Parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks (WSN) using encrypted non-binary quantized data is studied. In a WSN, sensors transmit their observations to a fusion center through a wireless medium where the observations are susceptible to unauthorized eavesdropping. Encryption approaches for WSNs with fixed threshold binary quantization were previously explored. However, fixed threshold binary quantization limits parameter estimation to scalar parameters. In this paper, we propose a stochastic encryption approach for WSNs that can operate on non-binary quantized observations and has the capability for vector parameter estimation. We extend a binary stochastic encryption approach proposed previously, to a non-binary generalized case. Sensor outputs are quantized using a quantizer with R + 1 levels, where R $ε$ 1, 2, 3,..., encrypted by flipping them with certain flipping probabilities, and then transmitted. Optimal estimators using maximum-likelihood estimation are derived for both a legitimate fusion center (LFC) and a third party fusion center (TPFC) perspectives. We assume the TPFC is unaware of the encryption. Asymptotic analysis of the estimators is performed by deriving the Cramer-Rao lower bound for LFC estimation, and the asymptotic bias and variance for TPFC estimation. Numerical results validating the asymptotic analysis are presented.
We consider the estimation of a scalar state based on m measurements that can be potentially manipulated by an adversary. The attacker is assumed to have full knowledge about the true value of the state to be estimated and about the value of all the measurements. However, the attacker has limited resources and can only manipulate up to l of the m measurements. The problem is formulated as a minimax optimization, where one seeks to construct an optimal estimator that minimizes the “worst-case” expected cost against all possible manipulations by the attacker. We show that if the attacker can manipulate at least half the measurements (l ≥ m/2), then the optimal worst-case estimator should ignore all measurements and be based solely on the a-priori information. We provide the explicit form of the optimal estimator when the attacker can manipulate less than half the measurements (l <; m/2), which is based on (m2l) local estimators. We further prove that such an estimator can be reduced into simpler forms for two special cases, i.e., either the estimator is symmetric and monotone or m = 2l + 1. Finally we apply the proposed methodology in the case of Gaussian measurements.