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Uthayashangar, S., Dhamini, P., Mahalakshmi, M., Mangayarkarasi, V..  2019.  Efficient Group Data Sharing In Cloud Environment Using Honey Encryption. 2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1–3.
Cloud computing is a rapid growing advanced technology which is Internet based, providing various ways for storage, resource sharing, and various features. It has brought a new way to securely store and share information and data with multiple users and groups. The cloud environment deals with many problems, and one of the most important problems in recent days is the security issues. Sharing the data in a group, in cloud conditions has turned into a blazing theme in up and coming decades. Thus the blasting interest in cloud computing, ways and measures to accomplish secure and effective information and data sharing in the cloud is a flourishing point to be engaged. In this way, the venture centers around empowering information sharing and capacity for a similar gathering inside the cloud with high security and intensity. Therefore, Honey Encryption and Advanced Encryption Standard is used for providing security for the data shared within the group by the crew members in cloud environment. In addition, an access key is provided by the Group Manager to enable access to the documents and files stored in cloud by the users for specific time period.
Moe, Khin Su Myat, Win, Thanda.  2018.  Enhanced Honey Encryption Algorithm for Increasing Message Space against Brute Force Attack. 2018 15th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :86—89.
In the era of digitization, data security is a vital role in message transmission and all systems that deal with users require stronger encryption techniques that against brute force attack. Honey encryption (HE) algorithm is a user data protection algorithm that can deceive the attackers from unauthorized access to user, database and websites. The main part of conventional HE is distribution transforming encoder (DTE). However, the current DTE process using cumulative distribution function (CDF) has the weakness in message space limitation because CDF cannot solve the probability theory in more than four messages. So, we propose a new method in DTE process using discrete distribution function in order to solve message space limitation problem. In our proposed honeywords generation method, the current weakness of existing honeywords generation method such as storage overhead problem can be solved. In this paper, we also describe the case studies calculation of DTE in order to prove that new DTE process has no message space limitation and mathematical model using discrete distribution function for DTE process facilitates the distribution probability theory.
AlShalaan, Manal, AlSubaie, Reem, Ara, Anees.  2022.  Secure Storage System Using Cryptographic Techniques. 2022 Fifth International Conference of Women in Data Science at Prince Sultan University (WiDS PSU). :138–142.
In the era of Internet usage growth, storage services are widely used where users' can store their data, while hackers techniques pose massive threats to users' data security. The proposed system introduces multiple layers of security where data confidentiality, integrity and availability are achieved using honey encryption, hashed random passwords as well as detecting intruders and preventing them. The used techniques can ensure security against brute force and denial of service attacks. Our proposed methodology proofs the efficiency for storing and retrieving data using honey words and password hashing with less execution time and more security features achieved compared with other systems. Other systems depend on user password leading to easily predict it, we avoid this approach by making the password given to the user is randomly generated which make it unpredictable and hard to break. Moreover, we created a simple user interface to interact with users to take their inputs and store them along with the given password in true database, if an adversary detected, he will be processed as a normal user but with fake information taken from another database called false database, after that, the admin will be notified about this illegitimate access by providing the IP address. This approach will make the admin have continuous detection and ensure availability and confidentiality. Our execution time is efficient as the encryption process takes 244 ms and decryption 229 ms.
Tan, Soo-Fun, Lo, Ka-Man Chirs, Leau, Yu-Beng, Chung, Gwo-Chin, Ahmedy, Fatimah.  2021.  Securing mHealth Applications with Grid-Based Honey Encryption. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (IICAIET). :1–5.
Mobile healthcare (mHealth) application and technologies have promised their cost-effectiveness to enhance healthcare quality, particularly in rural areas. However, the increased security incidents and leakage of patient data raise the concerns to address security risks and privacy issues of mhealth applications urgently. While recent mobile health applications that rely on password-based authentication cannot withstand password guessing and cracking attacks, several countermeasures such as One-Time Password (OTP), grid-based password, and biometric authentication have recently been implemented to protect mobile health applications. These countermeasures, however, can be thwarted by brute force attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks and persistent malware attacks. This paper proposed grid-based honey encryption by hybridising honey encryption with grid-based authentication. Compared to recent honey encryption limited in the hardening password attacks process, the proposed grid-based honey encryption can be further employed against shoulder surfing, smudge and replay attacks. Instead of rejecting access as a recent security defence mechanism in mobile healthcare applications, the proposed Grid-based Honey Encryption creates an indistinct counterfeit patient's record closely resembling the real patients' records in light of each off-base speculation legitimate password.
Golla, Maximilian, Beuscher, Benedict, Dürmuth, Markus.  2016.  On the Security of Cracking-Resistant Password Vaults. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1230–1241.

Password vaults are used to store login credentials, usually encrypted by a master password, relieving the user from memorizing a large number of complex passwords. To manage accounts on multiple devices, vaults are often stored at an online service, which substantially increases the risk of leaking the (encrypted) vault. To protect the master password against guessing attacks, previous work has introduced cracking-resistant password vaults based on Honey Encryption. If decryption is attempted with a wrong master password, they output plausible-looking decoy vaults, thus seemingly disabling offline guessing attacks. In this work, we propose attacks against cracking-resistant password vaults that are able to distinguish between real and decoy vaults with high accuracy and thus circumvent the offered protection. These attacks are based on differences in the generated distribution of passwords, which are measured using Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our attack is able to rank the correct vault into the 1.3% most likely vaults (on median), compared to 37.8% of the best-reported attack in previous work. (Note that smaller ranks are better, and 50% is achievable by random guessing.) We demonstrate that this attack is, to a certain extent, a fundamental problem with all static Natural Language Encoders (NLE), where the distribution of decoy vaults is fixed. We propose the notion of adaptive NLEs and demonstrate that they substantially limit the effectiveness of such attacks. We give one example of an adaptive NLE based on Markov models and show that the attack is only able to rank the decoy vaults with a median rank of 35.1%.

Golla, Maximilian, Beuscher, Benedict, Dürmuth, Markus.  2016.  On the Security of Cracking-Resistant Password Vaults. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1230–1241.

Password vaults are used to store login credentials, usually encrypted by a master password, relieving the user from memorizing a large number of complex passwords. To manage accounts on multiple devices, vaults are often stored at an online service, which substantially increases the risk of leaking the (encrypted) vault. To protect the master password against guessing attacks, previous work has introduced cracking-resistant password vaults based on Honey Encryption. If decryption is attempted with a wrong master password, they output plausible-looking decoy vaults, thus seemingly disabling offline guessing attacks. In this work, we propose attacks against cracking-resistant password vaults that are able to distinguish between real and decoy vaults with high accuracy and thus circumvent the offered protection. These attacks are based on differences in the generated distribution of passwords, which are measured using Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our attack is able to rank the correct vault into the 1.3% most likely vaults (on median), compared to 37.8% of the best-reported attack in previous work. (Note that smaller ranks are better, and 50% is achievable by random guessing.) We demonstrate that this attack is, to a certain extent, a fundamental problem with all static Natural Language Encoders (NLE), where the distribution of decoy vaults is fixed. We propose the notion of adaptive NLEs and demonstrate that they substantially limit the effectiveness of such attacks. We give one example of an adaptive NLE based on Markov models and show that the attack is only able to rank the decoy vaults with a median rank of 35.1%.