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Palani, Lavanya, Pandey, Anoop Kumar, Rajendran, Balaji, Bindhumadhava, B S, Sudarsan, S D.  2022.  A Study of PKI Ecosystem in South Asian and Oceania Countries. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1–5.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a techno-policy ecosystem for establishing electronic trust has survived for several decades and evolved as the de-facto model for centralized trust in electronic transactions. In this paper, we study the PKI ecosystem that are prevailing in the South Asian and Oceanic countries and brief them. We also look at how PKI has coped up with the rapid technological changes and how policies have been realigned or formulated to strengthen the PKI ecosystem in these countries.
Calhoun, Z., Maribojoc, P., Selzer, N., Procopi, L., Bezzo, N., Fleming, C..  2017.  Analysis of Identity and Access Management alternatives for a multinational information-sharing environment. 2017 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS). :208–213.
In the 21st century, each country must make decisions on how to utilize modern technologies to maximize benefits and minimize repercussions. For example, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) needs to be able to share information efficiently with its allies while simultaneously preventing unwarranted access or attacks. These attacks pose a threat to the national security of the United States, but proper use of the cyberspace provides countless benefits. The aim of this paper is to explore Identity and Access Management (IdAM) technologies that the Department of Defense can use in joint operations with allies that will allow efficient information-sharing and enhance security. To this end, we have created a methodology and a model for evaluating Identity and Access Management technologies that the Department of Defense can use in joint operations with other nations, with a specific focus on Japan and Australia. To evaluate these systems, we employed an approach that incorporates Political, Operational, Economic and Technical (POET) factors. Governance protocols, technological solutions, and political factors were first thoroughly reviewed and then used to construct an evaluation model to formally assess Identity and Access Management alternatives. This model provides systematic guidance on how the Department of Defense can improve their use of Identity and Access Management systems in the future.
Naik, N., Jenkins, P., Newell, D..  2017.  Choice of suitable Identity and Access Management standards for mobile computing and communication. 2017 24th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT). :1–6.
Enterprises have recognised the importance of personal mobile devices for business and official use. Employees and consumers have been freely accessing resources and services from their principal organisation and partners' businesses on their mobile devices, to improve the efficiency and productivity of their businesses. This mobile computing-based business model has one major challenge, that of ascertaining and linking users' identities and access rights across business partners. The parent organisation owns all the confidential information about users but the collaborative organisation has to verify users' identities and access rights to allow access to their services and resources. This challenge involves resolving how to communicate users' identities to collaborative organisations without sending their confidential information. Several generic Identity and Access Management (IAM) standards have been proposed, and three have become established standards: Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Open Authentication (OAuth), and OpenID Connect (OIDC). Mobile computing and communication have some specific requirements and limitations; therefore, this paper evaluates these IAM standards to ascertain suitable IAM to protect mobile computing and communication. This evaluation is based on the three types of analyses: comparative analysis, suitability analysis and security vulnerability analysis of SAML, OAuth and OIDC.