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Nasser, R., Renes, J. M..  2017.  Polar codes for arbitrary classical-quantum channels and arbitrary cq-MACs. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :281–285.

We prove polarization theorems for arbitrary classical-quantum (cq) channels. The input alphabet is endowed with an arbitrary Abelian group operation and an Arikan-style transformation is applied using this operation. It is shown that as the number of polarization steps becomes large, the synthetic cq-channels polarize to deterministic homomorphism channels that project their input to a quotient group of the input alphabet. This result is used to construct polar codes for arbitrary cq-channels and arbitrary classical-quantum multiple access channels (cq-MAC). The encoder can be implemented in O(N log N) operations, where N is the blocklength of the code. A quantum successive cancellation decoder for the constructed codes is proposed. It is shown that the probability of error of this decoder decays faster than 2-Nβ for any β textless; ½.