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Zhang, Xinyan.  2022.  Access Control Mechanism Based on Game Theory in the Internet of Things Environment. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1–6.
In order to solve the problem that the traditional “centralized” access control technology can no longer guarantee the security of access control in the current Internet of Things (IoT)environment, a dynamic access control game mechanism based on trust is proposed. According to the reliability parameters of the recommended information obtained by the two elements of interaction time and the number of interactions, the user's trust value is dynamically calculated, and the user is activated and authorized to the role through the trust level corresponding to the trust value. The trust value and dynamic adjustment factor are introduced into the income function to carry out game analysis to avoid malicious access behavior of users. The hybrid Nash equilibrium strategy of both sides of the transaction realizes the access decision-making work in the IoT environment. Experimental results show that the game mechanism proposed in this paper has a certain restraining effect on malicious nodes and can play a certain incentive role in the legitimate access behavior of IoT users.
Djoyo, Brata Wibawa, Nurzaqia, Safira, Budiarti, Salsa Imbartika, Agustin, Syerina.  2022.  Examining the Determinant Factors of Intention to Use of Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) as a Payment System for MSME Merchants. 2022 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech). :676–681.
This study purpose was to examine the determinant factors that affect the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) merchants who had the intention to use Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) as a payment system. QRIS was expected to be applied by merchants to diminish the virus spread and keep the circulation of money safe; but there were not many merchants using the QRIS as a payment method. The factors MSME merchant might not use the QRIS were related to perceived usefulness, perceived security, perceived ease of use, and trust. The population was MSMEs in South Tangerang City who did not use QRIS yet and the population was unknown. Using the Lemeshow formula, obtained a sample of 115 people, and the sampling technique used purposive sampling. Then data were analyzed using multi-regression analysis and processed by SPSS. The results indicated that perceived usefulness and perceived security had a significant affect on trust, whereas trust and ease of use significant affect the intention to use QRIS. Moreover, trust was able to mediate the perceived usefulness to intention to use. Since ease of use had no significant affect on trust, then the mediation given by trust to perceived ease of use had no significant affect on intention to use.
Ramachandran, Gowri Sankar, Deane, Felicity, Malik, Sidra, Dorri, Ali, Jurdak, Raja.  2021.  Towards Assisted Autonomy for Supply Chain Compliance Management. 2021 Third IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA). :321–330.

In an agricultural supply chain, farmers, food processors, transportation agencies, importers, and exporters must comply with different regulations imposed by one or more jurisdictions depending on the nature of their business operations. Supply chain stakeholders conventionally transport their goods, along with the corresponding documentation via regulators for compliance checks. This is generally followed by a tedious and manual process to ensure the goods meet regulatory requirements. However, supply chain systems are changing through digitization. In digitized supply chains, data is shared with the relevant stakeholders through digital supply chain platforms, including blockchain technology. In such datadriven digital supply chains, the regulators may be able to leverage digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to automate the compliance verification process. However, a barrier to progress is the risk that information will not be credible, thus reversing the gains that automation could achieve. Automating compliance based on inaccurate data may compromise the safety and credibility of the agricultural supply chain, which discourages regulators and other stakeholders from adopting and relying on automation. Within this article we consider the challenges of digital supply chains when we describe parts of the compliance management process and how it can be automated to improve the operational efficiency of agricultural supply chains. We introduce assisted autonomy as a means to pragmatically automate the compliance verification process by combining the power of digital systems while keeping the human in-the-loop. We argue that autonomous compliance is possible, but that the need for human led inspection processes will never be replaced by machines, however it can be minimised through “assisted autonomy”.

Khan, Mohd, Chen, Yu.  2021.  A Randomized Switched-Mode Voltage Regulation System for IoT Edge Devices to Defend Against Power Analysis based Side Channel Attacks. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing Communications, Social Computing Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :1771–1776.
The prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT) allows heterogeneous and lightweight smart devices to collaboratively provide services with or without human intervention. With an ever-increasing presence of IoT-based smart applications and their ubiquitous visibility from the Internet, user data generated by highly connected smart IoT devices also incur more concerns on security and privacy. While a lot of efforts are reported to develop lightweight information assurance approaches that are affordable to resource-constrained IoT devices, there is not sufficient attention paid from the aspect of security solutions against hardware-oriented attacks, i.e. side channel attacks. In this paper, a COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) based Randomized Switched-Mode Voltage Regulation System (RSMVRS) is proposed to prevent power analysis based side channel attacks (P-SCA) on bare metal IoT edge device. The RSMVRS is implemented to direct power to IoT edge devices. The power is supplied to the target device by randomly activating power stages with random time delays. Therefore, the cryptography algorithm executing on the IoT device will not correlate to a predictable power profile, if an adversary performs a SCA by measuring the power traces. The RSMVRS leverages COTS components and experimental study has verified the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed solution.
Mukherjee, Sayak, Adetola, Veronica.  2021.  A Secure Learning Control Strategy via Dynamic Camouflaging for Unknown Dynamical Systems under Attacks. 2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). :905—910.

This paper presents a secure reinforcement learning (RL) based control method for unknown linear time-invariant cyber-physical systems (CPSs) that are subjected to compositional attacks such as eavesdropping and covert attack. We consider the attack scenario where the attacker learns about the dynamic model during the exploration phase of the learning conducted by the designer to learn a linear quadratic regulator (LQR), and thereafter, use such information to conduct a covert attack on the dynamic system, which we refer to as doubly learning-based control and attack (DLCA) framework. We propose a dynamic camouflaging based attack-resilient reinforcement learning (ARRL) algorithm which can learn the desired optimal controller for the dynamic system, and at the same time, can inject sufficient misinformation in the estimation of system dynamics by the attacker. The algorithm is accompanied by theoretical guarantees and extensive numerical experiments on a consensus multi-agent system and on a benchmark power grid model.

Correa, Mauricio, GOMEZ, Tomás, Cossent, Rafael.  2021.  Local Flexibility Mechanisms for Electricity Distribution Through Regulatory Sandboxes: International Review and a Proposal for Spain. 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. :1—6.
The EU goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 will require profound changes in the electricity supply chain. In this context, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are expected to adopt solutions to efficiently integrate distributed energy resources (DER), including the implementation of local flexibility mechanisms. Thus, DSOs would procure services from DER like distributed generation, demand response, or storage to support grid expansion, attain significant cost savings, and swifter DER integration. However, the use of flexibility mechanisms still faces barriers posed by national regulation. Regulatory sandboxes may be used to overcome this gap by enabling and supporting the development of local flexibility mechanisms. This paper performs an international review of four leading countries in the use of sandbox and flexibility, identifies best practices, and, based on the lessons learned, provides recommendations to implement local flexibility mechanisms for DSOs in Spain under regulatory sandboxes
Pedroza, Gabriel, Muntés-Mulero, Victor, Mart\'ın, Yod Samuel, Mockly, Guillaume.  2021.  A Model-Based Approach to Realize Privacy and Data Protection by Design. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :332–339.
Telecommunications and data are pervasive in almost each aspect of our every-day life and new concerns progressively arise as a result of stakes related to privacy and data protection [1]. Indeed, systems development becomes data-centric leading to an ecosystem where a variety of players intervene (citizens, industry, regulators) and where the policies regarding data usage and utilization are far from consensual. The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enacted by the European Commission in 2018 has introduced new provisions including principles for lawfulness, fairness, transparency, etc. thus endorsing data subjects with new rights in regards to their personal data. In this context, a growing need for approaches that conceptualize and help engineers to integrate GDPR and privacy provisions at design time becomes paramount. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to support different phases of the design process with special attention to the integration of privacy and data protection principles. Among others, it is a generic model-based approach that can be specialized according to the specifics of different application domains.
Malekzadeh, Milad, Papamichail, Ioannis, Papageorgiou, Markos.  2021.  Internal Boundary Control of Lane-free Automated Vehicle Traffic using a Linear Quadratic Integral Regulator. 2021 European Control Conference (ECC). :35—41.
Lane-free traffic has been recently proposed for connected automated vehicles (CAV). As incremental changes of the road width in lane-free traffic lead to corresponding incremental changes of the traffic flow capacity, the concept of internal boundary control can be used to optimize infrastructure utilization. Internal boundary control leads to flexible sharing of the total road width and capacity among the two traffic directions (of a highway or an arterial) in real-time, in response to the prevailing traffic conditions. A feedback-based Linear-Quadratic regulator with Integral action (LQI regulator) is appropriately developed in this paper to efficiently address this problem. Simulation investigations, involving a realistic highway stretch, demonstrate that the proposed simple LQI regulator is robust and very efficient.
Marksteiner, Stefan, Marko, Nadja, Smulders, Andre, Karagiannis, Stelios, Stahl, Florian, Hamazaryan, Hayk, Schlick, Rupert, Kraxberger, Stefan, Vasenev, Alexandr.  2021.  A Process to Facilitate Automated Automotive Cybersecurity Testing. 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring). :1—7.
Modern vehicles become increasingly digitalized with advanced information technology-based solutions like advanced driving assistance systems and vehicle-to-x communications. These systems are complex and interconnected. Rising complexity and increasing outside exposure has created a steadily rising demand for more cyber-secure systems. Thus, also standardization bodies and regulators issued standards and regulations to prescribe more secure development processes. This security, however, also has to be validated and verified. In order to keep pace with the need for more thorough, quicker and comparable testing, today's generally manual testing processes have to be structured and optimized. Based on existing and emerging standards for cybersecurity engineering, this paper therefore outlines a structured testing process for verifying and validating automotive cybersecurity, for which there is no standardized method so far. Despite presenting a commonly structured framework, the process is flexible in order to allow implementers to utilize their own, accustomed toolsets.
Malhotra, Diksha, Srivastava, Shubham, Saini, Poonam, Singh, Awadhesh Kumar.  2021.  Blockchain Based Audit Trailing of XAI Decisions: Storing on IPFS and Ethereum Blockchain. 2021 International Conference on COMmunication Systems NETworkS (COMSNETS). :1–5.
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) generates explanations which are used by regulators to audit the responsibility in case of any catastrophic failure. These explanations are currently stored in centralized systems. However, due to lack of security and traceability in centralized systems, the respective owner may temper the explanations for his convenience in order to avoid any penalty. Nowadays, Blockchain has emerged as one of the promising technologies that might overcome the security limitations. Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel Blockchain based framework for proof-of-authenticity pertaining to XAI decisions. The framework stores the explanations in InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) due to storage limitations of Ethereum Blockchain. Further, a Smart Contract is designed and deployed in order to supervise the storage and retrieval of explanations from Ethereum Blockchain. Furthermore, to induce cryptographic security in the network, an explanation's hash is calculated and stored in Blockchain too. Lastly, we perform the cost and security analysis of our proposed system.
Wang, Kai, Yuan, Fengkai, HOU, RUI, Ji, Zhenzhou, Meng, Dan.  2020.  Capturing and Obscuring Ping-Pong Patterns to Mitigate Continuous Attacks. 2020 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :1408–1413.
In this paper, we observed Continuous Attacks are one kind of common side channel attack scenarios, where an adversary frequently probes the same target cache lines in a short time. Continuous Attacks cause target cache lines to go through multiple load-evict processes, exhibiting Ping-Pong Patterns. Identifying and obscuring Ping-Pong Patterns effectively interferes with the attacker's probe and mitigates Continuous Attacks. Based on the observations, this paper proposes Ping-Pong Regulator to identify multiple Ping-Pong Patterns and block them with different strategies (Preload or Lock). The Preload proactively loads target lines into the cache, causing the attacker to mistakenly infer that the victim has accessed these lines; the Lock fixes the attacked lines' directory entries on the last level cache directory until they are evicted out of caches, making an attacker's observation of the locked lines is always the L2 cache miss. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the Ping-Pong Regulator efficiently identifies and secures attacked lines, induces negligible performance impacts and storage overhead, and does not require any software support.
Sehatbakhsh, N., Yilmaz, B. B., Zajic, A., Prvulovic, M..  2020.  A New Side-Channel Vulnerability on Modern Computers by Exploiting Electromagnetic Emanations from the Power Management Unit. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). :123—138.

This paper presents a new micro-architectural vulnerability on the power management units of modern computers which creates an electromagnetic-based side-channel. The key observations that enable us to discover this sidechannel are: 1) in an effort to manage and minimize power consumption, modern microprocessors have a number of possible operating modes (power states) in which various sub-systems of the processor are powered down, 2) for some of the transitions between power states, the processor also changes the operating mode of the voltage regulator module (VRM) that supplies power to the affected sub-system, and 3) the electromagnetic (EM) emanations from the VRM are heavily dependent on its operating mode. As a result, these state-dependent EM emanations create a side-channel which can potentially reveal sensitive information about the current state of the processor and, more importantly, the programs currently being executed. To demonstrate the feasibility of exploiting this vulnerability, we create a covert channel by utilizing the changes in the processor's power states. We show how such a covert channel can be leveraged to exfiltrate sensitive information from a secured and completely isolated (air-gapped) laptop system by placing a compact, inexpensive receiver in proximity to that system. To further show the severity of this attack, we also demonstrate how such a covert channel can be established when the target and the receiver are several meters away from each other, including scenarios where the receiver and the target are separated by a wall. Compared to the state-of-the-art, the proposed covert channel has \textbackslashtextgreater3x higher bit-rate. Finally, to demonstrate that this new vulnerability is not limited to being used as a covert channel, we demonstrate how it can be used for attacks such as keystroke logging.

Geng, J., Yu, B., Shen, C., Zhang, H., Liu, Z., Wan, P., Chen, Z..  2019.  Modeling Digital Low-Dropout Regulator with a Multiple Sampling Frequency Circuit Technology. 2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :207—210.

The digital low dropout regulators are widely used because it can operate at low supply voltage. In the digital low drop-out regulators, the high sampling frequency circuit has a short setup time, but it will produce overshoot, and then the output can be stabilized; although the low sampling frequency circuit output can be directly stabilized, the setup time is too long. This paper proposes a two sampling frequency circuit model, which aims to include the high and low sampling frequencies in the same circuit. By controlling the sampling frequency of the circuit under different conditions, this allows the circuit to combine the advantages of the circuit operating at different sampling frequencies. This shortens the circuit setup time and the stabilization time at the same time.

Benhani, E. M., Bossuet, L..  2018.  DVFS as a Security Failure of TrustZone-enabled Heterogeneous SoC. 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS). :489—492.
Today, most embedded systems use Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to minimize energy consumption and maximize performance. The DVFS technique works by regulating the important parameters that govern the amount of energy consumed in a system, voltage and frequency. For the implementation of this technique, the operating system (OS) includes software applications that dynamically control a voltage regulator or a frequency regulator or both. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time a malicious use of the frequency regulator against a TrustZone-enabled System-on-Chip (SoC). We demonstrate a use of frequency scaling to create covert channel in a TrustZone-enabled heterogeneous SoC. We present four proofs of concept to transfer sensitive data from a secure entity in the SoC to a non-secure one. The first proof of concept is from a secure ARM core to outside of SoC. The second is from a secure ARM core to a non-secure one. The third is from a non-trusted third party IP embedded in the programmable logic part of the SoC to a non-secure ARM core. And the last proof of concept is from a secure third party IP to a non-secure ARM core.
Huang, Rui, Wang, Panbao, Zaery, Mohamed, Wei, Wang, Xu, Dianguo.  2019.  A Distributed Fixed-Time Secondary Controller for DC Microgrids. 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). :1–6.

This paper proposes a distributed fixed-time based secondary controller for the DC microgrids (MGs) to overcome the drawbacks of conventional droop control. The controller, based on a distributed fixed-time control approach, can remove the DC voltage deviation and provide proportional current sharing simultaneously within a fixed-time. Comparing with the conventional centralized secondary controller, the controller, using the dynamic consensus, on each converter communicates only with its neighbors on a communication graph which increases the convergence speed and gets an improved performance. The proposed control strategy is simulated in PLECS to test the controller performance, link-failure resiliency, plug and play capability and the feasibility under different time delays.

Krit, S., Benaddy, M., Habil, B. E., Ouali, M. E., Meslouhi, O. E..  2017.  Security of hardware architecture, design and performance of low drop-out voltage regulator LDO to protect power mobile applications. 2017 International Conference on Engineering MIS (ICEMIS). :1–8.

This paper present a new Low Drop-Out Voltage Regulator (LDO) and highlight the topologies and the advantages of the LDO for hardware security protection of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), this integrated circuits are considered as an ideal solution in low power System on-chip applications (SOC) for their compact sizes and low cost. The advancement in low-power design makes it possible that ubiquitous device can be powered by low-power energy source such as ambient energy or small size batteries. In many well supplied devices the problem related to power is essentially related to cost. However for low-powered devices the problem of power is not only economics but also becomes very essential in terms of functionality. Due to the usual very small amount of energy or unstable energy available the way the engineer manages power becomes a key point in this area. Therefore, another focus of this dissertation is to try finding ways to improve the security of power management problems. Complementary metal oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) has become the predominant technology in integrated circuit design due to its high density, power savings and low manufacturing costs. The whole integrated circuit industry will still continue to benefit from the geometric downsizing that comes with every new generation of semiconductor manufacturing processes. Therefore, only several CMOS analog integrated circuit design techniques are proposed for low-powered ubiquitous device in this dissertation. This paper reviews the basics of LDO regulators and discusses the technology advances in the latest generation of LDOs that make them the preferred solution for many points of load power requirements. The paper will also introduce characteristics of CMOS LDO regulators and discuss their unique benefits in portable electronics applications. these new device offer a real advantages for the power management security of new applications mobile. Power efficiency and some practical issues for the CMOS im- lementation of these LDO structures are discussed.

Zhmud, V., Dimitrov, L., Taichenachev, A..  2017.  Model study of automatic and automated control of hysteretic object. 2017 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON). :1–5.

This paper presents the results of research and simulation of feature automated control of a hysteretic object and the difference between automated control and automatic control. The main feature of automatic control is in the fact that the control loop contains human being as a regulator with its limited response speed. The human reaction can be described as integrating link. The hysteretic object characteristic is switching from one state to another. This is followed by a transient process from one to another characteristic. For this reason, it is very difficult to keep the object in a desired state. Automatic operation ensures fast switching of the feedback signal that produces such a mode, which in many ways is similar to the sliding mode. In the sliding mode control signal abruptly switches from maximum to minimum and vice versa. The average value provides the necessary action to the object. Theoretical analysis and simulation show that the use of the maximum value of the control signal is not required. It is sufficient that the switching oscillation amplitude is such that the output signal varies with the movement of the object along both branches with hysteretic characteristics in the fastest cycle. The average output value in this case corresponds to the prescribed value of the control task. With automated control, the human response can be approximately modeled by integrating regulator. In this case the amplitude fluctuation could be excessively high and the frequency could be excessively low. The simulation showed that creating an artificial additional fluctuation in the control signal makes possible to provide a reduction in the amplitude and the resulting increase in the frequency of oscillation near to the prescribed value. This should be evaluated as a way to improve the quality of automated control with the helps of human being. The paper presents some practical examples of the examined method.