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Nusrat Zahan, Thomas Zimmermann, Patrice Godefroid, Brendan Murphy, Chandra Maddila, Laurie Williams.  2022.  What are Weak Links in the npm Supply Chain? ICSE-SEIP '22: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice.

Modern software development frequently uses third-party packages, raising the concern of supply chain security attacks. Many attackers target popular package managers, like npm, and their users with supply chain attacks. In 2021 there was a 650% year-on-year growth in security attacks by exploiting Open Source Software's supply chain. Proactive approaches are needed to predict package vulnerability to high-risk supply chain attacks. The goal of this work is to help software developers and security specialists in measuring npm supply chain weak link signals to prevent future supply chain attacks by empirically studying npm package metadata.

In this paper, we analyzed the metadata of 1.63 million JavaScript npm packages. We propose six signals of security weaknesses in a software supply chain, such as the presence of install scripts, maintainer accounts associated with an expired email domain, and inactive packages with inactive maintainers. One of our case studies identified 11 malicious packages from the install scripts signal. We also found 2,818 maintainer email addresses associated with expired domains, allowing an attacker to hijack 8,494 packages by taking over the npm accounts. We obtained feedback on our weak link signals through a survey responded to by 470 npm package developers. The majority of the developers supported three out of our six proposed weak link signals. The developers also indicated that they would want to be notified about weak links signals before using third-party packages. Additionally, we discussed eight new signals suggested by package developers.

Wang, Y., Wen, M., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Wang, C., Yu, H., Cheung, S.-C., Xu, C., Zhu, Z..  2020.  Watchman: Monitoring Dependency Conflicts for Python Library Ecosystem. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :125–135.
The PyPI ecosystem has indexed millions of Python libraries to allow developers to automatically download and install dependencies of their projects based on the specified version constraints. Despite the convenience brought by automation, version constraints in Python projects can easily conflict, resulting in build failures. We refer to such conflicts as Dependency Conflict (DC) issues. Although DC issues are common in Python projects, developers lack tool support to gain a comprehensive knowledge for diagnosing the root causes of these issues. In this paper, we conducted an empirical study on 235 real-world DC issues. We studied the manifestation patterns and fixing strategies of these issues and found several key factors that can lead to DC issues and their regressions. Based on our findings, we designed and implemented Watchman, a technique to continuously monitor dependency conflicts for the PyPI ecosystem. In our evaluation, Watchman analyzed PyPI snapshots between 11 Jul 2019 and 16 Aug 2019, and found 117 potential DC issues. We reported these issues to the developers of the corresponding projects. So far, 63 issues have been confirmed, 38 of which have been quickly fixed by applying our suggested patches.
Hejderup, J., Deursen, A. v, Gousios, G..  2018.  Software Ecosystem Call Graph for Dependency Management. 2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Technologies Results (ICSE-NIER). :101–104.
A popular form of software reuse is the use of open source software libraries hosted on centralized code repositories, such as Maven or npm. Developers only need to declare dependencies to external libraries, and automated tools make them available to the workspace of the project. Recent incidents, such as the Equifax data breach and the leftpad package removal, demonstrate the difficulty in assessing the severity, impact and spread of bugs in dependency networks. While dependency checkers are being adapted as a counter measure, they only provide indicative information. To remedy this situation, we propose a fine-grained dependency network that goes beyond packages and into call graphs. The result is a versioned ecosystem-level call graph. In this paper, we outline the process to construct the proposed graph and present a preliminary evaluation of a security issue from a core package to an affected client application.
Ishio, T., Sakaguchi, Y., Ito, K., Inoue, K..  2017.  Source File Set Search for Clone-and-Own Reuse Analysis. 2017 IEEE/ACM 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). :257–268.
Clone-and-own approach is a natural way of source code reuse for software developers. To assess how known bugs and security vulnerabilities of a cloned component affect an application, developers and security analysts need to identify an original version of the component and understand how the cloned component is different from the original one. Although developers may record the original version information in a version control system and/or directory names, such information is often either unavailable or incomplete. In this research, we propose a code search method that takes as input a set of source files and extracts all the components including similar files from a software ecosystem (i.e., a collection of existing versions of software packages). Our method employs an efficient file similarity computation using b-bit minwise hashing technique. We use an aggregated file similarity for ranking components. To evaluate the effectiveness of this tool, we analyzed 75 cloned components in Firefox and Android source code. The tool took about two hours to report the original components from 10 million files in Debian GNU/Linux packages. Recall of the top-five components in the extracted lists is 0.907, while recall of a baseline using SHA-1 file hash is 0.773, according to the ground truth recorded in the source code repositories.