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Denysyuk, Oksana, Woelfel, Philipp.  2016.  Are Shared Objects Composable Under an Oblivious Adversary? Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. :335–344.

Linearizability [5] of a concurrent object ensures that operations on that object appear to execute atomically. It is well known that linearizable implementations are composable: in an algorithm designed to work with atomic objects, replacing any atomic object with a linearizable implementation preserves the correctness of the original algorithm. However, replacing atomic objects with linearizable ones in a randomized algorithm can break the original probabilistic guarantees [3]. With an adaptive adversary, this problem is solved by using strongly linearizable [3] objects in the composition. How about with an oblivious adversary. In this paper, we ask the fundamental question of what property makes implementations composable under an oblivious adversary. It turns out that the property depends on the entire collection of objects used in the algorithm. We show that the composition of every randomized algorithm with a collection of linearizable objects OL is sound if and only if OL satisfies a property called library homogeneity. Roughly, this property says that, for each process, every operation on OL has the same length and linearization point. This result has several important implications. First, for an oblivious adversary, there is nothing analogous to linearizability to ensure that the atomic objects of an algorithm can be replaced with their implementations. Second, in general, algorithms cannot use implemented objects alongside atomic objects provided by the system, such as registers. These results show that, with an oblivious adversary, it is much harder to implement reusable object types than previously believed.

Emmi, Michael, Enea, Constantin.  2016.  Symbolic Abstract Data Type Inference. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages. :513–525.

Formal specification is a vital ingredient to scalable verification of software systems. In the case of efficient implementations of concurrent objects like atomic registers, queues, and locks, symbolic formal representations of their abstract data types (ADTs) enable efficient modular reasoning, decoupling clients from implementations. Writing adequate formal specifications, however, is a complex task requiring rare expertise. In practice, programmers write reference implementations as informal specifications. In this work we demonstrate that effective symbolic ADT representations can be automatically generated from the executions of reference implementations. Our approach exploits two key features of naturally-occurring ADTs: violations can be decomposed into a small set of representative patterns, and these patterns manifest in executions with few operations. By identifying certain algebraic properties of naturally-occurring ADTs, and exhaustively sampling executions up to a small number of operations, we generate concise symbolic ADT representations which are complete in practice, enabling the application of efficient symbolic verification algorithms without the burden of manual specification. Furthermore, the concise ADT violation patterns we generate are human-readable, and can serve as useful, formal documentation.