Data assurance and resilience are crucial security issues in cloud-based IoT applications. With the widespread adoption of drones in IoT scenarios such as warfare, agriculture and delivery, effective solutions to protect data integrity and communications between drones and the control system have been in urgent demand to prevent potential vulnerabilities that may cause heavy losses. To secure drone communication during data collection and transmission, as well as preserve the integrity of collected data, we propose a distributed solution by utilizing blockchain technology along with the traditional cloud server. Instead of registering the drone itself to the blockchain, we anchor the hashed data records collected from drones to the blockchain network and generate a blockchain receipt for each data record stored in the cloud, reducing the burden of moving drones with the limit of battery and process capability while gaining enhanced security guarantee of the data. This paper presents the idea of securing drone data collection and communication in combination with a public blockchain for provisioning data integrity and cloud auditing. The evaluation shows that our system is a reliable and distributed system for drone data assurance and resilience with acceptable overhead and scalability for a large number of drones.
Aerial photography is fast becoming essential in scientific research that requires multi-agent system in several perspective and we proposed a secured system using one of the well-known public key cryptosystem namely NTRU that is somewhat homomorphic in nature. Here we processed images of aerial photography that were captured by multi-agents. The agents encrypt the images and upload those in the cloud server that is untrusted. Cloud computing is a buzzword in modern era and public cloud is being used by people everywhere for its shared, on-demand nature. Cloud Environment faces a lot of security and privacy issues that needs to be solved. This paper focuses on how to use cloud so effectively that there remains no possibility of data or computation breaches from the cloud server itself as it is prone to the attack of treachery in different ways. The cloud server computes on the encrypted data without knowing the contents of the images. After concatenation, encrypted result is delivered to the concerned authority where it is decrypted retaining its originality. We set up our experiment in Amazon EC2 cloud server where several instances were the agents and an instance acted as the server. We varied several parameters so that we could minimize encryption time. After experimentation we produced our desired result within feasible time sustaining the image quality. This work ensures data security in public cloud that was our main concern.