With the deep integration of industrial control systems and Internet technologies, how to effectively detect whether industrial control systems are threatened by intrusion is a difficult problem in industrial security research. Aiming at the difficulty of high dimensionality and non-linearity of industrial control system network data, the stacked auto-encoder is used to extract the network data features, and the multi-classification support vector machine is used for classification. The research results show that the accuracy of the intrusion detection model reaches 95.8%.
Network systems, such as transportation systems and water supply systems, play important roles in our daily life and industrial production. However, a variety of disruptive events occur during their life time, causing a series of serious losses. Due to the inevitability of disruption, we should not only focus on improving the reliability or the resistance of the system, but also pay attention to the ability of the system to response timely and recover rapidly from disruptive events. That is to say we need to pay more attention to the resilience. In this paper, we describe two resilience models, quotient resilience and integral resilience, to measure the final recovered performance and the performance cumulative process during recovery respectively. Based on these two models, we implement the optimization of the system recovery strategies after disruption, focusing on the repair sequence of the damaged components and the allocation scheme of resource. The proposed research in this paper can serve as guidance to prioritize repair tasks and allocate resource reasonably.