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Amrutiya, Varun, Jhamb, Siddhant, Priyadarshi, Pranjal, Bhatia, Ashutosh.  2019.  Trustless Two-Factor Authentication Using Smart Contracts in Blockchains. 2019 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :66–71.
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is widely prevalent in banking, emails and virtual private networks (VPN) connections or in accessing any secure web service. In 2FA, to get authenticated the users are expected to provide additional secret information along with the password. Typically, this secret information (tokens) is generated by a centralized trusted third party upon receiving an authentication request from users. Thus, this additional layer of security comes at the cost of inherently trusting the third party for their services. The security of such authentication systems is always under the threat of the trusted party is being compromised. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to make server authentication even more secure by building 2FA over the blockchain platform which is distributed in nature. The proposed solution does not require any trusted third party between claimant (user) and the verifier (server) for the authentication purpose. To demonstrate the idea of using blockchain technology for 2FA, we have added an extra layer of security component to the OpenSSH server a widely used application for Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
Ammar, M., Washha, M., Crispo, B..  2018.  WISE: Lightweight Intelligent Swarm Attestation Scheme for IoT (The Verifier’s Perspective). 2018 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). :1–8.
The growing pervasiveness of Internet of Things (IoT) expands the attack surface by connecting more and more attractive attack targets, i.e. embedded devices, to the Internet. One key component in securing these devices is software integrity checking, which typically attained with Remote Attestation (RA). RA is realized as an interactive protocol, whereby a trusted party, verifier, verifies the software integrity of a potentially compromised remote device, prover. In the vast majority of IoT applications, smart devices operate in swarms, thus triggering the need for efficient swarm attestation schemes.In this paper, we present WISE, the first intelligent swarm attestation protocol that aims to minimize the communication overhead while preserving an adequate level of security. WISE depends on a resource-efficient smart broadcast authentication scheme where devices are organized in fine-grained multi-clusters, and whenever needed, the most likely compromised devices are attested. The candidate devices are selected intelligently taking into account the attestation history and the diverse characteristics (and constraints) of each device in the swarm. We show that WISE is very suitable for resource-constrained embedded devices, highly efficient and scalable in heterogenous IoT networks, and offers an adjustable level of security.
Ali, Muqeet, Reaz, Rezwana, Gouda, Mohamed.  2016.  Two-phase Nonrepudiation Protocols. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies. :22:1–22:8.

A nonrepudiation protocol from party S to party R performs two tasks. First, the protocol enables party S to send to party R some text x along with a proof (that can convince a judge) that x was indeed sent by S. Second, the protocol enables party R to receive text x from S and to send to S a proof (that can convince a judge) that x was indeed received by R. A nonrepudiation protocol from one party to another is called two-phase iff the two parties execute the protocol as specified until one of the two parties receives its complete proof. Then and only then does this party refrain from sending any message specified by the protocol because these messages only help the other party complete its proof. In this paper, we present methods for specifying and verifying two-phase nonrepudiation protocols.