Machine learning techniques help to understand underlying patterns in datasets to develop defense mechanisms against cyber attacks. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) technique is a machine learning technique used in detecting attack vs. benign data. However, it is difficult to construct any effective model when there are imbalances in the dataset that prevent proper classification of attack samples in data. In this research, we use UGR'16 dataset to conduct data wrangling initially. This technique helps to prepare a test set from the original dataset to train the neural network model effectively. We experimented with a series of inputs of varying sizes (i.e. 10000, 50000, 1 million) to observe the performance of the MLP neural network model with distribution of features over accuracy. Later, we use Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model that produces samples of different attack labels (e.g. blacklist, anomaly spam, ssh scan) for balancing the dataset. These samples are generated based on data from the UGR'16 dataset. Further experiments with MLP neural network model shows that a balanced attack sample dataset, made possible with GAN, produces more accurate results than an imbalanced one.
A honeypot is a deception tool for enticing attackers to make efforts to compromise the electronic information systems of an organization. A honeypot can serve as an advanced security surveillance tool for use in minimizing the risks of attacks on information technology systems and networks. Honeypots are useful for providing valuable insights into potential system security loopholes. The current research investigated the effectiveness of the use of centralized system management technologies called Puppet and Virtual Machines in the implementation automated honeypots for intrusion detection, correction and prevention. A centralized logging system was used to collect information of the source address, country and timestamp of intrusions by attackers. The unique contributions of this research include: a demonstration how open source technologies is used to dynamically add or modify hacking incidences in a high-interaction honeynet system; a presentation of strategies for making honeypots more attractive for hackers to spend more time to provide hacking evidences; and an exhibition of algorithms for system and network intrusion prevention.
A honeypot is a deception tool for enticing attackers to make efforts to compromise the electronic information systems of an organization. A honeypot can serve as an advanced security surveillance tool for use in minimizing the risks of attacks on information technology systems and networks. Honeypots are useful for providing valuable insights into potential system security loopholes. The current research investigated the effectiveness of the use of centralized system management technologies called Puppet and Virtual Machines in the implementation automated honeypots for intrusion detection, correction and prevention. A centralized logging system was used to collect information of the source address, country and timestamp of intrusions by attackers. The unique contributions of this research include: a demonstration how open source technologies is used to dynamically add or modify hacking incidences in a high-interaction honeynet system; a presentation of strategies for making honeypots more attractive for hackers to spend more time to provide hacking evidences; and an exhibition of algorithms for system and network intrusion prevention.