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Li, Tao, Ren, Yongzhen, Ren, Yongjun, Wang, Lina, Wang, Lingyun, Wang, Lei.  2019.  NMF-Based Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Filtering on Cloud Computing. 2019 International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :476–481.
The security of user personal information on cloud computing is an important issue for the recommendation system. In order to provide high quality recommendation services, privacy of user is often obtained by untrusted recommendation systems. At the same time, malicious attacks often use the recommendation results to try to guess the private data of user. This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm based on NMF and random perturbation technology, which implements the recommendation system and solves the protection problem of user privacy data in the recommendation process on cloud computing. Compared with the privacy protection algorithm of SVD, the elements of the matrix after the decomposition of the new algorithm are non-negative elements, avoiding the meaninglessness of negative numbers in the matrix formed by texts, images, etc., and it has a good explanation for the local characteristics of things. Experiments show that the new algorithm can produce recommendation results with certain accuracy under the premise of protecting users' personal privacy on cloud computing.
Lin, Yongze, Zhang, Xinyuan, Xia, Liting, Ren, Yue, Li, Weimin.  2019.  A Hybrid Algorithm for Influence Maximization of Social Networks. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :427–431.
Influence Maximization is an important research content in the dissemination process of information and behavior in social networks. Because Hill Climbing and Greedy Algorithm have good dissemination effect on this topic, researchers have used it to solve this NP problem for a long time. These algorithms only consider the number of active nodes in each round, ignoring the characteristic that the influence will be accumulated, so its effect is still far from the optimal solution. Also, the time complexity of these algorithms is considerable. Aiming at the problem of Influence Maximization, this paper improves the traditional Hill Climbing and Greedy Algorithm. We propose a Hybrid Distribution Value Accumulation Algorithm for Influence Maximization, which has better activation effect than Hill Climbing and Greedy Algorithm. In the first stage of the algorithm, the region is numerically accumulating rapidly and is easy to activate through value-greed. Experiments are conducted on two data sets: the voting situation on Wikipedia and the transmission situation of Gnutella node-to-node file sharing network. Experimental results verify the efficiency of our methods.
Gao, Y..  2018.  An Improved Hybrid Group Intelligent Algorithm Based on Artificial Bee Colony and Particle Swarm Optimization. 2018 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems (ICVRIS). :160–163.
Aiming at the disadvantage of poor convergence performance of PSO and artificial swarm algorithm, an improved hybrid algorithm is proposed to overcome the shortcomings of complex optimization problems. Through the test of four standard function by hybrid algorithm and compared the result with standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, the convergence rate and convergence precision of the hybrid algorithm are both superior to those of the standard particle swarm algorithm and Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, presenting a better optimal performance.
Yousefi, A., Jameii, S. M..  2017.  Improving the security of internet of things using encryption algorithms. 2017 International Conference on IoT and Application (ICIOT). :1–5.

Internet of things (IOT) is a kind of advanced information technology which has drawn societies' attention. Sensors and stimulators are usually recognized as smart devices of our environment. Simultaneously IOT security brings up new issues. Internet connection and possibility of interaction with smart devices cause those devices to involve more in human life. Therefore, safety is a fundamental requirement in designing IOT. IOT has three remarkable features: overall perception, reliable transmission and intelligent processing. Because of IOT span, security of conveying data is an essential factor for system security. Hybrid encryption technique is a new model that can be used in IOT. This type of encryption generates strong security and low computation. In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid encryption algorithm which has been conducted in order to reduce safety risks and enhancing encryption's speed and less computational complexity. The purpose of this hybrid algorithm is information integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation in data exchange for IOT. Eventually suggested encryption algorithm has been simulated by MATLAB software and its speed and safety efficiency were evaluated in comparison with conventional encryption algorithm.