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Moyne, J., Mashiro, S., Gross, D..  2018.  Determining a Security Roadmap for the Microelectronics Industry. 2018 29th Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC). :291–294.

The evolution of the microelectronics manufacturing industry is characterized by increased complexity, analysis, integration, distribution, data sharing and collaboration, all of which is enabled by the big data explosion. This evolution affords a number of opportunities in improved productivity and quality, and reduced cost, however it also brings with it a number of risks associated with maintaining security of data systems. The International Roadmap for Devices and System Factory Integration International Focus Team (IRDS FI IFT) determined that a security technology roadmap for the industry is needed to better understand the needs, challenges and potential solutions for security in the microelectronics industry and its supply chain. As a first step in providing this roadmap, the IFT conducted a security survey, soliciting input from users, suppliers and OEMs. Preliminary results indicate that data partitioning with IP protection is the number one topic of concern, with the need for industry-wide standards as the second most important topic. Further, the "fear" of security breach is considered to be a significant hindrance to Advanced Process Control efforts as well as use of cloud-based solutions. The IRDS FI IFT will endeavor to provide components of a security roadmap for the industry in the 2018 FI chapter, leveraging the output of the survey effort combined with follow-up discussions with users and consultations with experts.

Bobda, C., Whitaker, T. J. L., Kamhoua, C., Kwiat, K., Njilla, L..  2017.  Synthesis of Hardware Sandboxes for Trojan Mitigation in Systems on Chip. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :172–172.

In this work, we propose a design flow for automatic generation of hardware sandboxes purposed for IP security in trusted system-on-chips (SoCs). Our tool CAPSL, the Component Authentication Process for Sandboxed Layouts, is capable of detecting trojan activation and nullifying possible damage to a system at run-time, avoiding complex pre-fabrication and pre-deployment testing for trojans. Our approach captures the behavioral properties of non-trusted IPs, typically from a third-party or components off the shelf (COTS), with the formalism of interface automata and the Property Specification Language's sequential extended regular expressions (SERE). Using the concept of hardware sandboxing, we translate the property specifications to checker automata and partition an untrusted sector of the system, with included virtualized resources and controllers, to isolate sandbox-system interactions upon deviation from the behavioral checkers. Our design flow is verified with benchmarks from, which show 100% trojan detection with reduced checker overhead compared to other run-time verification techniques.

Karam, R., Hoque, T., Ray, S., Tehranipoor, M., Bhunia, S..  2017.  MUTARCH: Architectural diversity for FPGA device and IP security. 2017 22nd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). :611–616.
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are being increasingly deployed in diverse applications including the emerging Internet of Things (IoT), biomedical, and automotive systems. However, security of the FPGA configuration file (i.e. bitstream), especially during in-field reconfiguration, as well as effective safeguards against unauthorized tampering and piracy during operation, are notably lacking. The current practice of bitstreram encryption is only available in high-end FPGAs, incurs unacceptably high overhead for area/energy-constrained devices, and is susceptible to side channel attacks. In this paper, we present a fundamentally different and novel approach to FPGA security that can protect against all major attacks on FPGA, namely, unauthorized in-field reprogramming, piracy of FPGA intellectual property (IP) blocks, and targeted malicious modification of the bitstream. Our approach employs the security through diversity principle to FPGA, which is often used in the software domain. We make each device architecturally different from the others using both physical (static) and logical (time-varying) configuration keys, ensuring that attackers cannot use a priori knowledge about one device to mount an attack on another. It therefore mitigates the economic motivation for attackers to reverse engineering the bitstream and IP. The approach is compatible with modern remote upgrade techniques, and requires only small modifications to existing FPGA tool flows, making it an attractive addition to the FPGA security suite. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves provably high security against tampering and piracy with worst-case 14% latency overhead and 13% area overhead.
Adetomi, A., Enemali, G., Arslan, T..  2017.  Towards an efficient intellectual property protection in dynamically reconfigurable FPGAs. 2017 Seventh International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST). :150–156.

The trend in computing is towards the use of FPGAs to improve performance at reduced costs. An indication of this is the adoption of FPGAs for data centre and server application acceleration by notable technological giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Baidu. The continued protection of Intellectual Properties (IPs) on the FPGA has thus become both more important and challenging. To facilitate IP security, FPGA vendors have provided bitstream authentication and encryption. However, advancements in FPGA programming technology have engendered a bitstream manipulation technique like partial bitstream relocation (PBR), which is promising in terms of reducing bitstream storage cost and facilitating adaptability. Meanwhile, encrypted bitstreams are not amenable to PBR. In this paper, we present three methods for performing encrypted PBR with varying overheads of resources and time. These methods ensure that PBR can be applied to bitstreams without losing the protection of IPs.