Anti-virus software (AVS) tools are used to detect Malware in a system. However, software-based AVS are vulnerable to attacks. A malicious entity can exploit these vulnerabilities to subvert the AVS. Recently, hardware components such as Hardware Performance Counters (HPC) have been used for Malware detection. In this paper, we propose PREEMPT, a zero overhead, high-accuracy and low-latency technique to detect Malware by re-purposing the embedded trace buffer (ETB), a debug hardware component available in most modern processors. The ETB is used for post-silicon validation and debug and allows us to control and monitor the internal activities of a chip, beyond what is provided by the Input/Output pins. PREEMPT combines these hardware-level observations with machine learning-based classifiers to preempt Malware before it can cause damage. There are many benefits of re-using the ETB for Malware detection. It is difficult to hack into hardware compared to software, and hence, PREEMPT is more robust against attacks than AVS. PREEMPT does not incur performance penalties. Finally, PREEMPT has a high True Positive value of 94% and maintains a low False Positive value of 2%.
The Agave Platform first appeared in 2011 as a pilot project for the iPlant Collaborative [11]. In its first two years, Foundation saw over 40% growth per month, supporting 1000+ clients, 600+ applications, 4 HPC systems at 3 centers across the US. It also gained users outside of plant biology. To better serve the needs of the general open science community, we rewrote Foundation as a scalable, cloud native application and named it the Agave Platform. In this paper we present the Agave Platform, a Science-as-a-Service (ScaaS) platform for reproducible science. We provide a brief history and technical overview of the project, and highlight three case studies leveraging the platform to create synergistic value for their users.
GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded program which provides a virtual laboratory for networking and distributed systems research and education. It is well suited for exploring networks at a scale, thereby promoting innovations in network science, security, services and applications. GENI allows researchers obtain compute resources from locations around the United States, connect compute resources using 100G Internet2 L2 service, install custom software or even custom operating systems on these compute resources, control how network switches in their experiment handle traffic flows, and run their own L3 and above protocols. GENI architecture incorporates cloud federation. With the federation, cloud resources can be federated and/or community of clouds can be formed. The heart of federation is user identity and an ability to “advertise” cloud resources into community including compute, storage, and networking. GENI administrators can carve out what resources are available to the community and hence a portion of GENI resources are reserved for internal consumption. GENI architecture also provides “stitching” of compute and storage resources researchers request. This provides L2 network domain over Internet2's 100G network. And researchers can run their Software Defined Networking (SDN) controllers on the provisioned L2 network domain for a complete control of networking traffic. This capability is useful for large science data transfer (bypassing security devices for high throughput). Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI), a research institute in the state of North Carolina, has developed ORCA (Open Resource Control Architecture), a GENI control framework. ORCA is a distributed resource orchestration system to serve science experiments. ORCA provides compute resources as virtual machines and as well as baremetals. ORCA based GENI ra- k was designed to serve both High Throughput Computing (HTC) and High Performance Computing (HPC) type of computes. Although, GENI is primarily used in various universities and research entities today, GENI architecture can be leveraged in the commercial, aerospace and government settings. This paper will go over the architecture of GENI and discuss the GENI architecture for scientific computing experiments.
Energy efficient High-Performance Computing (HPC) is becoming increasingly important. Recent ventures into this space have introduced an unlikely candidate to achieve exascale scientific computing hardware with a small energy footprint. ARM processors and embedded GPU accelerators originally developed for energy efficiency in mobile devices, where battery life is critical, are being repurposed and deployed in the next generation of supercomputers. Unfortunately, the performance of executing scientific workloads on many of these devices is largely unknown, yet the bulk of computation required in high-performance supercomputers is scientific. We present an analysis of one such scientific code, in the form of Gaussian Elimination, and evaluate both execution time and energy used on a range of embedded accelerator SoCs. These include three ARM CPUs and two mobile GPUs. Understanding how these low power devices perform on scientific workloads will be critical in the selection of appropriate hardware for these supercomputers, for how can we estimate the performance of tens of thousands of these chips if the performance of one is largely unknown?
Compute-intensive simulations typically charge substantial workloads on an online simulation platform backed by limited computing clusters and storage resources. Some (or most) of the simulations initiated by users may accompany input parameters/files that have been already provided by other (or same) users in the past. Unfortunately, these duplicate simulations may aggravate the performance of the platform by drastic consumption of the limited resources shared by a number of users on the platform. To minimize or avoid conducting repeated simulations, we present a novel system, called SUPERMAN (SimUlation ProvEnance Recycling MANager) that can record simulation provenances and recycle the results of past simulations. This system presents a great opportunity to not only reutilize existing results but also perform various analytics helpful for those who are not familiar with the platform. The system also offers interoperability across other systems by collecting the provenances in a standardized format. In our simulated experiments we found that over half of past computing jobs could be answered without actual executions by our system.
Ever-growing performance of supercomputers nowadays brings demanding requirements of energy efficiency and resilience, due to rapidly expanding size and duration in use of the large-scale computing systems. Many application/architecture-dependent parameters that determine energy efficiency and resilience individually have causal effects with each other, which directly affect the trade-offs among performance, energy efficiency and resilience at scale. To enable high-efficiency management for large-scale High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems nowadays, quantitatively understanding the entangled effects among performance, energy efficiency, and resilience is thus required. While previous work focuses on exploring energy-saving and resilience-enhancing opportunities separately, little has been done to theoretically and empirically investigate the interplay between energy efficiency and resilience at scale. In this article, by extending the Amdahl’s Law and the Karp-Flatt Metric, taking resilience into consideration, we quantitatively model the integrated energy efficiency in terms of performance per Watt and showcase the trade-offs among typical HPC parameters, such as number of cores, frequency/voltage, and failure rates. Experimental results for a wide spectrum of HPC benchmarks on two HPC systems show that the proposed models are accurate in extrapolating resilience-aware performance and energy efficiency, and capable of capturing the interplay among various energy-saving and resilience factors. Moreover, the models can help find the optimal HPC configuration for the highest integrated energy efficiency, in the presence of failures and applied resilience techniques.