Cloud computing is a revolution in IT technology that provides scalable, virtualized on-demand resources to the end users with greater flexibility, less maintenance and reduced infrastructure cost. These resources are supervised by different management organizations and provided over Internet using known networking protocols, standards and formats. The underlying technologies and legacy protocols contain bugs and vulnerabilities that can open doors for intrusion by the attackers. Attacks as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) are ones of the most frequent that inflict serious damage and affect the cloud performance. In a DDoS attack, the attacker usually uses innocent compromised computers (called zombies) by taking advantages of known or unknown bugs and vulnerabilities to send a large number of packets from these already-captured zombies to a server. This may occupy a major portion of network bandwidth of the victim cloud infrastructures or consume much of the servers time. Thus, in this work, we designed a DDoS detection system based on the C.4.5 algorithm to mitigate the DDoS threat. This algorithm, coupled with signature detection techniques, generates a decision tree to perform automatic, effective detection of signatures attacks for DDoS flooding attacks. To validate our system, we selected other machine learning techniques and compared the obtained results.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the challenging network security problems to address. The existing defense mechanisms against DDoS attacks usually filter the attack traffic at the victim side. The problem is exacerbated when there are spoofed IP addresses in the attack packets. In this case, even if the attacking traffic can be filtered by the victim, the attacker may reach the goal of blocking the access to the victim by consuming the computing resources or by consuming a big portion of the bandwidth to the victim. This paper proposes a Trace back-based Defense against DDoS Flooding Attacks (TDFA) approach to counter this problem. TDFA consists of three main components: Detection, Trace back, and Traffic Control. In this approach, the goal is to place the packet filtering as close to the attack source as possible. In doing so, the traffic control component at the victim side aims to set up a limit on the packet forwarding rate to the victim. This mechanism effectively reduces the rate of forwarding the attack packets and therefore improves the throughput of the legitimate traffic. Our results based on real world data sets show that TDFA is effective to reduce the attack traffic and to defend the quality of service for the legitimate traffic.