The smart grid is an electrical grid that has a duplex communication. This communication is between the utility and the consumer. Digital system, automation system, computers and control are the various systems of Smart Grid. It finds applications in a wide variety of systems. Some of its applications have been designed to reduce the risk of power system blackout. Dynamic vulnerability assessment is done to identify, quantify, and prioritize the vulnerabilities in a system. This paper presents a novel approach for classifying the data into one of the two classes called vulnerable or non-vulnerable by carrying out Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment (DVA) based on some data mining techniques such as Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and a machine learning tool such as Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVM-C) with learning algorithms that can analyze data. The developed methodology is tested in the IEEE 57 bus, where the cause of vulnerability is transient instability. The results show that data mining tools can effectively analyze the patterns of the electric signals, and SVM-C can use those patterns for analyzing the system data as vulnerable or non-vulnerable and determines System Vulnerability Status.
Genetic Algorithms are group of mathematical models in computational science by exciting evolution in AI techniques nowadays. These algorithms preserve critical information by applying data structure with simple chromosome recombination operators by encoding solution to a specific problem. Genetic algorithms they are optimizer, in which range of problems applied to it are quite broad. Genetic Algorithms with its global search includes basic principles like selection, crossover and mutation. Data structures, algorithms and human brain inspiration are found for classification of data and for learning which works using Neural Networks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) it is a field, where so many tasks performed naturally by a human. When AI conventional methods are used in a computer it was proved as a complicated task. Applying Neural Networks techniques will create an internal structure of rules by which a program can learn by examples, to classify different inputs than mining techniques. This paper proposes a phishing websites classifier using improved polynomial neural networks in genetic algorithm.