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Mala, H., Adavoudi, A., Aghili, S. F..  2016.  Security analysis of the RBS block cipher. 2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE). :130–132.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are widely used today because of their low price, usability and being wireless. As RFID systems use wireless communication, they may encounter challenging security problems. Several lightweight encryption algorithms have been proposed so far to solve these problems. The RBS block cipher is one of these algorithms. In designing RBS, conventional block cipher elements such as S-box and P-box are not used. RBS is based on inserting redundant bits between altered plaintext bits using an encryption key Kenc. In this paper, considering not having a proper diffusion as the main defect of RBS, we propose a chosen ciphertext attack against this algorithm. The data complexity of this attack equals to N pairs of text and its time complexity equals to N decryptions, where N is the size of the encryption key Kenc.