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Tanana, D., Tanana, G..  2020.  Advanced Behavior-Based Technique for Cryptojacking Malware Detection. 2020 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS). :1—4.
With rising value and popularity of cryptocurrencies, they inevitably attract cybercriminals seeking illicit profits within blockchain ecosystem. Two of the most popular methods are ransomware and cryptojacking. Ransomware, being the first and more obvious threat has been extensively studied in the past. Unlike that, scientists have often neglected cryptojacking, because it’s less obvious and less harmful than ransomware. In this paper, we’d like to propose enhanced detection program to combat cryptojacking, additionally briefly touching history of cryptojacking, also known as malicious mining and reviewing most notable previous attempts to detect and combat cryptojacking. The review would include out previous work on malicious mining detection and our current detection program is based on its previous iteration, which mostly used CPU usage heuristics to detect cryptojacking. However, we will include additional metrics for malicious mining detection, such as network usage and calls to cryptographic libraries, which result in a 93% detection rate against the selected number of cryptojacking samples, compared to 81% rate achieved in previous work. Finally, we’ll discuss generalization of proposed detection technique to include GPU cryptojackers.
Tanana, D..  2020.  Behavior-Based Detection of Cryptojacking Malware. 2020 Ural Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology (USBEREIT). :0543—0545.
With rise of cryptocurrency popularity and value, more and more cybercriminals seek to profit using that new technology. Most common ways to obtain illegitimate profit using cryptocurrencies are ransomware and cryptojacking also known as malicious mining. And while ransomware is well-known and well-studied threat which is obvious by design, cryptojacking is often neglected because it's less harmful and much harder to detect. This article considers question of cryptojacking detection. Brief history and definition of cryptojacking are described as well as reasons for designing custom detection technique. We also propose complex detection technique based on CPU load by an application, which can be applied to both browser-based and executable-type cryptojacking samples. Prototype detection program based on our technique was designed using decision tree algorithm. The program was tested in a controlled virtual machine environment and achieved 82% success rate against selected number of cryptojacking samples. Finally, we'll discuss generalization of proposed technique for future work.
Uchnár, Matúš, Feciľak, Peter.  2019.  Behavioral malware analysis algorithm comparison. 2019 IEEE 17th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI). :397–400.
Malware analysis and detection based on it is very important factor in the computer security. Despite of the enormous effort of companies making anti-malware solutions, it is usually not possible to respond to new malware in time and some computers will get infected. This shortcoming could be partially mitigated through using behavioral malware analysis. This work is aimed towards machine learning algorithms comparison for the behavioral malware analysis purposes.
Basu, S., Chua, Y. H. Victoria, Lee, M. Wah, Lim, W. G., Maszczyk, T., Guo, Z., Dauwels, J..  2018.  Towards a data-driven behavioral approach to prediction of insider-threat. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :4994–5001.

Insider threats pose a challenge to all companies and organizations. Identification of culprit after an attack is often too late and result in detrimental consequences for the organization. Majority of past research on insider threat has focused on post-hoc personality analysis of known insider threats to identify personality vulnerabilities. It has been proposed that certain personality vulnerabilities place individuals to be at risk to perpetuating insider threats should the environment and opportunity arise. To that end, this study utilizes a game-based approach to simulate a scenario of intellectual property theft and investigate behavioral and personality differences of individuals who exhibit insider-threat related behavior. Features were extracted from games, text collected through implicit and explicit measures, simultaneous facial expression recordings, and personality variables (HEXACO, Dark Triad and Entitlement Attitudes) calculated from questionnaire. We applied ensemble machine learning algorithms and show that they produce an acceptable balance of precision and recall. Our results showcase the possibility of harnessing personality variables, facial expressions and linguistic features in the modeling and prediction of insider-threat.

Scaife, N., Carter, H., Traynor, P., Butler, K. R. B..  2016.  CryptoLock (and Drop It): Stopping Ransomware Attacks on User Data. 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :303–312.

Ransomware is a growing threat that encrypts auser's files and holds the decryption key until a ransom ispaid by the victim. This type of malware is responsible fortens of millions of dollars in extortion annually. Worse still, developing new variants is trivial, facilitating the evasion of manyantivirus and intrusion detection systems. In this work, we presentCryptoDrop, an early-warning detection system that alerts a userduring suspicious file activity. Using a set of behavior indicators, CryptoDrop can halt a process that appears to be tampering witha large amount of the user's data. Furthermore, by combininga set of indicators common to ransomware, the system can beparameterized for rapid detection with low false positives. Ourexperimental analysis of CryptoDrop stops ransomware fromexecuting with a median loss of only 10 files (out of nearly5,100 available files). Our results show that careful analysis ofransomware behavior can produce an effective detection systemthat significantly mitigates the amount of victim data loss.