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Weyrich, M., Schmidt, J.-P., Ebert, C..  2014.  Machine-to-Machine Communication. Software, IEEE. 31:19-23.

Although wireless communication is integral to our daily lives, there are numerous crucial questions related to coverage, energy consumption, reliability, and security when it comes to industrial deployment. The authors provide an overview of wireless machine-to-machine (M2M) technologies in the context of a smart factory.

Srivastava, P., Pande, S.S..  2014.  A novel architecture for identity management system using virtual appliance technology. Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2014 Seventh International Conference on. :171-175.

Identity management system has gained significance for any organization today for not only storing details of its employees but securing its sensitive information and safely managing access to its resources. This system being an enterprise based application has time taking deployment process, involving many complex and error prone steps. Also being globally used, its continuous running on servers lead to large carbon emissions. This paper proposes a novel architecture that integrates the Identity management system together with virtual appliance technology to reduce the overall deployment time of the system. It provides an Identity management system as pre-installed, pre-configured and ready to go solution that can be easily deployed even by a common user. The proposed architecture is implemented and the results have shown that there is decrease in deployment time and decrease in number of steps required in previous architecture. The hardware required by the application is also reduced as its deployed on virtual machine monitor platform, which can be installed on already used servers. This contributes to the green computing practices and gives costs benefits for enterprises. Also there is ease of migration of system from one server to another and the enterprises which do not want to depend on third party cloud for security and cost reasons, can easily deploy their identity management system in their own premises.

Ueta, K., Xue, X., Nakamoto, Y., Murakami, S..  2016.  A Distributed Graph Database for the Data Management of IoT Systems. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :299–304.

The Internet of Things(IoT) has become a popular technology, and various middleware has been proposed and developed for IoT systems. However, there have been few studies on the data management of IoT systems. In this paper, we consider graph database models for the data management of IoT systems because these models can specify relationships in a straightforward manner among entities such as devices, users, and information that constructs IoT systems. However, applying a graph database to the data management of IoT systems raises issues regarding distribution and security. For the former issue, we propose graph database operations integrated with REST APIs. For the latter, we extend a graph edge property by adding access protocol permissions and checking permissions using the APIs with authentication. We present the requirements for a use case scenario in addition to the features of a distributed graph database for IoT data management to solve the aforementioned issues, and implement a prototype of the graph database.

Shen, Qili, Wu, Jun, Li, Jianhua.  2019.  Edge Learning Based Green Content Distribution for Information-Centric Internet of Things. 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). :67–70.
Being the revolutionary future networking architecture, information-centric networking (ICN) conducts network distribution based on content, which is ideally suitable for Internet of things (IoT). With the rapid growth of network traffic, compared to the conventional IoT, information-centric Internet of things (IC-IoT) is expected to provide users with the better satisfaction of the network quality of service (QoS). However, due to IC-IoT requirements of low latency, large data volume, marginalization, and intelligent processing, it urgently needs an efficient content distribution system. In this paper, we propose an edge learning based green content distribution scheme for IC-IoT. We implement intelligent path selection based on decision tree and edge calculation. Moreover, we apply distributed coding based content transmission to enhance the speed and recovery capability of content. Meanwhile, we have verified the effectiveness and performance of this scheme based on a large number of simulation experiments. The work of this paper is of great significance to improve the efficiency and flexibility of content distribution in IC-IoT.
Lu, X., Guan, Z., Zhou, X., Du, X., Wu, L., Guizani, M..  2019.  A Secure and Efficient Renewable Energy Trading Scheme Based on Blockchain in Smart Grid. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1839—1844.
Nowadays, with the diversification and decentralization of energy systems, the energy Internet makes it possible to interconnect distributed energy sources and consumers. In the energy trading market, the traditional centralized model relies entirely on trusted third parties. However, as the number of entities involved in the transactions grows and the forms of transactions diversify, the centralized model gradually exposes problems such as insufficient scalability, High energy consumption, and low processing efficiency. To address these challenges, we propose a secure and efficient energy renewable trading scheme based on blockchain. In our scheme, the electricity market trading model is divided into two levels, which can not only protect the privacy, but also achieve a green computing. In addition, in order to adapt to the relatively weak computing power of the underlying equipment in smart grid, we design a credibility-based equity proof mechanism to greatly improve the system availability. Compared with other similar distributed energy trading schemes, we prove the advantages of our scheme in terms of high operational efficiency and low computational overhead through experimental evaluations. Additionally, we conduct a detailed security analysis to demonstrate that our solution meets the security requirements.
Cheng, D., Zhou, X., Ding, Z., Wang, Y., Ji, M..  2019.  Heterogeneity Aware Workload Management in Distributed Sustainable Datacenters. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 30:375–387.
The tremendous growth of cloud computing and large-scale data analytics highlight the importance of reducing datacenter power consumption and environmental impact of brown energy. While many Internet service operators have at least partially powered their datacenters by green energy, it is challenging to effectively utilize green energy due to the intermittency of renewable sources, such as solar or wind. We find that the geographical diversity of internet-scale services can be carefully scheduled to improve the efficiency of applying green energy in datacenters. In this paper, we propose a holistic heterogeneity-aware cloud workload management approach, sCloud, that aims to maximize the system goodput in distributed self-sustainable datacenters. sCloud adaptively places the transactional workload to distributed datacenters, allocates the available resource to heterogeneous workloads in each datacenter, and migrates batch jobs across datacenters, while taking into account the green power availability and QoS requirements. We formulate the transactional workload placement as a constrained optimization problem that can be solved by nonlinear programming. Then, we propose a batch job migration algorithm to further improve the system goodput when the green power supply varies widely at different locations. Finally, we extend sCloud by integrating a flexible batch job manager to dynamically control the job execution progress without violating the deadlines. We have implemented sCloud in a university cloud testbed with real-world weather conditions and workload traces. Experimental results demonstrate sCloud can achieve near-to-optimal system performance while being resilient to dynamic power availability. sCloud with the flexible batch job management approach outperforms a heterogeneity-oblivious approach by 37 percent in improving system goodput and 33 percent in reducing QoS violations.
Lahiri, Pralay Kumar, Das, Debashis, Mansoor, Wathiq, Banerjee, Sourav, Chatterjee, Pushpita.  2020.  A Trustworthy Blockchain based framework for Impregnable IoV in Edge Computing. 2020 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). :26—31.
The concept behind the Internet of Things (IoT) is taking everything and connecting to the internet so that all devices would be able to send and receive data online. Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a key component of smart city which is an outcome of IoT. Nowadays the concept of IoT has plaid an important role in our daily life in different sectors like healthcare, agriculture, smart home, wearable, green computing, smart city applications, etc. The emerging IoV is facing a lack of rigor in data processing, limitation of anonymity, privacy, scalability, security challenges. Due to vulnerability IoV devices must face malicious hackers. Nowadays with the help of blockchain (BC) technology energy system become more intelligent, eco-friendly, transparent, energy efficient. This paper highlights two major challenges i.e. scalability and security issues. The flavor of edge computing (EC) considered here to deal with the scalability issue. A BC is a public, shared database that records transactions between two parties that confirms owners through cryptography. After a transaction is validated and cryptographically verified generates “block” on the BC and transactions are ordered chronologically and cannot be altered. Implementing BC and smart contracts technologies will bring security features for IoV. It plays a role to implement the rules and policies to govern the IoV information and transactions and keep them into the BC to secure the data and for future uses.
Forti, Stefano.  2022.  Keynote: The fog is rising, in sustainable smart cities. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). :469–471.
With their variety of application verticals, smart cities represent a killer scenario for Cloud-IoT computing, e.g. fog computing. Such applications require a management capable of satisfying all their requirements through suitable service placements, and of balancing among QoS-assurance, operational costs, deployment security and, last but not least, energy consumption and carbon emissions. This keynote discusses these aspects over a motivating use case and points to some open challenges.