Recent architectures for the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) have incorporated several back-end systems that handle billing and other smart grid control operations. The non-availability of metering data when needed or the untimely delivery of data needed for control operations will undermine the activities of these back-end systems. Unfortunately, there are concerns that cyber attacks such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) will manifest in magnitude and complexity in a smart grid AMI network. Such attacks will range from a delay in the availability of end user's metering data to complete denial in the case of a grounded network. This paper proposes a cloud-based (IaaS) firewall for the mitigation of DDoS attacks in a smart grid AMI network. The proposed firewall has the ability of not only mitigating the effects of DDoS attack but can prevent the attack before they are launched. Our proposed firewall system leverages on cloud computing technology which has an added advantage of reducing the burden of data computations and storage for smart grid AMI back-end systems. The openflow firewall proposed in this study is a better security solution with regards to the traditional on-premises DoS solutions which cannot cope with the wide range of new attacks targeting the smart grid AMI network infrastructure. Simulation results generated from the study show that our model can guarantee the availability of metering/control data and could be used to improve the QoS of the smart grid AMI network under a DDoS attack scenario.