Cloud security includes the strategies which works together to guard data and infrastructure with a set of policies, procedures, controls and technologies. These security events are arranged to protect cloud data, support supervisory obedience and protect customers' privacy as well as setting endorsement rules for individual users and devices. The partition-based handling and encryption mechanism which provide fine-grained admittance control and protected data sharing to the data users in cloud computing. Graph partition problems fall under the category of NP-hard problems. Resolutions to these problems are generally imitative using heuristics and approximation algorithms. Partition problems strategy is used in bi-criteria approximation or resource augmentation approaches with a common extension of hyper graphs, which can address the storage hierarchy.
An advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) allows real-time fine-grained monitoring of the energy consumption data of individual consumers. Collected metering data can be used for a multitude of applications. For example, energy demand forecasting, based on the reported fine-grained consumption, can help manage the near future energy production. However, fine- grained metering data reporting can lead to privacy concerns. It is, therefore, imperative that the utility company receives the fine-grained data needed to perform the intended demand response service, without learning any sensitive information about individual consumers. In this paper, we propose an anonymous privacy preserving fine-grained data aggregation scheme for AMI networks. In this scheme, the utility company receives only the distribution of the energy consumption by the consumers at different time slots. We leverage a network tree topology structure in which each smart meter randomly reports its energy consumption data to its parent smart meter (according to the tree). The parent node updates the consumption distribution and forwards the data to the utility company. Our analysis results show that the proposed scheme can preserve the privacy and security of individual consumers while guaranteeing the demand response service.
For single-owner multi-user wireless sensor networks, there is the demand to implement the user privacy-preserving access control protocol in WSNs. Firstly, we propose a new access control protocol based on an efficient attribute-based signature. In the protocol, users need to pay for query, and the protocol achieves fine-grained access control and privacy protection. Then, the protocol is analyzed in detail. Finally, the comparison of protocols indicates that our scheme is more efficient. Our scheme not only protects the privacy of users and achieves fine-grained access control, but also provides the query command validation with low overhead. The scheme can better satisfy the access control requirements of wireless sensor networks.