False data injection is an on-going concern facing power system state estimation. In this work, a neural network is trained to detect the existence of false data in measurements. The proposed approach can make use of historical data, if available, by using them in the training sets of the proposed neural network model. However, the inputs of perceptron model in this work are the residual elements from the state estimation, which are highly correlated. Therefore, their dimension could be reduced by preserving the most informative features from the inputs. To this end, principal component analysis is used (i.e., a data preprocessing technique). This technique is especially efficient for highly correlated data sets, which is the case in power system measurements. The results of different perceptron models that are proposed for detection, are compared to a simple perceptron that produces identical result to the outlier detection scheme. For generating the training sets, state estimation was run for different false data on different measurements in 13-bus IEEE test system, and the residuals are saved as inputs of training sets. The testing results of the trained network show its good performance in detection of false data in measurements.
In this paper, we present AnomalyDetect, an approach for detecting anomalies in cloud services. A cloud service consists of a set of interacting applications/processes running on one or more interconnected virtual machines. AnomalyDetect uses the Kalman Filter as the basis for predicting the states of virtual machines running cloud services. It uses the cloud service's virtual machine historical data to forecast potential anomalies. AnomalyDetect has been integrated with the AutoMigrate framework and serves as the means for detecting anomalies to automatically trigger live migration of cloud services to preserve their availability. AutoMigrate is a framework for developing intelligent systems that can monitor and migrate cloud services to maximize their availability in case of cloud disruption. We conducted a number of experiments to analyze the performance of the proposed AnomalyDetect approach. The experimental results highlight the feasibility of AnomalyDetect as an approach to autonomic cloud availability.