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Sahlabadi, Mahdi, Saberikamarposhti, Morteza, Muniyandi, Ravie Chandren, Shukur, Zarina.  2022.  Using Cycling 3D Chaotic Map and DNA Sequences for Introducing a Novel Algorithm for Color Image Encryption. 2022 International Conference on Cyber Resilience (ICCR). :1–7.
Today, social communication through the Internet has become more popular and has become a crucial part of our daily life. Naturally, sending and receiving various data through the Internet has also grown a lot. Keeping important data secure in transit has become a challenge for individuals and even organizations. Therefore, the trinity of confidentiality, integrity, and availability will be essential, and encryption will definitely be one of the best solutions to this problem. Of course, for image data, it will not be possible to use conventional encryption methods for various reasons, such as the redundancy of image data, the strong correlation of adj acent pixels, and the large volume of image data. Therefore, special methods were developed for image encryption. Among the prevalent methods for image encryption is the use of DNA sequences as well as chaos signals. In this paper, a cycling 3D chaotic map and DNA sequences are used to present a new method for color image encryption. Several experimental analyses were performed on the proposed method, and the results proved that the presented method is secure and efficient.
Nisperos, Z. A., Gerardo, B., Hernandez, A..  2020.  Key Generation for Zero Steganography Using DNA Sequences. 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
Some of the key challenges in steganography are imperceptibility and resistance to detection of steganalysis algorithms. Zero steganography is an approach to data hiding such that the cover image is not modified. This paper focuses on the generation of stego-key, which is an essential component of this steganographic approach. This approach utilizes DNA sequences and shifting and flipping operations in its binary code representation. Experimental results show that the key generation algorithm has a low cracking probability. The algorithm satisfies the avalanche criterion.
Nisperos, Zhella Anne V., Gerardo, Bobby D., Hernandez, Alexander A..  2019.  A Coverless Approach to Data Hiding Using DNA Sequences. 2019 2nd World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE). :21–25.
In recent years, image steganography is being considered as one of the methods to secure the confidentiality of sensitive and private data sent over networks. Conventional image steganography techniques use cover images to hide secret messages. These techniques are susceptible to steganalysis algorithms based on anomaly detection. This paper proposes a new approach to image steganography without using cover images. In addition, it utilizes Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequences. DNA sequences are used to generate key and stego-image. Experimental results show that the use of DNA sequences in this technique offer very low cracking probability and the coverless approach contributes to its high embedding capacity.
Akiwate, Bahubali, Parthiban, Latha.  2018.  A Dynamic DNA for Key-Based Cryptography. 2018 International Conference on Computational Techniques, Electronics and Mechanical Systems (CTEMS). :223-227.

A dynamic DNA for key-based Cryptography that encrypt and decrypt plain text characters, text file, image file and audio file using DNA sequences. Cryptography is always taken as the secure way while transforming the confidential information over the network such as LAN, Internet. But over the time, the traditional cryptographic approaches are been replaced with more effective cryptographic systems such as Quantum Cryptography, Biometric Cryptography, Geographical Cryptography and DNA Cryptography. This approach accepts the DNA sequences as the input to generate the key that going to provide two stages of data security.

Pranamulia, R., Asnar, Y., Perdana, R. S..  2017.  Profile hidden Markov model for malware classification \#x2014; usage of system call sequence for malware classification. 2017 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE). :1–5.

Malware technology makes it difficult for malware analyst to detect same malware files with different obfuscation technique. In this paper we are trying to tackle that problem by analyzing the sequence of system call from an executable file. Malware files which actually are the same should have almost identical or at least a similar sequence of system calls. In this paper, we are going to create a model for each malware class consists of malwares from different families based on its sequence of system calls. Method/algorithm that's used in this paper is profile hidden markov model which is a very well-known tool in the biological informatics field for comparing DNA and protein sequences. Malware classes that we are going to build are trojan and worm class. Accuracy for these classes are pretty high, it's above 90% with also a high false positive rate around 37%.

Al-Mashhadi, H. M., Abduljaleel, I. Q..  2017.  Color image encryption using chaotic maps, triangular scrambling, with DNA sequences. 2017 International Conference on Current Research in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCIT). :93–98.

Applying security to the transmitted image is very important issues, because the transmission channel is open and can be compromised by attackers. To secure this channel from the eavesdropping attack, man in the middle attack, and so on. A new hybrid encryption image mechanism that utilize triangular scrambling, DNA encoding and chaotic map is implemented. The scheme takes a master key with a length of 320 bit, and produces a group of sub-keys with two length (32 and 128 bit) to encrypt the blocks of images, then a new triangular scrambling method is used to increase the security of the image. Many experiments are implemented using several different images. The analysis results for these experiments show that the security obtained on by using the proposed method is very suitable for securing the transmitted images. The current work has been compared with other works and the result of comparison shows that the current work is very strong against attacks.