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Kuo, J., Lal, A..  2017.  Wideband material detection for spoof resistance in GHz ultrasonic fingerprint sensing. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). :1–1.
One of the primary motivations for using ultrasound reflectometry for fingerprint imaging is the promise of increased spoof resistance over conventional optical or capacitive sensing approaches due to the ability for ultrasound to determine the elastic impedance of the imaged material. A fake 3D printed plastic finger can therefore be easily distinguished from a real finger. However, ultrasonic sensors are still vulnerable to materials that are similar in impedance to tissue, such as water or rubber. Previously we demonstrated an ultrasonic fingerprint reader operating with 1.3GHz ultrasound based on pulse echo impedance imaging on the backside silicon interface. In this work, we utilize the large bandwidth of these sensors to differentiate between a finger and materials with similar impedances using the frequency response of elastic impedance obtained by transducer excitation with a wideband RF chirp signal. The reflected signal is a strong function of impedance mismatch and absorption [Hoople 2015].
Matsuzaki, H., Osaki, T., Kawaguchi, K., Takagi, S., Ichiyanagi, M., Unga, J., Suzuki, R., Maruyama, K., Azuma, T..  2017.  Behavior of the oscillating microbubble clusters trapped in focused ultrasound field. 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). :1–4.

Summary form only given. Strong light-matter coupling has been recently successfully explored in the GHz and THz [1] range with on-chip platforms. New and intriguing quantum optical phenomena have been predicted in the ultrastrong coupling regime [2], when the coupling strength Ω becomes comparable to the unperturbed frequency of the system ω. We recently proposed a new experimental platform where we couple the inter-Landau level transition of an high-mobility 2DEG to the highly subwavelength photonic mode of an LC meta-atom [3] showing very large Ω/ωc = 0.87. Our system benefits from the collective enhancement of the light-matter coupling which comes from the scaling of the coupling Ω ∝ √n, were n is the number of optically active electrons. In our previous experiments [3] and in literature [4] this number varies from 104-103 electrons per meta-atom. We now engineer a new cavity, resonant at 290 GHz, with an extremely reduced effective mode surface Seff = 4 × 10-14 m2 (FE simulations, CST), yielding large field enhancements above 1500 and allowing to enter the few ({\textbackslash}textless;100) electron regime. It consist of a complementary metasurface with two very sharp metallic tips separated by a 60 nm gap (Fig.1(a, b)) on top of a single triangular quantum well. THz-TDS transmission experiments as a function of the applied magnetic field reveal strong anticrossing of the cavity mode with linear cyclotron dispersion. Measurements for arrays of only 12 cavities are reported in Fig.1(c). On the top horizontal axis we report the number of electrons occupying the topmost Landau level as a function of the magnetic field. At the anticrossing field of B=0.73 T we measure approximately 60 electrons ultra strongly coupled (Ω/ω- {\textbackslash}textbar{\textbackslash}textbar