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Cabelin, Joe Diether, Alpano, Paul Vincent, Pedrasa, Jhoanna Rhodette.  2021.  SVM-based Detection of False Data Injection in Intelligent Transportation System. 2021 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :279—284.
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is a subcategory of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that allows vehicles to communicate with other vehicles and static roadside infrastructure. However, the integration of cyber and physical systems introduce many possible points of attack that make VANET vulnerable to cyber attacks. In this paper, we implemented a machine learning-based intrusion detection system that identifies False Data Injection (FDI) attacks on a vehicular network. A co-simulation framework between MATLAB and NS-3 is used to simulate the system. The intrusion detection system is installed in every vehicle and processes the information obtained from the packets sent by other vehicles. The packet is classified into either trusted or malicious using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The comparison of the performance of the system is evaluated in different scenarios using the following metrics: classification rate, attack detection rate, false positive rate, and detection speed. Simulation results show that the SVM-based IDS is able to provide high accuracy detection, low false positive rate, consequently improving the traffic congestion in the simulated highway.
Agarwal, Piyush, Matta, Priya, Sharma, Sachin.  2021.  Comparative Study of Emerging Internet-of-Things in Traffic Management System. 2021 5th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). :422–428.
In recent years, the Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based traffic management system (ITMS) has attracted the attention of researchers from different fields, such as the automotive industry, academia and traffic management, due to its ability to enhance road safety and improve traffic efficiency. ITMS uses the Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) to communicate messages about traffic conditions or the event on the route to ensure the safety of the commuter. ITMS uses wireless communication technology for communication between different devices. Wireless communication has challenges to privacy and security. Challenges such as confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, identity, trust are major concerns of either security or privacy or both. This paper discusses the features of the traffic system, the features of the traffic management system (TMS) and the features of IoT that can be used in TMS with its challenges. Further, this paper analyses the work done in the last few years with the future scope of IoT in the TMS.
Liu, X., Gao, W., Feng, D., Gao, X..  2020.  Abnormal Traffic Congestion Recognition Based on Video Analysis. 2020 IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR). :39—42.

The incidence of abnormal road traffic events, especially abnormal traffic congestion, is becoming more and more prominent in daily traffic management in China. It has become the main research work of urban traffic management to detect and identify traffic congestion incidents in time. Efficient and accurate detection of traffic congestion incidents can provide a good strategy for traffic management. At present, the detection and recognition of traffic congestion events mainly rely on the integration of road traffic flow data and the passing data collected by electronic police or devices of checkpoint, and then estimating and forecasting road conditions through the method of big data analysis; Such methods often have some disadvantages such as low time-effect, low precision and small prediction range. Therefore, with the help of the current large and medium cities in the public security, traffic police have built video surveillance equipment, through computer vision technology to analyze the traffic flow from video monitoring, in this paper, the motion state and the changing trend of vehicle flow are obtained by using the technology of vehicle detection from video and multi-target tracking based on deep learning, so as to realize the perception and recognition of traffic congestion. The method achieves the recognition accuracy of less than 60 seconds in real-time, more than 80% in detection rate of congestion event and more than 82.5% in accuracy of detection. At the same time, it breaks through the restriction of traditional big data prediction, such as traffic flow data, truck pass data and GPS floating car data, and enlarges the scene and scope of detection.

Bousselham, Mhidi, Benamar, Nabil, Addaim, Adnane.  2019.  A new Security Mechanism for Vehicular Cloud Computing Using Fog Computing System. 2019 International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Embedded and Intelligent Systems (WITS). :1–4.

Recently Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) has become an attractive solution that support vehicle's computing and storing service requests. This computing paradigm insures a reduced energy consumption and low traffic congestion. Additionally, VCC has emerged as a promising technology that provides a virtual platform for processing data using vehicles as infrastructures or centralized data servers. However, vehicles are deployed in open environments where they are vulnerable to various types of attacks. Furthermore, traditional cryptographic algorithms failed in insuring security once their keys compromised. In order to insure a secure vehicular platform, we introduce in this paper a new decoy technology DT and user behavior profiling (UBP) as an alternative solution to overcome data security, privacy and trust in vehicular cloud servers using a fog computing architecture. In the case of a malicious behavior, our mechanism shows a high efficiency by delivering decoy files in such a way making the intruder unable to differentiate between the original and decoy file.

Rayavel, P., Rathnavel, P., Bharathi, M., Kumar, T. Siva.  2018.  Dynamic Traffic Control System Using Edge Detection Algorithm. 2018 International Conference on Soft-Computing and Network Security (ICSNS). :1-5.

As the traffic congestion increases on the transport network, Payable on the road to slower speeds, longer falter times, as a consequence bigger vehicular queuing, it's necessary to introduce smart way to reduce traffic. We are already edging closer to ``smart city-smart travel''. Today, a large number of smart phone applications and connected sat-naves will help get you to your destination in the quickest and easiest manner possible due to real-time data and communication from a host of sources. In present situation, traffic lights are used in each phase. The other way is to use electronic sensors and magnetic coils that detect the congestion frequency and monitor traffic, but found to be more expensive. Hence we propose a traffic control system using image processing techniques like edge detection. The vehicles will be detected using images instead of sensors. The cameras are installed alongside of the road and it will capture image sequence for every 40 seconds. The digital image processing techniques will be applied to analyse and process the image and according to that the traffic signal lights will be controlled.

Shirbhate, M. D., Solapure, S. S..  2018.  Improving existing 6LoWPAN RPL for content based routing. 2018 Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :632–635.

Internet of things has become a subject of interest across a different industry domain. It includes 6LoWPAN (Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Network) which is used for a variety of application including home automation, sensor networks, manufacturing and industry application etc. However, gathering such a huge amount of data from such a different domain causes a problem of traffic congestion, high reliability, high energy efficiency etc. In order to address such problems, content based routing (CBR) technique is proposed, where routing paths are decided according to the type of content. By routing the correlated data to hop nodes for processing, a higher data aggregation ratio can be obtained, which in turns reducing the traffic congestion and minimizes the energy consumption. CBR is implemented on top of existing RPL (Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy network) and implemented in contiki operating system using cooja simulator. The analysis are carried out on the basis average power consumption, packet delivery ratio etc.

Anderson, E. C., Okafor, K. C., Nkwachukwu, O., Dike, D. O..  2017.  Real time car parking system: A novel taxonomy for integrated vehicular computing. 2017 International Conference on Computing Networking and Informatics (ICCNI). :1–9.
Automation of real time car parking system (RTCPS) using mobile cloud computing (MCC) and vehicular networking (VN) has given rise to a novel concept of integrated communication-computing platforms (ICCP). The aim of ICCP is to evolve an effective means of addressing challenges such as improper parking management scheme, traffic congestion in parking lots, insecurity of vehicles (safety applications), and other Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) services for providing data dissemination and content delivery services to connected Vehicular Clients (VCs). Edge (parking lot based) Fog computing (EFC) through road side sensor based monitoring is proposed to achieve ICCP. A real-time cloud to vehicular clients (VCs) in the context of smart car parking system (SCPS) which satisfies deterministic and non-deterministic constraints is introduced. Vehicular cloud computing (VCC) and intra-Edge-Fog node architecture is presented for ICCP. This is targeted at distributed mini-sized self-energized Fog nodes/data centers, placed between distributed remote cloud and VCs. The architecture processes data-disseminated real-time services to the connected VCs. The work built a prototype testbed comprising a black box PSU, Arduino IoT Duo, GH-311RT ultrasonic distance sensor and SHARP 2Y0A21 passive infrared sensor for vehicle detection; LinkSprite 2MP UART JPEG camera module, SD card module, RFID card reader, RDS3115 metal gear servo motors, FPM384 fingerprint scanner, GSM Module and a VCC web portal. The testbed functions at the edge of the vehicular network and is connected to the served VCs through Infrastructure-to-Vehicular (I2V) TCP/IP-based single-hop mobile links. This research seeks to facilitate urban renewal strategies and highlight the significance of ICCP prototype testbed. Open challenges and future research directions are discussed for an efficient VCC model which runs on networked fog centers (NetFCs).