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Pisa, Claudio, Caponi, Alberto, Dargahi, Tooska, Bianchi, Giuseppe, Blefari-Melazzi, Nicola.  2016.  WI-FAB: Attribute-based WLAN Access Control, Without Pre-shared Keys and Backend Infrastructures. Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-scale mObile Computing and Online Social neTworking. :31–36.

Two mainstream techniques are traditionally used to authorize access to a WiFi network. Small scale networks usually rely on the offline distribution of a WPA/WPA2 static pre-shared secret key (PSK); security hence relies on the fact that this PSK is not leaked by end user, and is not disclosed via dictionary or brute-force attacks. On the other side, Enterprise and large scale networks typically employ online authorization using an 802.1X-based authentication service leveraging a backend online infrastructure (e.g. Radius servers/proxies). In this work, we propose a new mechanism which does not require neither online operation nor backend access control infrastructure, but which does not force us to rely on a static pre-shared secret key. The idea is very simple, yet effective: directly broadcast in the WLAN beacons an encrypted version of the secret key required to access the WLAN network, so that only the users which possess suitable authorization credentials can decrypt and use it. This proposed approach clearly decouples the management of authorization credentials, issued offline to the authorized end users, from the actual secret key used in the WLAN network, which can thus be in principle changed at each new user's access. The solution described in the paper relies on attribute-based encryption, and is designed to be compatible with WPA2 and deployable within standard 802.11 management frames. Since no user identification is required (access control is based on attributes rather than on the user identity), the proposed approach further improves privacy. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution via a concrete implementation in Linux-based devices and via relevant testing in a real-world experimental setup.

Moratelli, Carlos, Johann, Sergio, Hessel, Fabiano.  2016.  Exploring Embedded Systems Virtualization Using MIPS Virtualization Module. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers. :214–221.

Embedded virtualization has emerged as a valuable way to increase security, reduce costs, improve software quality and decrease design time. The late adoption of hardware-assisted virtualization in embedded processors induced the development of hypervisors primarily based on para-virtualization. Recently, embedded processor designers developed virtualization extensions for their processor architectures similar to those adopted in cloud computing years ago. Now, the hypervisors are migrating to a mixed approach, where basic operating system functionalities take advantage of full-virtualization and advanced functionalities such as inter-domain communication remain para-virtualized. In this paper, we discuss the key features for embedded virtualization. We show how our embedded hypervisor was designed to support these features, taking advantage of the hardware-assisted virtualization available to the MIPS family of processors. Different aspects of our hypervisor are evaluated and compared to other similar approaches. A hardware platform was used to run benchmarks on virtualized instances of both Linux and a RTOS for performance analysis. Finally, the results obtained show that our hypervisor can be applied as a sound solution for the IoT.

Götzfried, Johannes, Müller, Tilo, Drescher, Gabor, Nürnberger, Stefan, Backes, Michael.  2016.  RamCrypt: Kernel-based Address Space Encryption for User-mode Processes. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :919–924.

We present RamCrypt, a solution that allows unmodified Linux processes to transparently work on encrypted data. RamCrypt can be deployed and enabled on a per-process basis without recompiling user-mode applications. In every enabled process, data is only stored in cleartext for the moment it is processed, and otherwise stays encrypted in RAM. In particular, the required encryption keys do not reside in RAM, but are stored in CPU registers only. Hence, RamCrypt effectively thwarts memory disclosure attacks, which grant unauthorized access to process memory, as well as physical attacks such as cold boot and DMA attacks. In its default configuration, RamCrypt exposes only up to 4 memory pages in cleartext at the same time. For the nginx web server serving encrypted HTTPS pages under heavy load, the necessary TLS secret key is hidden for 97% of its time.

Kothari, Suresh, Tamrawi, Ahmed, Sauceda, Jeremías, Mathews, Jon.  2016.  Let's Verify Linux: Accelerated Learning of Analytical Reasoning Through Automation and Collaboration. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. :394–403.

We describe our experiences in the classroom using the internet to collaboratively verify a significant safety and security property across the entire Linux kernel. With 66,609 instances to check across three versions of Linux, the naive approach of simply dividing up the code and assigning it to students does not scale, and does little to educate. However, by teaching and applying analytical reasoning, the instances can be categorized effectively, the problems of scale can be managed, and students can collaborate and compete with one another to achieve an unprecedented level of verification. We refer to our approach as Evidence-Enabled Collaborative Verification (EECV). A key aspect of this approach is the use of visual software models, which provide mathematically rigorous and critical evidence for verification. The visual models make analytical reasoning interactive, interesting and applicable to large software. Visual models are generated automatically using a tool we have developed called L-SAP [14]. This tool generates an Instance Verification Kit (IVK) for each instance, which contains all of the verification evidence for the instance. The L-SAP tool is implemented on a software graph database platform called Atlas [6]. This platform comes with a powerful query language and interactive visualization to build and apply visual models for software verification. The course project is based on three recent versions of the Linux operating system with altogether 37 MLOC and 66,609 verification instances. The instances are accessible through a website [2] for students to collaborate and compete. The Atlas platform, the L-SAP tool, the structured labs for the project, and the lecture slides are available upon request for academic use.

Zhai, Yan, Yin, Lichao, Chase, Jeffrey, Ristenpart, Thomas, Swift, Michael.  2016.  CQSTR: Securing Cross-Tenant Applications with Cloud Containers. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. :223–236.

Cloud providers are in a position to greatly improve the trust clients have in network services: IaaS platforms can isolate services so they cannot leak data, and can help verify that they are securely deployed. We describe a new system called CQSTR that allows clients to verify a service's security properties. CQSTR provides a new cloud container abstraction similar to Linux containers but for VM clusters within IaaS clouds. Cloud containers enforce constraints on what software can run, and control where and how much data can be communicated across service boundaries. With CQSTR, IaaS providers can make assertions about the security properties of a service running in the cloud. We investigate implementations of CQSTR on both Amazon AWS and OpenStack. With AWS, we build on virtual private clouds to limit network access and on authorization mechanisms to limit storage access. However, with AWS certain security properties can be checked only by monitoring audit logs for violations after the fact. We modified OpenStack to implement the full CQSTR model with only modest code changes. We show how to use CQSTR to build more secure deployments of the data analytics frameworks PredictionIO, PacketPig, and SpamAssassin. In experiments on CloudLab we found that the performance impact of CQSTR on applications is near zero.

Horsch, Julian, Wessel, Sascha, Eckert, Claudia.  2016.  CoKey: Fast Token-based Cooperative Cryptography. Proceedings of the 32Nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications. :314–323.

Keys for symmetric cryptography are usually stored in RAM and therefore susceptible to various attacks, ranging from simple buffer overflows to leaks via cold boot, DMA or side channels. A common approach to mitigate such attacks is to move the keys to an external cryptographic token. For low-throughput applications like asymmetric signature generation, the performance of these tokens is sufficient. For symmetric, data-intensive use cases, like disk encryption on behalf of the host, the connecting interface to the token often is a serious bottleneck. In order to overcome this problem, we present CoKey, a novel concept for partially moving symmetric cryptography out of the host into a trusted detachable token. CoKey combines keys from both entities and securely encrypts initialization vectors on the token which are then used in the cryptographic operations on the host. This forces host and token to cooperate during the whole encryption and decryption process. Our concept strongly and efficiently binds encrypted data on the host to the specific token used for their encryption, while still allowing for fast operation. We implemented the concept using Linux hosts and the USB armory, a USB thumb drive sized ARM computer, as detachable crypto token. Our detailed performance evaluation shows that our prototype is easily fast enough even for data-intensive and performance-critical use cases like full disk encryption, thus effectively improving security for symmetric cryptography in a usable way.

Lu, Kangjie, Song, Chengyu, Kim, Taesoo, Lee, Wenke.  2016.  UniSan: Proactive Kernel Memory Initialization to Eliminate Data Leakages. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :920–932.

Operating system kernel is the de facto trusted computing base for most computer systems. To secure the OS kernel, many security mechanisms, e.g., kASLR and StackGuard, have been increasingly deployed to defend against attacks (e.g., code reuse attack). However, the effectiveness of these protections has been proven to be inadequate-there are many information leak vulnerabilities in the kernel to leak the randomized pointer or canary, thus bypassing kASLR and StackGuard. Other sensitive data in the kernel, such as cryptographic keys and file caches, can also be leaked. According to our study, most kernel information leaks are caused by uninitialized data reads. Unfortunately, existing techniques like memory safety enforcements and dynamic access tracking tools are not adequate or efficient enough to mitigate this threat. In this paper, we propose UniSan, a novel, compiler-based approach to eliminate all information leaks caused by uninitialized read in the OS kernel. UniSan achieves this goal using byte-level, flow-sensitive, context-sensitive, and field-sensitive initialization analysis and reachability analysis to check whether an allocation has been fully initialized when it leaves kernel space; if not, it automatically instruments the kernel to initialize this allocation. UniSan's analyses are conservative to avoid false negatives and are robust by preserving the semantics of the OS kernel. We have implemented UniSan as passes in LLVM and applied it to the latest Linux kernel (x86\_64) and Android kernel (AArch64). Our evaluation showed that UniSan can successfully prevent 43 known and many new uninitialized data leak vulnerabilities. Further, 19 new vulnerabilities in the latest kernels have been confirmed by Linux and Google. Our extensive performance evaluation with LMBench, ApacheBench, Android benchmarks, and the SPEC benchmarks also showed that UniSan imposes a negligible performance overhead.

Asmussen, Nils, Völp, Marcus, Nöthen, Benedikt, Härtig, Hermann, Fettweis, Gerhard.  2016.  M3: A Hardware/Operating-System Co-Design to Tame Heterogeneous Manycores. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :189–203.

In the last decade, the number of available cores increased and heterogeneity grew. In this work, we ask the question whether the design of the current operating systems (OSes) is still appropriate if these trends continue and lead to abundantly available but heterogeneous cores, or whether it forces a fundamental rethinking of how systems are designed. We argue that: 1. hiding heterogeneity behind a common hardware interface unifies, to a large extent, the control and coordination of cores and accelerators in the OS, 2. isolating at the network-on-chip rather than with processor features (like privileged mode, memory management unit, ...), allows running untrusted code on arbitrary cores, and 3. providing OS services via protocols over the network-on-chip, instead of via system calls, makes them accessible to arbitrary types of cores as well. In summary, this turns accelerators into first-class citizens and enables a single and convenient programming environment for all cores without the need to trust any application. In this paper, we introduce network-on-chip-level isolation, present the design of our microkernel-based OS, M3, and the common hardware interface, and evaluate the performance of our prototype in comparison to Linux. A bit surprising, without using accelerators, M3 outperforms Linux in some application-level benchmarks by more than a factor of five.

Shalev, Noam, Harpaz, Eran, Porat, Hagar, Keidar, Idit, Weinsberg, Yaron.  2016.  CSR: Core Surprise Removal in Commodity Operating Systems. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :773–787.

One of the adverse effects of shrinking transistor sizes is that processors have become increasingly prone to hardware faults. At the same time, the number of cores per die rises. Consequently, core failures can no longer be ruled out, and future operating systems for many-core machines will have to incorporate fault tolerance mechanisms. We present CSR, a strategy for recovery from unexpected permanent processor faults in commodity operating systems. Our approach overcomes surprise removal of faulty cores, and also tolerates cascading core failures. When a core fails in user mode, CSR terminates the process executing on that core and migrates the remaining processes in its run-queue to other cores. We further show how hardware transactional memory may be used to overcome failures in critical kernel code. Our solution is scalable, incurs low overhead, and is designed to integrate into modern operating systems. We have implemented it in the Linux kernel, using Haswell's Transactional Synchronization Extension, and tested it on a real system.

Johnson, Ryan V., Lass, Jessie, Petullo, W. Michael.  2016.  Studying Naive Users and the Insider Threat with SimpleFlow. Proceedings of the 8th ACM CCS International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats. :35–46.

Most access control systems prohibit illicit actions at the moment they seem to violate a security policy. While effective, such early action often clouds insight into the intentions behind negligent or willful security policy violations. Furthermore, existing control mechanisms are often very low-level; this hinders understanding because controls must be spread throughout a system. We propose SimpleFlow, a simple, information-flow-based access control system which allows illicit actions to occur up until sensitive information would have left the local network. SimpleFlow marks such illicit traffic before transmission, and this allows network devices to filter such traffic in a number of ways. SimpleFlow can also spoof intended recipients to trick malware into revealing application-layer communication messages even while blocking them. We have written SimpleFlow as a modification to the Linux kernel, and we have released our work as open source.

Hsu, Terry Ching-Hsiang, Hoffman, Kevin, Eugster, Patrick, Payer, Mathias.  2016.  Enforcing Least Privilege Memory Views for Multithreaded Applications. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :393–405.

Failing to properly isolate components in the same address space has resulted in a substantial amount of vulnerabilities. Enforcing the least privilege principle for memory accesses can selectively isolate software components to restrict attack surface and prevent unintended cross-component memory corruption. However, the boundaries and interactions between software components are hard to reason about and existing approaches have failed to stop attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities caused by poor isolation. We present the secure memory views (SMV) model: a practical and efficient model for secure and selective memory isolation in monolithic multithreaded applications. SMV is a third generation privilege separation technique that offers explicit access control of memory and allows concurrent threads within the same process to partially share or fully isolate their memory space in a controlled and parallel manner following application requirements. An evaluation of our prototype in the Linux kernel (TCB textless 1,800 LOC) shows negligible runtime performance overhead in real-world applications including Cherokee web server (textless 0.69%), Apache httpd web server (textless 0.93%), and Mozilla Firefox web browser (textless 1.89%) with at most 12 LOC changes.