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Walker, Aaron, Amjad, Muhammad Faisal, Sengupta, Shamik.  2019.  Cuckoo’s Malware Threat Scoring and Classification: Friend or Foe? 2019 IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). :0678–0684.
Malware threat classification involves understanding the behavior of the malicious software and how it affects a victim host system. Classifying threats allows for measured response appropriate to the risk involved. Malware incident response depends on many automated tools for the classification of threat to help identify the appropriate reaction to a threat alert. Cuckoo Sandbox is one such tool which can be used for automated analysis of malware and one method of threat classification provided is a threat score. A security analyst might submit a suspicious file to Cuckoo for analysis to determine whether or not the file contains malware or performs potentially malicious behavior on a system. Cuckoo is capable of producing a report of this behavior and ranks the severity of the observed actions as a score from one to ten, with ten being the most severe. As such, a malware sample classified as an 8 would likely take priority over a sample classified as a 3. Unfortunately, this scoring classification can be misleading due to the underlying methodology of severity classification. In this paper we demonstrate why the current methodology of threat scoring is flawed and therefore we believe it can be improved with greater emphasis on analyzing the behavior of the malware. This allows for a threat classification rating which scales with the risk involved in the malware behavior.
Hejderup, J., Deursen, A. v, Gousios, G..  2018.  Software Ecosystem Call Graph for Dependency Management. 2018 IEEE/ACM 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Technologies Results (ICSE-NIER). :101–104.
A popular form of software reuse is the use of open source software libraries hosted on centralized code repositories, such as Maven or npm. Developers only need to declare dependencies to external libraries, and automated tools make them available to the workspace of the project. Recent incidents, such as the Equifax data breach and the leftpad package removal, demonstrate the difficulty in assessing the severity, impact and spread of bugs in dependency networks. While dependency checkers are being adapted as a counter measure, they only provide indicative information. To remedy this situation, we propose a fine-grained dependency network that goes beyond packages and into call graphs. The result is a versioned ecosystem-level call graph. In this paper, we outline the process to construct the proposed graph and present a preliminary evaluation of a security issue from a core package to an affected client application.
Whitmore, J., Tobin, W..  2017.  Improving Attention to Security in Software Design with Analytics and Cognitive Techniques. 2017 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev). :16–21.

There is widening chasm between the ease of creating software and difficulty of "building security in". This paper reviews the approach, the findings and recent experiments from a seven-year effort to enable consistency across a large, diverse development organization and software portfolio via policies, guidance, automated tools and services. Experience shows that developing secure software is an elusive goal for most. It requires every team to know and apply a wide range of security knowledge in the context of what software is being built, how the software will be used, and the projected threats in the environment where the software will operate. The drive for better outcomes for secure development and increased developer productivity led to experiments to augment developer knowledge and eventually realize the goal of "building the right security in".