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Illi, Elmehdi, Bouanani, Faissal El, da Costa, Daniel Benevides, Sofotasios, Paschalis C., Ayoub, Fouad, Mezher, Kahtan, Muhaidat, Sami.  2019.  On the Physical Layer Security of a Regenerative Relay-Based mixed RF/UOWC. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet). :1–7.
This paper investigates the secrecy outage performance of a dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) mixed radio-frequency/underwater optical wireless communication (RF/UOWC) system. We consider a one-antenna source node ( S), communicating with one legitimate destination node (D) via a multi-antenna DF relay (R) node. In this context, the relay node receives the incoming signal from S via an RF link, which is subject to Rayleigh fading, then performes selection-combining (SC) followed by decoding and then re-encoding for transmission to the destination over a UOWC link, subject to mixture Exponential-Gamma fading. Under the assumption of eavesdroppers attempting to intercept the S-R (RF side), a closed-form expression for the secrecy outage probability is derived. Our analytical results are corroborated through computer simulations, which verifies their validity.
Azaman, M. A. bin, Nguyen, N. P., Ha, D. B., Truong, T. V..  2017.  Secrecy outage probability of full-duplex networks with cognitive radio environment and partial relay selection. 2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications Computing (SigTelCom). :119–123.

This paper investigates the secrecy performance of full-duplex relay mode in underlay cognitive radio networks using decode-and-forward relay selection. The analytical results prove that full-duplex mode can guarantee security under critical conditions such as the bad residual self-interference and the presence of hi-tech eavesdropper. The secrecy outage probability is derived based on the statistical characteristics of channels in this considered system. The system is examined under five circumferences: 1) Different values of primary network's desired outage probability; 2) Different values of primary transmitter's transmit power; 3) Applying of multiple relays selection; 4) Systems undergo path-loss during the transmission process; 5) Systems undergo self-interference in relays. Simulation results are presented to verify the analysis.