Malware classification is the process of categorizing the families of malware on the basis of their signatures. This work focuses on classifying the emerging malwares on the basis of comparable features of similar malwares. This paper proposes a novel framework that categorizes malware samples into their families and can identify new malware samples for analysis. For this six diverse classification techniques of machine learning are used. To get more comparative and thus accurate classification results, analysis is done using two different tools, named as Knime and Orange. The work proposed can help in identifying and thus cleaning new malwares and classifying malware into their families. The correctness of family classification of malwares is investigated in terms of confusion matrix, accuracy and Cohen's Kappa. After evaluation it is analyzed that Random Forest gives the highest accuracy.
Android malware family classification is an advanced task in Android malware analysis, detection and forensics. Existing methods and models have achieved a certain success for Android malware detection, but the accuracy and the efficiency are still not up to the expectation, especially in the context of multiple class classification with imbalanced training data. To address those challenges, we propose an Android malware family classification model by analyzing the code's specific semantic information based on sensitive opcode sequence. In this work, we construct a sensitive semantic feature-sensitive opcode sequence using opcodes, sensitive APIs, STRs and actions, and propose to analyze the code's specific semantic information, generate a semantic related vector for Android malware family classification based on this feature. Besides, aiming at the families with minority, we adopt an oversampling technique based on the sensitive opcode sequence. Finally, we evaluate our method on Drebin dataset, and select the top 40 malware families for experiments. The experimental results show that the Total Accuracy and Average AUC (Area Under Curve, AUC) reach 99.50% and 98.86% with 45. 17s per Android malware, and even if the number of malware families increases, these results remain good.
Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW) is a large-scale, multi-track automatic kinship recognition evaluation, supporting both kinship verification and family classification on scales much larger than ever before. It was organized as a Data Challenge Workshop hosted in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2017. This was achieved with the largest image collection that supports kin-based vision tasks. In the end, we use this manuscript to summarize evaluation protocols, progress made and some technical background and performance ratings of the algorithms used, and a discussion on promising directions for both research and engineers to be taken next in this line of work.