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S, Bakkialakshmi V., Sudalaimuthu, T..  2022.  Dynamic Cat-Boost Enabled Keystroke Analysis for User Stress Level Detection. 2022 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions (CISES). :556–560.
The impact of digital gadgets is enormous in the current Internet world because of the easy accessibility, flexibility and time-saving benefits for the consumers. The number of computer users is increasing every year. Meanwhile, the time spent and the computers also increased. Computer users browse the internet for various information gathering and stay on the internet for a long time without control. Nowadays working people from home also spend time with the smart devices, computers, and laptops, for a longer duration to complete professional work, personal work etc. the proposed study focused on deriving the impact factors of Smartphones by analyzing the keystroke dynamics Based on the usage pattern of keystrokes the system evaluates the stress level detection using machine learning techniques. In the proposed study keyboard users are intended for testing purposes. Volunteers of 200 members are collectively involved in generating the test dataset. They are allowed to sit for a certain frame of time to use the laptop in the meanwhile the keystroke of the Mouse and keyboard are recorded. The system reads the dataset and trains the model using the Dynamic Cat-Boost algorithm (DCB), which acts as the classification model. The evaluation metrics are framed by calculating Euclidean distance (ED), Manhattan Distance (MahD), Mahalanobis distance (MD) etc. Quantitative measures of DCB are framed through Accuracy, precision and F1Score.
Chawla, Kushal, Clever, Rene, Ramirez, Jaysa, Lucas, Gale, Gratch, Jonathan.  2021.  Towards Emotion-Aware Agents For Negotiation Dialogues. 2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII). :1–8.
Negotiation is a complex social interaction that encapsulates emotional encounters in human decision-making. Virtual agents that can negotiate with humans are useful in pedagogy and conversational AI. To advance the development of such agents, we explore the prediction of two important subjective goals in a negotiation – outcome satisfaction and partner perception. Specifically, we analyze the extent to which emotion attributes extracted from the negotiation help in the prediction, above and beyond the individual difference variables. We focus on a recent dataset in chat-based negotiations, grounded in a realistic camping scenario. We study three degrees of emotion dimensions – emoticons, lexical, and contextual by leveraging affective lexicons and a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture. Our insights will be helpful in designing adaptive negotiation agents that interact through realistic communication interfaces.
Ong, Desmond, Soh, Harold, Zaki, Jamil, Goodman, Noah.  2019.  Applying Probabilistic Programming to Affective Computing. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. :1—1.

Affective Computing is a rapidly growing field spurred by advancements in artificial intelligence, but often, held back by the inability to translate psychological theories of emotion into tractable computational models. To address this, we propose a probabilistic programming approach to affective computing, which models psychological-grounded theories as generative models of emotion, and implements them as stochastic, executable computer programs. We first review probabilistic approaches that integrate reasoning about emotions with reasoning about other latent mental states (e.g., beliefs, desires) in context. Recently-developed probabilistic programming languages offer several key desidarata over previous approaches, such as: (i) flexibility in representing emotions and emotional processes; (ii) modularity and compositionality; (iii) integration with deep learning libraries that facilitate efficient inference and learning from large, naturalistic data; and (iv) ease of adoption. Furthermore, using a probabilistic programming framework allows a standardized platform for theory-building and experimentation: Competing theories (e.g., of appraisal or other emotional processes) can be easily compared via modular substitution of code followed by model comparison. To jumpstart adoption, we illustrate our points with executable code that researchers can easily modify for their own models. We end with a discussion of applications and future directions of the probabilistic programming approach

Hoey, Jesse, Sheikhbahaee, Zahra, MacKinnon, Neil J..  2019.  Deliberative and Affective Reasoning: a Bayesian Dual-Process Model. 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW). :388–394.
The presence of artificial agents in human social networks is growing. From chatbots to robots, human experience in the developed world is moving towards a socio-technical system in which agents can be technological or biological, with increasingly blurred distinctions between. Given that emotion is a key element of human interaction, enabling artificial agents with the ability to reason about affect is a key stepping stone towards a future in which technological agents and humans can work together. This paper presents work on building intelligent computational agents that integrate both emotion and cognition. These agents are grounded in the well-established social-psychological Bayesian Affect Control Theory (BayesAct). The core idea of BayesAct is that humans are motivated in their social interactions by affective alignment: they strive for their social experiences to be coherent at a deep, emotional level with their sense of identity and general world views as constructed through culturally shared symbols. This affective alignment creates cohesive bonds between group members, and is instrumental for collaborations to solidify as relational group commitments. BayesAct agents are motivated in their social interactions by a combination of affective alignment and decision theoretic reasoning, trading the two off as a function of the uncertainty or unpredictability of the situation. This paper provides a high-level view of dual process theories and advances BayesAct as a plausible, computationally tractable model based in social-psychological and sociological theory.
DiPaola, Steve, Yalçin, Özge Nilay.  2019.  A multi-layer artificial intelligence and sensing based affective conversational embodied agent. 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW). :91–92.

Building natural and conversational virtual humans is a task of formidable complexity. We believe that, especially when building agents that affectively interact with biological humans in real-time, a cognitive science-based, multilayered sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) systems approach is needed. For this demo, we show a working version (through human interaction with it) our modular system of natural, conversation 3D virtual human using AI or sensing layers. These including sensing the human user via facial emotion recognition, voice stress, semantic meaning of the words, eye gaze, heart rate, and galvanic skin response. These inputs are combined with AI sensing and recognition of the environment using deep learning natural language captioning or dense captioning. These are all processed by our AI avatar system allowing for an affective and empathetic conversation using an NLP topic-based dialogue capable of using facial expressions, gestures, breath, eye gaze and voice language-based two-way back and forth conversations with a sensed human. Our lab has been building these systems in stages over the years.

Pérez, Joaquín, Cerezo, Eva, Gallardo, Jesús, Serón, Francisco J..  2018.  Evaluating an ECA with a Cognitive-Affective Architecture. Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction. :22:1–22:8.
In this paper, we present an embodied conversational agent (ECA) that includes a cognitive-affective architecture based on the Soar cognitive architecture, integrates an emotion model based on ALMA that uses a three-layered model of emotions, mood and personality, from the point of view of the user and the agent. These features allow to modify the behavior and personality of the agent to achieve a more realistic and believable interaction with the user. This ECA works as a virtual assistant to search information from Wikipedia and show personalized results to the user. It is only a prototipe, but can be used to show some of the possibilities of the system. A first evaluation was conducted to prove these possibilities, with satisfactory results that also give guidance for some future work that can be done with this ECA.
Roberts, Jasmine.  2018.  Using Affective Computing for Proxemic Interactions in Mixed-Reality. Proceedings of the Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. :176-176.

Immersive technologies have been touted as empathetic mediums. This capability has yet to be fully explored through machine learning integration. Our demo seeks to explore proxemics in mixed-reality (MR) human-human interactions. The author developed a system, where spatial features can be manipulated in real time by identifying emotions corresponding to unique combinations of facial micro-expressions and tonal analysis. The Magic Leap One is used as the interactive interface, the first commercial spatial computing head mounted (virtual retinal) display (HUD). A novel spatial user interface visualization element is prototyped that leverages the affordances of mixed-reality by introducing both a spatial and affective component to interfaces.

Bernin, Arne, Müller, Larissa, Ghose, Sobin, von Luck, Kai, Grecos, Christos, Wang, Qi, Vogt, Florian.  2017.  Towards More Robust Automatic Facial Expression Recognition in Smart Environments. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. :37–44.

In this paper, we provide insights towards achieving more robust automatic facial expression recognition in smart environments based on our benchmark with three labeled facial expression databases. These databases are selected to test for desktop, 3D and smart environment application scenarios. This work is meant to provide a neutral comparison and guidelines for developers and researchers interested to integrate facial emotion recognition technologies in their applications, understand its limitations and adaptation as well as enhancement strategies. We also introduce and compare three different metrics for finding the primary expression in a time window of a displayed emotion. In addition, we outline facial emotion recognition limitations and enhancements for smart environments and non-frontal setups. By providing our comparison and enhancements we hope to build a bridge from affective computing research and solution providers to application developers that like to enhance new applications by including emotion based user modeling.

Chalkley, Joe D., Ranji, Thomas T., Westling, Carina E. I., Chockalingam, Nachiappan, Witchel, Harry J..  2017.  Wearable Sensor Metric for Fidgeting: Screen Engagement Rather Than Interest Causes NIMI of Wrists and Ankles. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017. :158–161.

Measuring fidgeting is an important goal for the psychology of mind-wandering and for human computer interaction (HCI). Previous work measuring the movement of the head, torso and thigh during HCI has shown that engaging screen content leads to non-instrumental movement inhibition (NIMI). Camera-based methods for measuring wrist movements are limited by occlusions. Here we used a high pass filtered magnitude of wearable tri-axial accelerometer recordings during 2-minute passive HCI stimuli as a surrogate for movement of the wrists and ankles. With 24 seated, healthy volunteers experiencing HCI, this metric showed that wrists moved significantly more than ankles. We found that NIMI could be detected in the wrists and ankles; it distinguished extremes of interest and boredom via restlessness. We conclude that both free-willed and forced screen engagement can elicit NIMI of the wrists and ankles.

Pérez, Joaquín, Cerezo, Eva, Serón, Francisco J..  2016.  E-VOX: A Socially Enhanced Semantic ECA. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Learning and Multimodal Interaction for Designing Artificial Agents. :2:1–2:6.

In this paper, we present E-VOX, an emotionally enhanced semantic ECA designed to work as a virtual assistant to search information from Wikipedia. It includes a cognitive-affective architecture that integrates an emotion model based on ALMA and the Soar cognitive architecture. This allows the ECA to take into account features needed for social interaction such as learning and emotion management. The architecture makes it possible to influence and modify the behavior of the agent depending on the feedback received from the user and other information from the environment, allowing the ECA to achieve a more realistic and believable interaction with the user. A completely functional prototype has been developed showing the feasibility of our approach.