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Guo, J., Li, Z..  2017.  A Mean-Covariance Decomposition Modeling Method for Battery Capacity Prognostics. 2017 International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control (SDPC). :549–556.

Lithium Ion batteries usually degrade to an unacceptable capacity level after hundreds or even thousands of cycles. The continuously observed capacity fade data over time and their internal structure can be informative for constructing capacity fade models. This paper applies a mean-covariance decomposition modeling method to analyze the capacity fade data. The proposed approach directly examines the variances and correlations in data of interest and express the correlation matrix in hyper-spherical coordinates using angles and trigonometric functions. The proposed method is applied to model and predict key batteries performance metrics using testing data under various testing conditions.

Pedapudi, Srinivasa Murthy, Vadlamani, Nagalakshmi.  2021.  Data Acquisition based Seizure Record Framework for Digital Forensics Investigations. 2021 5th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :1766–1768.
In the computer era, various digital devices are used along with networking technology for data communication in secured manner. But sometimes these systems are misused by the attackers. Information security with the high efficiency devices, tools are utilized for protecting the communication media and valuable data. In case of any unwanted incidents and security breaches, digital forensics methods and measures are well utilized for detecting the type of attacks, sources of attacks, their purposes. By utilizing information related to security measures, digital forensics evidences with suitable methodologies, digital forensics investigators detect the cyber-crimes. It is also necessary to prove the cyber-crimes before the law enforcement department. During this process investigators type to collect different types of information from the digital devices concerned to the cyber-attack. One of the major tasks of the digital investigator is collecting and managing the seizure records from the crime-scene. The present paper discusses the seizure record framework for digital forensics investigations.
Jiang, Qingwei.  2021.  An Image Hiding Algorithm based on Bit Plane and Two-Dimensional Code. 2021 Third International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks (ICICV). :851–854.
An image hiding algorithm based on bit plane and two-dimensional code is proposed in this paper. The main characteristic of information hiding is to use the information redundant data of the existing image, to embed the information into these redundant data by the information hiding algorithm, or to partially replace redundant information with information to be embedded to achieve a visual invisible purpose. We first analyze the color index usage frequency of the block index matrix in the algorithm, and calculate the distance between the color of the block index matrix with only one color and the other color in the palette that is closest to the color. Then, the QR model and the compression model are applied to improve the efficiency. We compare the proposed model with the stateof-the-art models.
Gomez, Matthew R., Slutz, S.A., Jennings, C.A., Weis, M.R., Lamppa, D.C., Harvey-Thompson, A.J., Geissel, M., Awe, T.J., Chandler, G.A., Crabtree, J.A. et al..  2021.  Developing a Platform to Enable Parameter Scaling Studies in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Experiments. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1—1.
Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) is a magneto-inertial fusion concept that relies on fuel magnetization, laser preheat, and a magnetically driven implosion to produce fusion conditions. In MagLIF, the target is a roughly 10 mm long, 5 mm diameter, 0.5 mm thick, cylindrical beryllium shell containing 1 mg/cm 3 D 2 gas. An axial magnetic field on the order of 10 T is applied to the target, and several kJ of laser energy is deposited into the fuel. Up to 20 MA of current is driven axially through the beryllium target, causing it to implode over approximately 100 ns. The implosion produces a 100-μm diameter, 8-mm tall fuel column with a burn-averaged ion temperature of several keV, that generates 10 11 -10 13 DD neutrons.
Black, Samuel, Kim, Yoohwan.  2022.  An Overview on Detection and Prevention of Application Layer DDoS Attacks. 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0791–0800.
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks aim to cause downtime or a lack of responsiveness for web services. DDoS attacks targeting the application layer are amongst the hardest to catch as they generally appear legitimate at lower layers and attempt to take advantage of common application functionality or aspects of the HTTP protocol, rather than simply send large amounts of traffic like with volumetric flooding. Attacks can focus on functionality such as database operations, file retrieval, or just general backend code. In this paper, we examine common forms of application layer attacks, preventative and detection measures, and take a closer look specifically at HTTP Flooding attacks by the High Orbit Ion Cannon (HOIC) and “low and slow” attacks through slowloris.
Chen, C., Becker, J. R., Farrell, J. J..  2022.  Energy Confinement Time in a Magnetically Confined Thermonuclear Fusion Reactor. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1–1.
The single most important scientific question in fusion research may be confinement in a fusion plasma [1] . A recently-developed theoretical model [2] is reviewed for the confinement time of ion kinetic energy in a material where fusion reactions occur. In the theoretical model where ion stopping was considered as a key mechanism for ion kinetic energy loss, an estimate was obtained for the confinement time of ion kinetic energy in a D-T plasma - and found to be orders of magnitude lower than required in the Lawson criterion. As ions transfer their kinetic energies to electrons via ion stopping and thermalization between the ions and the electrons takes place, spontaneous electron cyclotron radiation is identified as a key mechanism for electron kinetic energy loss in a magnetically confined plasma. The energy confinement time is obtained and found in agreement with measurements from TFTR [1] and Wendelstein 7-X [3] . An advanced Lawson criterion is obtained for a magnetically confined thermonuclear fusion reactor.
ISSN: 2576-7208