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Bangera, Srishti, Billava, Pallavi, Naik, Sunita.  2020.  A Hybrid Encryption Approach for Secured Authentication and Enhancement in Confidentiality of Data. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :781–784.
Currently, data security issues are remaining as a major concern during digital communication. A large amount of crucial data is transmitted through the communication channel. There are many cryptographic algorithms available, which are used for providing data security during communication and storage process. However, the data needs to be decrypted for performing operations, which may lead to elevation of the privilege of data. The pin or passwords used for decryption of data can be easily identified using a brute force attack. This leads to losing the confidentiality of crucial data to an unauthorized user. In the proposed system, a combination of Homomorphic and Honey encryption is used to improve data confidentiality and user authentication problems. Thus, the system provides better data security for the issues related to outsourced databases.
Khan, Saif Ali, Aggarwal, R. K, Kulkarni, Shashidhar.  2019.  Enhanced Homomorphic Encryption Scheme with PSO for Encryption of Cloud Data. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :395–400.
Cloud computing can be described as a distributed design that is accessible to different forms of security intrusions. An encoding technique named homomorphic encoding is used for the encoding of entities which are utilized for the accession of data from cloud server. The main problems of homomorphic encoding scheme are key organization and key allocation. Because of these issues, effectiveness of homomorphic encryption approach decreases. The encoding procedure requires the generation of input, and for this, an approach named Particle swarm optimization is implemented in the presented research study. PSO algorithms are nature encouraged meta-heuristic algorithms. These algorithms are inhabitant reliant. In these algorithms, societal activities of birds and fishes are utilized as an encouragement for the development of a technical mechanism. Relying on the superiority of computations, the results are modified with the help of algorithms which are taken from arbitrarily allocated pattern of particles. With the movement of particles around the searching area, the spontaneity is performed by utilizing a pattern of arithmetical terminology. For the generation of permanent number key for encoding, optimized PSO approach is utilized. MATLAB program is used for the implementation of PSO relied homomorphic algorithm. The investigating outcomes depicts that this technique proves very beneficial on the requisites of resource exploitation and finishing time. PSO relied homomorphic algorithm is more applicable in terms of completion time and resource utilization in comparison with homomorphic algorithm.
Amir, Mohammad, Nagar, Dhanroop Mal, Baghela, Vinay.  2016.  Secure DSR Routing Protocol Based on Homomorphic Digital Signature. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing. :84:1–84:5.

Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is a wireless networking exemplar of mobile hosts which are connected by wireless links without usual routing infrastructure and link fixed routers. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is one of the extensively used routing protocol for packet transfer from source to destination. It relies on maintaining most recent information, for which, each adhoc node maintains hop count and sequence number field. They are vulnerable to security attacks due to their mutable nature. Analogously, routing updates are transmitted in clear text, which again poses a security hazard. In this paper, we will propose an improved version of DSR routing protocol using Homomorphic Encryption Scheme which prevents pollution attack and accomplishes in maintaining Integrity Security Standard by following minimum hop count path. HDSR routing scheme is evaluated by simulation and results show that improved throughput and ETE delay can be obtained.