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Abhinav, P Y, Bhat, Avakash, Joseph, Christina Terese, Chandrasekaran, K.  2020.  Concurrency Analysis of Go and Java. 2020 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). :1—6.
There has been tremendous progress in the past few decades towards developing applications that receive data and send data concurrently. In such a day and age, there is a requirement for a language that can perform optimally in such environments. Currently, the two most popular languages in that respect are Go and Java. In this paper, we look to analyze the concurrency features of Go and Java through a complete programming language performance analysis, looking at their compile time, run time, binary sizes and the language's unique concurrency features. This is done by experimenting with the two languages using the matrix multiplication and PageRank algorithms. To the extent of our knowledge, this is the first work which used PageRank algorithm to analyse concurrency. Considering the results of this paper, application developers and researchers can hypothesize on an appropriate language to use for their concurrent programming activity.Results of this paper show that Go performs better for fewer number of computation but is soon taken over by Java as the number of computations drastically increase. This trend is shown to be the opposite when thread creation and management is considered where Java performs better with fewer computation but Go does better later on. Regarding concurrency features both Java with its Executor Service library and Go had their own advantages that made them better for specific applications.
Gu, Yanyang, Zhang, Ping, Chen, Zhifeng, Cao, Fei.  2020.  UEFI Trusted Computing Vulnerability Analysis Based on State Transition Graph. 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1043–1052.
In the face of increasingly serious firmware attacks, it is of great significance to analyze the vulnerability security of UEFI. This paper first introduces the commonly used trusted authentication mechanisms of UEFI. Then, aiming at the loopholes in the process of UEFI trust verification in the startup phase, combined with the state transition diagram, PageRank algorithm and Bayesian network theory, the analysis model of UEFI trust verification startup vulnerability is constructed. And according to the example to verify the analysis. Through the verification and analysis of the data obtained, the vulnerable attack paths and key vulnerable nodes are found. Finally, according to the analysis results, security enhancement measures for UEFI are proposed.
Slawinski, M., Wortman, A..  2019.  Applications of Graph Integration to Function Comparison and Malware Classification. 2019 4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS). :16—24.

We classify .NET files as either benign or malicious by examining directed graphs derived from the set of functions comprising the given file. Each graph is viewed probabilistically as a Markov chain where each node represents a code block of the corresponding function, and by computing the PageRank vector (Perron vector with transport), a probability measure can be defined over the nodes of the given graph. Each graph is vectorized by computing Lebesgue antiderivatives of hand-engineered functions defined on the vertex set of the given graph against the PageRank measure. Files are subsequently vectorized by aggregating the set of vectors corresponding to the set of graphs resulting from decompiling the given file. The result is a fast, intuitive, and easy-to-compute glass-box vectorization scheme, which can be leveraged for training a standalone classifier or to augment an existing feature space. We refer to this vectorization technique as PageRank Measure Integration Vectorization (PMIV). We demonstrate the efficacy of PMIV by training a vanilla random forest on 2.5 million samples of decompiled. NET, evenly split between benign and malicious, from our in-house corpus and compare this model to a baseline model which leverages a text-only feature space. The median time needed for decompilation and scoring was 24ms. 11Code available at

Puspitaningrum, Diyah, Fernando, Julio, Afriando, Edo, Utama, Ferzha Putra, Rahmadini, Rina, Pinata, Y..  2019.  Finding Local Experts for Dynamic Recommendations Using Lazy Random Walk. 2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). 7:1–6.
Statistics based privacy-aware recommender systems make suggestions more powerful by extracting knowledge from the log of social contacts interactions, but unfortunately, they are static - moreover, advice from local experts effective in finding specific business categories in a particular area. We propose a dynamic recommender algorithm based on a lazy random walk that recommends top-rank shopping places to potentially interested visitors. We consider local authority and topical authority. The algorithm tested on FourSquare shopping data sets of 5 cities in Indonesia with k-steps=5,7,9 (lazy) random walks and compared the results with other state-of-the-art ranking techniques. The results show that it can reach high score precisions (0.5, 0.37, and 0.26 respectively on p@1, p@3, and p@5 for k=5). The algorithm also shows scalability concerning execution time. The advantage of dynamicity is the database used to power the recommender system; no need to be very frequently updated to produce a good recommendation.
Xiao, Yonggang, Liu, Yanbing.  2019.  BayesTrust and VehicleRank: Constructing an Implicit Web of Trust in VANET. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 68:2850–2864.
As Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) features random topology and accommodates freely connected nodes, it is important that the cooperation among the nodes exists. This paper proposes a trust model called Implicit Web of Trust in VANET (IWOT-V) to reason out the trustworthiness of vehicles. Such that untrusted nodes can be identified and avoided when we make a decision regarding whom to follow or cooperate with. Furthermore, the performance of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) applications improves. The idea of IWOT-V is mainly inspired by web page ranking algorithms such as PageRank. Although there does not exist explicit link structure in VANET because of random topology and dynamic connections, social trust relationship among vehicles exists and an implicit web of trust can be derived. To accomplish the derivation, two algorithms are presented, i.e., BayesTrust and VehicleRank. They are responsible for deriving the local and global trust relationships, respectively. The simulation results show that IWOT-V can accurately identify trusted and untrusted nodes if enough local trust information is collected. The performance of IWOT-V affected by five threat models is demonstrated, and the related discussions are also given.
Shirsat, S. D..  2018.  Demonstrating Different Phishing Attacks Using Fuzzy Logic. 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT). :57-61.

Phishing has increased tremendously over last few years and it has become a serious threat to global security and economy. Existing literature dealing with the problem of phishing is scarce. Phishing is a deception technique that uses a combination of technology and social engineering to acquire sensitive information such as online banking passwords, credit card or bank account details [2]. Phishing can be done through emails and websites to collect confidential information. Phishers design fraudulent websites which look similar to the legitimate websites and lure the user to visit the malicious website. Therefore, the users must be aware of malicious websites to protect their sensitive data [1]. But it is very difficult to distinguish between legitimate and fake website especially for nontechnical users [4]. Moreover, phishing sites are growing rapidly. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate phishing detection using fuzzy logic and interpreting results using different defuzzification methods.

Feng, W., Yan, W., Wu, S., Liu, N..  2017.  Wavelet transform and unsupervised machine learning to detect insider threat on cloud file-sharing. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :155–157.

As increasingly more enterprises are deploying cloud file-sharing services, this adds a new channel for potential insider threats to company data and IPs. In this paper, we introduce a two-stage machine learning system to detect anomalies. In the first stage, we project the access logs of cloud file-sharing services onto relationship graphs and use three complementary graph-based unsupervised learning methods: OddBall, PageRank and Local Outlier Factor (LOF) to generate outlier indicators. In the second stage, we ensemble the outlier indicators and introduce the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) method, and propose a procedure to use wavelet coefficients with the Haar wavelet function to identify outliers for insider threat. The proposed system has been deployed in a real business environment, and demonstrated effectiveness by selected case studies.

Musto, Cataldo, Lops, Pasquale, Basile, Pierpaolo, de Gemmis, Marco, Semeraro, Giovanni.  2016.  Semantics-aware Graph-based Recommender Systems Exploiting Linked Open Data. Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization. :229–237.

The ever increasing interest in semantic technologies and the availability of several open knowledge sources have fueled recent progress in the field of recommender systems. In this paper we feed recommender systems with features coming from the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud - a huge amount of machine-readable knowledge encoded as RDF statements - with the aim of improving recommender systems effectiveness. In order to exploit the natural graph-based structure of RDF data, we study the impact of the knowledge coming from the LOD cloud on the overall performance of a graph-based recommendation algorithm. In more detail, we investigate whether the integration of LOD-based features improves the effectiveness of the algorithm and to what extent the choice of different feature selection techniques influences its performance in terms of accuracy and diversity. The experimental evaluation on two state of the art datasets shows a clear correlation between the feature selection technique and the ability of the algorithm to maximize a specific evaluation metric. Moreover, the graph-based algorithm leveraging LOD-based features is able to overcome several state of the art baselines, such as collaborative filtering and matrix factorization, thus confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approach.