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Vishnu, B., Sajeesh, Sandeep R, Namboothiri, Leena Vishnu.  2020.  Enhanced Image Steganography with PVD and Edge Detection. 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :949—953.
Steganography is the concept to conceal information and the data by embedding it as secret data into various digital medium in order to achieve higher security. To achieve this, many steganographic algorithms are already proposed. The ability of human eyes as well as invisibility remain the most important and prominent factor for the security and protection. The most commonly used security measure of data hiding within imagesYet it is ineffective against Steganalysis and lacks proper verifications. Thus the proposed system of Image Steganography using PVD (Pixel Value Differentiating) proves to be a better choice. It compresses and embeds data in images at the pixel value difference calculated between two consecutive pixels. To increase the security, another technique called Edge Detection is used along with PVD to embed data at the edges. Edge Detection techniques like Canny algorithm are used to find the edges in an image horizontally as well as vertically. The edge pixels in an image can be used to handle more bits of messages, because more pixel value shifts can be handled by the image edge area.
Chiang, M., Lau, S..  2011.  Automatic multiple faces tracking and detection using improved edge detector algorithm. 2011 7th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia. :1—5.

The automatic face tracking and detection has been one of the fastest developing areas due to its wide range of application, security and surveillance application in particular. It has been one of the most interest subjects, which suppose but yet to be wholly explored in various research areas due to various distinctive factors: varying ethnic groups, sizes, orientations, poses, occlusions and lighting conditions. The focus of this paper is to propose an improve algorithm to speed up the face tracking and detection process with the simple and efficient proposed novel edge detector to reject the non-face-likes regions, hence reduce the false detection rate in an automatic face tracking and detection in still images with multiple faces for facial expression system. The correct rates of 95.9% on the Haar face detection and proposed novel edge detector, which is higher 6.1% than the primitive integration of Haar and canny edge detector.

Prathusha, P., Jyothi, S., Mamatha, D. M..  2018.  Enhanced Image Edge Detection Methods for Crab Species Identification. 2018 International Conference on Soft-computing and Network Security (ICSNS). :1—7.

Automatic Image Analysis, Image Classification, Automatic Object Recognition are some of the aspiring research areas in various fields of Engineering. Many Industrial and biological applications demand Image Analysis and Image Classification. Sample images available for classification may be complex, image data may be inadequate or component regions in the image may have poor visibility. With the available information each Digital Image Processing application has to analyze, classify and recognize the objects appropriately. Pre-processing, Image segmentation, feature extraction and classification are the most common steps to follow for Classification of Images. In this study we applied various existing edge detection methods like Robert, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny, Otsu and Laplacian of Guassian to crab images. From the conducted analysis of all edge detection operators, it is observed that Sobel, Prewitt, Robert operators are ideal for enhancement. The paper proposes Enhanced Sobel operator, Enhanced Prewitt operator and Enhanced Robert operator using morphological operations and masking. The novelty of the proposed approach is that it gives thick edges to the crab images and removes spurious edges with help of m-connectivity. Parameters which measure the accuracy of the results are employed to compare the existing edge detection operators with proposed edge detection operators. This approach shows better results than existing edge detection operators.

Maheshwari, B. C., Burns, J., Blott, M., Gambardella, G..  2017.  Implementation of a scalable real time canny edge detector on programmable SOC. 2017 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA). :1–5.

In today's world, we are surrounded by variety of computer vision applications e.g. medical imaging, bio-metrics, security, surveillance and robotics. Most of these applications require real time processing of a single image or sequence of images. This real time image/video processing requires high computational power and specialized hardware architecture and can't be achieved using general purpose CPUs. In this paper, a FPGA based generic canny edge detector is introduced. Edge detection is one of the basic steps in image processing, image analysis, image pattern recognition, and computer vision. We have implemented a re-sizable canny edge detector IP on programmable logic (PL) of PYNQ-Platform. The IP is integrated with HDMI input/output blocks and can process 1080p input video stream at 60 frames per second. As mentioned the canny edge detection IP is scalable with respect to frame size i.e. depending on the input frame size, the hardware architecture can be scaled up or down by changing the template parameters. The offloading of canny edge detection from PS to PL causes the CPU usage to drop from about 100% to 0%. Moreover, hardware based edge detector runs about 14 times faster than the software based edge detector running on Cortex-A9 ARM processor.