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BcIoT: Blockchain based DDos Prevention Architecture for IoT. 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICCS). :377–382.
2019. The Internet of Things (IoT) visualizes a massive network with billions of interaction among smart things which are capable of contributing all sorts of services. Self-configuring things (nodes) are connected dynamically with a global network in IoT scenario. The small things are widely spread in a real world paradigm with minimal processing capacity and limited storage. The recent IoT technologies have more concerns about the security, privacy and reliability. Sharing personal data over the centralized system still remains as a challenging task. If the infrastructure is able to provide the assurance for transferring the data but for now it requires special attention on security and data consistency. Because, centralized system and infrastructure is viewed as a more attractive point for hacker or cyber-attacker. To solve this we present a secured smart contract based on Blockchain to develop a secured communicative network. A Hash based secret key is used for encryption and decryption purposes. A demo attack is done for developing a better understanding on blockchain technology in terms of their comparison and calculation.
Advanced Searchable Encryption: Keyword Search for Matrix-Type Storage. 2018 Sixth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW). :292-297.
2018. The recent development of IoT technologies and cloud storages, many types of information including private information have been gradually outsourced. For such a situation, new convenient functionalities such as arithmetic and keyword search on ciphertexts are required to allow users to retrieve information without leaking any information. Especially, searchable encryptions have been paid much attention to realize a keyword search on an encrypted domain. In addition, an architecture of searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) is a suitable and efficient solution for data outsourcing. In this paper, we focus on an SSE scheme which employs a secure index for searching a keyword with optimal search time. In the conventional studies, it has been widely considered that the scheme searches whether a queried keyword is contained in encrypted documents. On the other hand, we additionally take into account the location of a queried keyword in documents by targeting a matrix-type data format. It enables a manager to search personal information listed per line or column in CSV-like format data.
Building Trust in the Human?Internet of Things Relationship Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE. 33:73-80.
2014. Our vision in this paper is that agency, as the individual ability to intervene and tailor the system, is a crucial element in building trust in IoT technologies. Following up on this vision, we will first address the issue of agency, namely the individual capability to adopt free decisions, as a relevant driver in building trusted human-IoT relations, and how agency should be embedded in digital systems. Then we present the main challenges posed by existing approaches to implement this vision. We show then our proposal for a model-based approach that realizes the agency concept, including a prototype implementation.