Because the underwater acoustic communication network transmits data through the underwater acoustic wireless link, the Underwater Acoustic Communication Network is easy to suffer from the external artificial interference, in this paper, the detection algorithm of wormhole attack in Underwater Acoustic Communication Network based on Azimuth measurement technology is studied. The existence of wormhole attack is judged by Azimuth or distance outliers, and the security performance of underwater acoustic communication network is evaluated. The influence of different azimuth direction errors on the detection probability of wormhole attack is analyzed by simulation. The simulation results show that this method has a good detection effect for Underwater Acoustic Communication Network.
Payment channel networks have been introduced to mitigate the scalability issues inherent to permissionless decentralized cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Launched in 2018, the Lightning Network (LN) has been gaining popularity and consists today of more than 5000 nodes and 35000 payment channels that jointly hold 965 bitcoins (9.2M USD as of June 2020). This adoption has motivated research from both academia and industryPayment channels suffer from security vulnerabilities, such as the wormhole attack [39], anonymity issues [38], and scalability limitations related to the upper bound on the number of concurrent payments per channel [28], which have been pointed out by the scientific community but never quantitatively analyzedIn this work, we first analyze the proneness of the LN to the wormhole attack and attacks against anonymity. We observe that an adversary needs to control only 2% of nodes to learn sensitive payment information (e.g., sender, receiver, and amount) or to carry out the wormhole attack. Second, we study the management of concurrent payments in the LN and quantify its negative effect on scalability. We observe that for micropayments, the forwarding capability of up to 50% of channels is restricted to a value smaller than the channel capacity. This phenomenon hinders scalability and opens the door for denial-of-service attacks: we estimate that a network-wide DoS attack costs within 1.6M USD, while isolating the biggest community costs only 238k USDOur findings should prompt the LN community to consider the issues studied in this work when educating users about path selection algorithms, as well as to adopt multi-hop payment protocols that provide stronger security, privacy and scalability guarantees.
In this paper, we explore the use of machine learning technique for wormhole attack detection in ad hoc network. This work has categorized into three major tasks. One of our tasks is a simulation of wormhole attack in an ad hoc network environment with multiple wormhole tunnels. A next task is the characterization of packet attributes that lead to feature selection. Consequently, we perform data generation and data collection operation that provide large volume dataset. The final task is applied to machine learning technique for wormhole attack detection. Prior to this, a wormhole attack has detected using traditional approaches. In those, a Multirate-DelPHI is shown best results as detection rate is 90%, and the false alarm rate is 20%. We conduct experiments and illustrate that our method performs better resulting in all statistical parameters such as detection rate is 93.12% and false alarm rate is 5.3%. Furthermore, we have also shown results on various statistical parameters such as Precision, F-measure, MCC, and Accuracy.
Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Network (RPL) is a light weight routing protocol designed for LLN (Low Power Lossy Networks). It is a source routing protocol. Due to constrained nature of resources in LLN, RPL is exposed to various attacks such as blackhole attack, wormhole attack, rank attack, version attack, etc. IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is one of the countermeasures for detection and prevention of attacks for RPL based loT. Traditional IDS techniques are not suitable for LLN due to certain characteristics like different protocol stack, standards and constrained resources. In this paper, we have presented various IDS research contribution for RPL based routing attacks. We have also classified the proposed IDS in the literature, according to the detection techniques. Therefore, this comparison will be an eye-opening stuff for future research in mitigating routing attacks for RPL based IoT.
WSN can be termed as a collection of dimensionally diffused nodes which are capable of surveilling and analyzing their surroundings. The sensors are delicate, transportable and small in size while being economical at the same time. However, the diffused nature of these networks also exposes them to a variety of security hazards. Hence, ensuring a reliable file exchange in these networks is not an easy job due to various security requirements that must be fulfilled. In this paper we concentrate mainly on network layer threats and their security countermeasures to overcome the scope of intruders to access the information without having any authentication on the network layer. Various network layer intrusions that are discussed here include Sinkhole Attack, Sybil Attack, Wormhole Attack, Selective Forwarding Attack, Blackhole Attack And Hello Flood Attack.
The nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) can self-assemble themselves, locomote unreservedly and can interact with one another without taking any help from a centralized authority or fixed infrastructure. Due to its continuously changing and self-organizing nature, MANET is vulnerable to a variety of attacks like spoofing attack, wormhole attack, black hole attack, etc. This paper compares and analyzes the repercussion of the wormhole attack on MANET's two common routing protocols of reactive category, specifically, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) by increasing the number of wormhole tunnels in MANET. The results received by simulation will reveal that DSR is greatly affected by this attack. So, as a solution, a routing algorithm for DSR which is based on trust is proposed to prevent the routes from caching malicious nodes.
MANET is vulnerable to so many attacks like Black hole, Wormhole, Jellyfish, Dos etc. Attackers can easily launch Wormhole attack by faking a route from original within network. In this paper, we propose an algorithm on AD (Absolute Deviation) of statistical approach to avoid and prevent Wormhole attack. Absolute deviation covariance and correlation take less time to detect Wormhole attack than classical one. Any extra necessary conditions, like GPS are not needed in proposed algorithms. From origin to destination, a fake tunnel is created by wormhole attackers, which is a link with good amount of frequency level. A false idea is created by this, that the source and destination of the path are very nearby each other and will take less time. But the original path takes more time. So it is necessary to calculate the time taken to avoid and prevent Wormhole attack. Better performance by absolute deviation technique than AODV is proved by simulation, done by MATLAB simulator for wormhole attack. Then the packet drop pattern is also measured for Wormholes using Absolute Deviation Correlation Coefficient.
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are a set of mobile wireless nodes that can communicate without the need for an infrastructure. Features of MANETs have made them vulnerable to many security attacks including wormhole attack. In the past few years, different methods have been introduced for detecting, mitigating, and preventing wormhole attacks in MANETs. In this paper, we introduce a new decentralized scheme based on statistical metrics for detecting wormholes that employs “number of new neighbors” along with “number of neighbors” for each node as its parameters. The proposed scheme has considerably low detection delay and does not create any traffic overhead for routing protocols which include neighbor discovery mechanism. Also, it possesses reasonable processing power and memory usage. Our simulation results using NS3 simulator show that the proposed scheme performs well in terms of detection accuracy, false positive rate and mean detection delay.
Wireless Sensor Network is the combination of small devices called sensor nodes, gateways and software. These nodes use wireless medium for transmission and are capable to sense and transmit the data to other nodes. Generally, WSN composed of two types of nodes i.e. generic nodes and gateway nodes. Generic nodes having the ability to sense while gateway nodes are used to route that information. IoT now extended to IoET (internet of Everything) to cover all electronics exist around, like a body sensor networks, VANET's, smart grid stations, smartphone, PDA's, autonomous cars, refrigerators and smart toasters that can communicate and share information using existing network technologies. The sensor nodes in WSN have very limited transmission range as well as limited processing speed, storage capacities and low battery power. Despite a wide range of applications using WSN, its resource constrained nature given birth to a number severe security attacks e.g. Selective Forwarding attack, Jamming-attack, Sinkhole attack, Wormhole attack, Sybil attack, hello Flood attacks, Grey Hole, and the most dangerous BlackHole Attacks. Attackers can easily exploit these vulnerabilities to compromise the WSN network.
The inherent characteristics of Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) such as dynamic topology, limited bandwidth, limited power supply, infrastructure less network make themselves attractive for a wide spectrum of applications and vulnerable to security attacks. Sinkhole attack is the most disruptive routing layer attack. Sinkhole nodes attract all the traffic towards them to setup further active attacks such as Black hole, Gray hole and wormhole attacks. Sinkhole nodes need to be isolated from the MANET as early as possible. In this paper, an effective mechanism is proposed to prevent and detect sinkhole and wormhole attacks in MANET. The proposed work detects and punishes the attacker nodes using different techniques such as node collusion technique, which classifies a node as an attacker node only with the agreement with the neighboring nodes. When the node suspects the existence of attacker or sinkhole node in the path, it joins together with neighboring nodes to determine the sinkhole node. In the prevention of routing attacks, the proposed system introduces a route reserve method; new routes learnt are updated in the routing table of the node only after ensuring that the route does not contain the attacker nodes. The proposed system effectively modifies Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector (AODV) with the ability to detect and prevent the sinkhole and wormhole attack, so the modified protocol is named as Attack Aware Alert (A3AODV). The experiments are carried out in NS2 simulator, and the result shows the efficiency in terms of packet delivery ratio and routing overhead.
A Local Area Network (LAN) consists of wireless mobile nodes that can communicate with each other through electromagnetic radio waves. Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of mobile nodes, the network is infrastructure less. It dynamically self organizes in arbitrary and temporary network topologies. Security is extremely vital for MANET. Attacks pave way for security. Among all the potential attacks on MANET, detection of wormhole attack is very difficult.One malicious node receives packets from a particular location, tunnels them to a different contagious nodes situated in another location of the network and distorts the full routing method. All routes are converged to the wormhole established by the attackers. The complete routing system in MANET gets redirected. Many existing ways have been surveyed to notice wormhole attack in MANET. Our proposed methodology is a unique wormhole detection and prevention algorithm that shall effectively notice the wormhole attack in theMANET. Our notion is to extend the detection as well as the quantitative relation relative to the existing ways.
On account of large and inconsistent propagation delays during transmission in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs), wormholes bring more destructive than many attacks to localization applications. As a localization algorithm, DV-hop is classic but without secure scheme. A secure localization algorithm for UWSNs- RDV-HOP is brought out, which is based on reputation values and the constraints of propagation distance in UWSNs. In RDV-HOP, the anchor nodes evaluate the reputation of paths to other anchor nodes and broadcast these reputation values to the network. Unknown nodes select credible anchors nodes with high reputation to locate. We analyze the influence of the location accuracy with some parameters in the simulation experiments. The results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the location error under the wormhole attack.
A MANET is a collection of self-configured node connected with wireless links. Each node of a mobile ad hoc network acts as a router and finds out a suitable route to forward a packet from source to destination. This network is applicable in areas where establishment of infrastructure is not possible, such as in the military environment. Along with the military environment MANET is also used in civilian environment such as sports stadiums, meeting room. The routing functionality of each node is cause of many security threats on routing. In this paper addressed the problem of identifying and isolating wormhole attack that refuse to forward packets in wireless mobile ad hoc network. The impact of this attack has been shown to be detrimental to network performance, lowering the packet delivery ratio and dramatically increasing the end-to-end delay. Proposed work suggested the efficient and secure routing in MANET. Using this approach of buffer length and RTT calculation, routing overhead minimizes. This research is based on detection and prevention of wormhole attacks in AODV. The proposed protocol is simulated using NS-2 and its performance is compared with the standard AODV protocol. The statistical analysis shows that modified AODV protocol detects wormhole attack efficiently and provides secure and optimum path for routing.
In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a self-organizing session of communication between wireless mobile nodes build up dynamically regardless of any established infrastructure or central authority. In MANET each node behaves as a sender, receiver and router which are connected directly with one another if they are within the range of communication or else will depend on intermediate node if nodes are not in the vicinity of each other (hop-to-hop). MANET, by nature are very open, dynamic and distributed which make it more vulnerable to various attacks such as sinkhole, jamming, selective forwarding, wormhole, Sybil attack etc. thus acute security problems are faced more related to rigid network. A Wormhole attack is peculiar breed of attack, which cause a consequential breakdown in communication by impersonating legitimate nodes by malicious nodes across a wireless network. This attack can even collapse entire routing system of MANET by specifically targeting route establishment process. Confidentiality and Authenticity are arbitrated as any cryptographic primitives are not required to launch the attack. Emphasizing on wormhole attack attributes and their defending mechanisms for detection and prevention are discussed in this paper.
Networked control systems consist of distributed sensors and actuators that communicate via a wireless network. The use of an open wireless medium and unattended deployment leaves these systems vulnerable to intelligent adversaries whose goal is to disrupt the system performance. In this paper, we study the wormhole attack on a networked control system, in which an adversary establishes a link between two geographically distant regions of the network by using either high-gain antennas, as in the out-of-band wormhole, or colluding network nodes as in the in-band wormhole. Wormholes allow the adversary to violate the timing constraints of real-time control systems by first creating low-latency links, which attract network traffic, and then delaying or dropping packets. Since the wormhole attack reroutes and replays valid messages, it cannot be detected using cryptographic mechanisms alone. We study the impact of the wormhole attack on the network flows and delays and introduce a passivity-based control-theoretic framework for modeling and mitigating the wormhole attack. We develop this framework for both the in-band and out-of-band wormhole attacks as well as complex, hereto-unreported wormhole attacks consisting of arbitrary combinations of in-and out-of band wormholes. By integrating existing mitigation strategies into our framework, we analyze the throughput, delay, and stability properties of the overall system. Through simulation study, we show that, by selectively dropping control packets, the wormhole attack can cause disturbances in the physical plant of a networked control system, and demonstrate that appropriate selection of detection parameters mitigates the disturbances due to the wormhole while satisfying the delay constraints of the physical system.
Networked control systems consist of distributed sensors and actuators that communicate via a wireless network. The use of an open wireless medium and unattended deployment leaves these systems vulnerable to intelligent adversaries whose goal is to disrupt the system performance. In this paper, we study the wormhole attack on a networked control system, in which an adversary establishes a link between two geographically distant regions of the network by using either high-gain antennas, as in the out-of-band wormhole, or colluding network nodes as in the in-band wormhole. Wormholes allow the adversary to violate the timing constraints of real-time control systems by first creating low-latency links, which attract network traffic, and then delaying or dropping packets. Since the wormhole attack reroutes and replays valid messages, it cannot be detected using cryptographic mechanisms alone. We study the impact of the wormhole attack on the network flows and delays and introduce a passivity-based control-theoretic framework for modeling and mitigating the wormhole attack. We develop this framework for both the in-band and out-of-band wormhole attacks as well as complex, hereto-unreported wormhole attacks consisting of arbitrary combinations of in-and out-of band wormholes. By integrating existing mitigation strategies into our framework, we analyze the throughput, delay, and stability properties of the overall system. Through simulation study, we show that, by selectively dropping control packets, the wormhole attack can cause disturbances in the physical plant of a networked control system, and demonstrate that appropriate selection of detection parameters mitigates the disturbances due to the wormhole while satisfying the delay constraints of the physical system.