Internet of Things (IoT) has an immense potential for a plethora of applications ranging from healthcare automation to defence networks and the power grid. The security of an IoT network is essentially paramount to the security of the underlying computing and communication infrastructure. However, due to constrained resources and limited computational capabilities, IoT networks are prone to various attacks. Thus, safeguarding the IoT network from adversarial attacks is of vital importance and can be realised through planning and deployment of effective security controls; one such control being an intrusion detection system. In this paper, we present a novel intrusion detection scheme for IoT networks that classifies traffic flow through the application of deep learning concepts. We adopt a newly published IoT dataset and generate generic features from the field information in packet level. We develop a feed-forward neural networks model for binary and multi-class classification including denial of service, distributed denial of service, reconnaissance and information theft attacks against IoT devices. Results obtained through the evaluation of the proposed scheme via the processed dataset illustrate a high classification accuracy.
Recent approaches have proven the effectiveness of local outlier factor-based outlier detection when applied over traffic flow probability distributions. However, these approaches used distance metrics based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient when calculating probability distribution similarity. Consequently, the limited expressiveness of the Bhattacharyya coefficient restricted the accuracy of the methods. The crucial deficiency of the Bhattacharyya distance metric is its inability to compare distributions with non-overlapping sample spaces over the domain of natural numbers. Traffic flow intensity varies greatly, which results in numerous non-overlapping sample spaces, rendering metrics based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient inappropriate. In this work, we address this issue by exploring alternative distance metrics and showing their applicability in a massive real-life traffic flow data set from 26 vital intersections in The Hague. The results on these data collected from 272 sensors for more than two years show various advantages of the Earth Mover's distance both in effectiveness and efficiency.
With self-driving cars making their way on to our roads, we ask not what it would take for them to gain acceptance among consumers, but what impact they may have on other drivers. How they will be perceived and whether they will be trusted will likely have a major effect on traffic flow and vehicular safety. This work first undertakes an exploratory factor analysis to validate a trust scale for human-robot interaction and shows how previously validated metrics and general trust theory support a more complete model of trust that has increased applicability in the driving domain. We experimentally test this expanded model in the context of human-automation interaction during simulated driving, revealing how using these dimensions uncovers significant biases within human-robot trust that may have particularly deleterious effects when it comes to sharing our future roads with automated vehicles.
Anonymity networks provide privacy to the users by relaying their data to multiple destinations in order to reach the final destination anonymously. Multilayer of encryption is used to protect the users' privacy from attacks or even from the operators of the stations. In this research, we showed how flow analysis could be used to identify encrypted anonymity network traffic under four scenarios: (i) Identifying anonymity networks compared to normal background traffic; (ii) Identifying the type of applications used on the anonymity networks; (iii) Identifying traffic flow behaviors of the anonymity network users; and (iv) Identifying / profiling the users on an anonymity network based on the traffic flow behavior. In order to study these, we employ a machine learning based flow analysis approach and explore how far we can push such an approach.
Distributed denial of service attacks represent continuous threat to availability of information and communication resources. This research conducted the analysis of relevant scientific literature and synthesize parameters on packet and traffic flow level applicable for detection of infrastructure layer DDoS attacks. It is concluded that packet level detection uses two or more parameters while traffic flow level detection often used only one parameter which makes it more convenient and resource efficient approach in DDoS detection.
The ever rising attacks on IT infrastructure, especially on networks has become the cause of anxiety for the IT professionals and the people venturing in the cyber-world. There are numerous instances wherein the vulnerabilities in the network has been exploited by the attackers leading to huge financial loss. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is one of the most indirect security attack on computer networks. Many active computer bots or zombies start flooding the servers with requests, but due to its distributed nature throughout the Internet, it cannot simply be terminated at server side. Once the DDoS attack initiates, it causes huge overhead to the servers in terms of its processing capability and service delivery. Though, the study and analysis of request packets may help in distinguishing the legitimate users from among the malicious attackers but such detection becomes non-viable due to continuous flooding of packets on servers and eventually leads to denial of service to the authorized users. In the present research, we propose traffic flow and flow count variable based prevention mechanism with the difference in homogeneity. Its simplicity and practical approach facilitates the detection of DDoS attack at the early stage which helps in prevention of the attack and the subsequent damage. Further, simulation result based on different instances of time has been shown on T-value including generation of simple and harmonic homogeneity for observing the real time request difference and gaps.