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Yang, Yekai, Chen, Bei, Xu, Kun, Niu, Yugang.  2022.  Security Sliding Mode Control for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems Under Hybrid Cyber-Attacks. 2022 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). :1033–1038.
In this work, the security sliding mode control issue is studied for interval type-2 (IT2) fuzzy systems under the unreliable network. The deception attacks and the denial-of-service (DoS) attacks may occur in the sensor-controller channels to affect the transmission of the system state, and these attacks are described via two independent Bernoulli stochastic variables. By adopting the compensation strategy and utilizing the available state, the new membership functions are constructed to design the fuzzy controller with the different fuzzy rules from the fuzzy model. Then, under the mismatched membership function, the designed security controller can render the closed-loop IT2 fuzzy system to be stochastically stable and the sliding surface to be reachable. Finally, the simulation results verify the security control scheme.
ISSN: 2770-8373
Yong, Kenan, Chen, Mou, Wu, Qingxian.  2021.  Finite-Time Performance Recovery Strategy-based NCE Adaptive Neural Control for Networked Nonlinear Systems against DoS Attack. 2021 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS). :403—410.
Networked control design is essential to enable normal operation and further accomplish performance improvement of the cyber-physical systems. In this work, a resilient control scheme is presented for the networked nonlinear system under the denial-of-service (DoS) attack and the system uncertainty. Through synthesizing a self regulation system, this scheme is capable of releasing the prescribed performance when attack is active and recovering that in finite-time after the attack is slept. Meanwhile, the neural network is employed to approximate the system uncertainty. Particularly, the update law possesses the non-certainty-equivalent (NCE) structure, and then the impact of the DoS attack is totally isolated. Finally, the numerical simulation is presented to illustrate the effectiveness and benefits of the estimation scheme and the control design.
Sargolzaei, Arman.  2021.  A Secure Control Design for Networked Control System with Nonlinear Dynamics under False-Data-Injection Attacks. 2021 American Control Conference (ACC). :2693–2699.

In a centralized Networked Control System (NCS), all agents share local data with a central processing unit that generates control commands for agents. The use of a communication network between the agents gives NCSs a distinct advantage in efficiency, design cost, and simplicity. However, this benefit comes at the expense of vulnerability to a range of cyber-physical attacks. Recently, novel defense mechanisms to counteract false data injection (FDI) attacks on NCSs have been developed for agents with linear dynamics but have not been thoroughly investigated for NCSs with nonlinear dynamics. This paper proposes an FDI attack mitigation strategy for NCSs composed of agents with nonlinear dynamics under disturbances and measurement noises. The proposed algorithm uses both learning and model-based approaches to estimate agents'states for FDI attack mitigation. A neural network is used to model uncertain dynamics and estimate the effect of FDI attacks. The controller and estimator are designed based on Lyapunov stability analysis. A simulation of robots with Euler-Lagrange dynamics is considered to demonstrate the developed controller's performance to respond to FDI attacks in real-time.

Deng, Yingjie, Zhao, Dingxuan, Liu, Tao.  2021.  Self-Triggered Tracking Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels with Stochastic Noise. 2021 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics(SPAC). :266–273.
This note studies self-triggered tracking control of underactuated surface vessels considering both unknown model dynamics and stochastic noise, where the measured states in the sensors are intermittently transmitted to the controller decided by the triggering condition. While the multi-layer neural network (NN) serves to approximate the unknown model dynamics, a self-triggered adaptive neural model is fabricated to direct the design of control laws. This setup successfully solves the ``jumps of virtual control laws'' problem, which occurs when combining the event-triggered control (ETC) with the backstepping method, seeing [1]–[4]. Moreover, the adaptive model can act as the filter of states, such that the complicated analysis and control design to eliminate the detrimental influence of stochastic noise is no longer needed. Released from the continuous monitoring of the controller, the devised triggering condition is located in the sensors and designed to meet the requirement of stability. All the estimation errors and the tracking errors are proved to be exponentially mean-square (EMS) bounded. Finally, a numerical experiment is conducted to corroborate the proposed strategy.
Kasma, Vira Septiyana, Sutikno, Sarwono, Surendro, Kridanto.  2019.  Design of e-Government Security Governance System Using COBIT 2019 : (Trial Implementation in Badan XYZ). 2019 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS). 7:1—6.

e-Government is needed to actualize clean, effective, transparent and accountable governance as well as quality and reliable public services. The implementation of e-Government is currently constrained because there is no derivative regulation, one of which is the regulation for e-Government Security. To answer this need, this study aims to provide input on performance management and governance systems for e-Government Security with the hope that the control design for e-Government Security can be met. The results of this study are the e-Government Security Governance System taken from 28 core models of COBIT 2019. The 28 core models were taken using CSF and risk. Furthermore, performance management for this governance system consists of capability and maturity levels which is an extension of the evaluation process in the e-Government Evaluation Guidelines issued by the Ministry of PAN & RB. The evaluation of the design carried out by determining the current condition of capability and maturity level in Badan XYZ. The result of the evaluation shows that the design possible to be implemented and needed.

Rebaï, S. Bezzaoucha, Voos, H., Darouach, M..  2017.  A contribution to cyber-security of networked control systems: An event-based control approach. 2017 3rd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing (EBCCSP). :1–7.
In the present paper, a networked control system under both cyber and physical attacks Is considered. An adapted formulation of the problem under physical attacks, data deception and false data injection attacks, is used for controller synthesis. Based on the classical fault tolerant detection (FTD) tools, a residual generator for attack/fault detection based on observers is proposed. An event-triggered and Bilinear Matrix Inequality (BMI) implementation is proposed in order to achieve novel and better security strategy. The purpose in using this implementation would be to reduce (limit) the total number of transmissions to only instances when the networked control system (NCS) needs attention. It is important to note that the main contribution of this paper is to establish the adequate event-triggered and BMI-based methodology so that the particular structure of the mixed attacked/faulty structure can be re-formulated within the classical FTD paradigm. Experimental results are given to illustrate the developed approach efficiency on a pilot three-tank system. The plant model is presented and the proposed control design is applied to the system.