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Sadeghi, Koosha, Banerjee, Ayan, Gupta, Sandeep K. S..  2019.  An Analytical Framework for Security-Tuning of Artificial Intelligence Applications Under Attack. 2019 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest). :111—118.
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, as the core technology in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, such as self-driving vehicles, make important decisions by performing a variety of data classification or prediction tasks. Attacks on data or algorithms in AI applications can lead to misclassification or misprediction, which can fail the applications. For each dataset separately, the parameters of ML algorithms should be tuned to reach a desirable classification or prediction accuracy. Typically, ML experts tune the parameters empirically, which can be time consuming and does not guarantee the optimal result. To this end, some research suggests an analytical approach to tune the ML parameters for maximum accuracy. However, none of the works consider the ML performance under attack in their tuning process. This paper proposes an analytical framework for tuning the ML parameters to be secure against attacks, while keeping its accuracy high. The framework finds the optimal set of parameters by defining a novel objective function, which takes into account the test results of both ML accuracy and its security against attacks. For validating the framework, an AI application is implemented to recognize whether a subject's eyes are open or closed, by applying k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) algorithm on her Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. In this application, the number of neighbors (k) and the distance metric type, as the two main parameters of kNN, are chosen for tuning. The input data perturbation attack, as one of the most common attacks on ML algorithms, is used for testing the security of the application. Exhaustive search approach is used to solve the optimization problem. The experiment results show k = 43 and cosine distance metric is the optimal configuration of kNN for the EEG dataset, which leads to 83.75% classification accuracy and reduces the attack success rate to 5.21%.
Parate, M., Tajane, S., Indi, B..  2016.  Assessment of System Vulnerability for Smart Grid Applications. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH). :1083–1088.

The smart grid is an electrical grid that has a duplex communication. This communication is between the utility and the consumer. Digital system, automation system, computers and control are the various systems of Smart Grid. It finds applications in a wide variety of systems. Some of its applications have been designed to reduce the risk of power system blackout. Dynamic vulnerability assessment is done to identify, quantify, and prioritize the vulnerabilities in a system. This paper presents a novel approach for classifying the data into one of the two classes called vulnerable or non-vulnerable by carrying out Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment (DVA) based on some data mining techniques such as Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and a machine learning tool such as Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVM-C) with learning algorithms that can analyze data. The developed methodology is tested in the IEEE 57 bus, where the cause of vulnerability is transient instability. The results show that data mining tools can effectively analyze the patterns of the electric signals, and SVM-C can use those patterns for analyzing the system data as vulnerable or non-vulnerable and determines System Vulnerability Status.

He, Yang, Gao, Xianzhou, Liang, Fei, Yang, Ruxia.  2022.  A Classification Method of Power Unstructured Encrypted Data Based on Fuzzy Data Matching. 2022 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID). :294—298.
With the development of the digital development transformation of the power grid, the classification of power unstructured encrypted data is an important basis for data security protection. However, most studies focus on exact match classification or single-keyword fuzzy match classification. This paper proposes a fuzzy matching classification method for power unstructured encrypted data. The data owner generates an index vector based on the power unstructured file, and the data user generates a query vector by querying the file through the same process. The index and query vector are uploaded to the cloud server in encrypted form, and the cloud server calculates the relevance score and sorts it, and returns the classification result with the highest score to the user. This method realizes the multi-keyword fuzzy matching classification of unstructured encrypted data of electric power, and through the experimental simulation of a large number of data sets, the effect and feasibility of the method are proved.
Doynikova, Elena, Fedorchenko, Andrey, Kotenko, Igor.  2018.  Determination of Security Threat Classes on the Basis of Vulnerability Analysis for Automated Countermeasure Selection. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :62:1–62:8.
Currently the task of automated security monitoring and responding to security incidents is highly relevant. The authors propose an approach to determine weaknesses of the analyzed system on the basis of its known vulnerabilities for further specification of security threats. It is relevant for the stage of determining the necessary and sufficient set of security countermeasures for specific information systems. The required set of security response tools and means depends on the determined threats. The possibility of practical implementation of the approach follows from the connectivity between open databases of vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and attacks. The authors applied various classification methods for vulnerabilities considering values of their properties. The paper describes source data used for classification, their preprocessing stage, and the classification results. The obtained results and the methods for their enhancement are discussed.
Kumar, S. A., Kumar, A., Bajaj, V., Singh, G. K..  2020.  An Improved Fuzzy Min–Max Neural Network for Data Classification. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 28:1910–1924.
Hyperbox classifier is an efficient tool for modern pattern classification problems due to its transparency and rigorous use of Euclidian geometry. Fuzzy min-max (FMM) network efficiently implements the hyperbox classifier, and has been modified several times to yield better classification accuracy. However, the obtained accuracy is not up to the mark. Therefore, in this paper, a new improved FMM (IFMM) network is proposed to increase the accuracy rate. In the proposed IFMM network, a modified constraint is employed to check the expandability of a hyperbox. It also uses semiperimeter of the hyperbox along with k-nearest mechanism to select the expandable hyperbox. In the proposed IFMM, the contraction rules of conventional FMM and enhanced FMM (EFMM) are also modified using semiperimeter of a hyperbox in order to balance the size of both overlapped hyperboxes. Experimental results show that the proposed IFMM network outperforms the FMM, k-nearest FMM, and EFMM by yielding more accuracy rate with less number of hyperboxes. The proposed methods are also applied to histopathological images to know the best magnification factor for classification.
Wasi, Sarwar, Shams, Sarmad, Nasim, Shahzad, Shafiq, Arham.  2019.  Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning and Statistical Data Analysis. 2019 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences and Technology (ICEEST). :1–5.
Innovation and creativity have played an important role in the development of every field of life, relatively less but it has created several problems too. Intrusion detection is one of those problems which became difficult with the advancement in computer networks, multiple researchers with multiple techniques have come forward to solve this crucial issue, but network security is still a challenge. In our research, we have come across an idea to detect intrusion using a deep learning algorithm in combination with statistical data analysis of KDD cup 99 datasets. Firstly, we have applied statistical analysis on the given data set to generate a simplified form of data, so that a less complex binary classification model of artificial neural network could apply for data classification. Our system has decreased the complexity of the system and has improved the response time.
Gayathri, S..  2017.  Phishing websites classifier using polynomial neural networks in genetic algorithm. 2017 Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN). :1–4.

Genetic Algorithms are group of mathematical models in computational science by exciting evolution in AI techniques nowadays. These algorithms preserve critical information by applying data structure with simple chromosome recombination operators by encoding solution to a specific problem. Genetic algorithms they are optimizer, in which range of problems applied to it are quite broad. Genetic Algorithms with its global search includes basic principles like selection, crossover and mutation. Data structures, algorithms and human brain inspiration are found for classification of data and for learning which works using Neural Networks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) it is a field, where so many tasks performed naturally by a human. When AI conventional methods are used in a computer it was proved as a complicated task. Applying Neural Networks techniques will create an internal structure of rules by which a program can learn by examples, to classify different inputs than mining techniques. This paper proposes a phishing websites classifier using improved polynomial neural networks in genetic algorithm.

Guo, Jiansheng, Qi, Liang, Suo, Jiao.  2021.  Research on Data Classification of Intelligent Connected Vehicles Based on Scenarios. 2021 International Conference on E-Commerce and E-Management (ICECEM). :153–158.
The intelligent connected vehicle industry has entered a period of opportunity, industry data is accumulating rapidly, and the formulation of industry standards to regulate big data management and application is imminent. As the basis of data security, data classification has received unprecedented attention. By combing through the research and development status of data classification in various industries, this article combines industry characteristics and re-examines the framework of industry data classification from the aspects of information security and data assetization, and tries to find the balance point between data security and data value. The intelligent networked automobile industry provides support for big data applications, this article combines the characteristics of the connected vehicle industry, re-examines the data characteristics of the intelligent connected vehicle industry from the 2 aspects as information security and data assetization, and eventually proposes a scene-based hierarchical framework. The framework includes the complete classification process, model, and quantifiable parameters, which provides a solution and theoretical endorsement for the construction of a big data automatic classification system for the intelligent connected vehicle industry and safe data open applications.