentiation algorithms and evaluate the average complexity and compare it to the theoretical value. We use the library GMP to implement seven modular exponentiation algorithms. They are Left-to-right Square and Multiply, Right-to-left Square and Multiply, Left-to-right Signed Digit Square, and Multiply Left-to-right Square and Multiply Always Right-to-left Square and Multiply Always, Montgomery Ladder and Joye Ladder. For some exponent bit length, we choose 1024 bits and execute each algorithm on many exponent values and count the average numbers of squares and the average number of multiplications. Whenever relevant, our programs will check the consistency relations between the registers at the end of the exponentiation.
An Anonymous Attribute-based Access Control System Supporting Access Structure Update. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :85–91.
2019. It is quite common nowadays for clients to outsource their personal data to a cloud service provider. However, it causes some new challenges in the area of data confidentiality and access control. Attribute-based encryption is a promising solution for providing confidentiality and fine-grained access control in a cloud-based cryptographic system. Moreover, in some cases, to preserve the privacy of clients and data, applying hidden access structures is required. Also, a data owner should be able to update his defined access structure at any time when he is online or not. As in several real-world application scenarios like e-health systems, the anonymity of recipients, and the possibility of updating access structures are two necessary requirements. In this paper, for the first time, we propose an attribute-based access control scheme with hidden access structures enabling the cloud to update access structures on expiry dates defined by a data owner.
Fault tolerant non-linear techniques for scalar multiplication in ECC. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :104–113.
2019. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has shorter key length than other asymmetric cryptography algorithms such as RSA with the same security level. Existing faults in cryptographic computations can cause faulty results. If a fault occurs during encryption, false information will be sent to the destination, in which case channel error detection codes are unable to detect the fault. In this paper, we consider the error detection in elliptic curve scalar multiplication point, which is the most important operation in ECC. Our technique is based on non-linear error detection codes. We consider an algorithm for scalar multiplication point proposed by Microsoft research group. The proposed technique in our methods has less overhead for additions (36.36%) and multiplications (34.84%) in total, compared to previous works. Also, the proposed method can detect almost 100% of injected faults.
Threat Extraction in IoT-Based Systems Focusing on Smart Cities. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :92–98.
2019. IoT-based services are widely increasing due to their advantages such as economy, automation, and comfort. Smart cities are among major applications of IoT-based systems. However, security and privacy threats are vital issues challenging the utilization of such services. Connectivity nature, variety of data technology, and volume of data maintained through these systems make their security analysis a difficult process. Threat modeling is one the best practices for security analysis, especially for complex systems. This paper proposes a threat extraction method for IoT-based systems. We elaborate on a smart city scenario with three services including lighting, car parking, and waste management. Investigating on these services, firstly, we identify thirty-two distinct threat types. Secondly, we distinguish threat root causes by associating a threat to constituent parts of the IoT-based system. In this way, threat instances can be extracted using the proposed derivation rules. Finally, we evaluate our method on a smart car parking scenario as well as on an E-Health system and identify more than 50 threat instances in each cases to show that the method can be easily generalized for other IoT-based systems whose constituent parts are known.
Investigating the Streaming Algorithms Usage in Website Fingerprinting Attack Against Tor Privacy Enhancing Technology. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :33–38.
2019. Website fingerprinting attack is a kind of traffic analysis attack that aims to identify the URL of visited websites using the Tor browser. Previous website fingerprinting attacks were based on batch learning methods which assumed that the traffic traces of each website are independent and generated from the stationary probability distribution. But, in realistic scenarios, the websites' concepts can change over time (dynamic websites) that is known as concept drift. To deal with data whose distribution change over time, the classifier model must update its model permanently and be adaptive to concept drift. Streaming algorithms are dynamic models that have these features and lead us to make a comparison of various representative data stream classification algorithms for website fingerprinting. Given to our experiments and results, by considering streaming algorithms along with statistical flow-based network traffic features, the accuracy grows significantly.