In 1999, Micali, Rabin and Vadhan introduced the notion of Verifiable Random Functions (VRF)$\backslash$citeFOCS:MicRabVad99. VRFs compute for a given input x and a secret key \$sk\$ a unique function value \$y=V\_sk (x)\$, and additionally a publicly verifiable proof $π$. Each owner of the corresponding public key \$pk\$ can use the proof to non-interactivly verify that the function value was computed correctly. Furthermore, the function value provides the property of pseudorandomness. Most constructions in the past are based on q-type assumptions. Since these assumptions get stronger for a larger factor q, it is desirable to show the existence of VRFs under static or general assumptions. In this work we will show for the constructions presented in $\backslash$citePKC:DodYam05 $\backslash$citeCCS:BonMonRag10 the equivalence of breaking the VRF and solving the underlying q-type assumption.
Accurate, precise, and unambiguous definitions of software weaknesses (bugs) and clear descriptions of software vulnerabilities are vital for building the foundations of cybersecurity. The Bugs Framework (BF) comprises rigorous definitions and (static) attributes of bug classes, along with their related dynamic properties, such as proximate, secondary and tertiary causes, consequences, and sites. This paper presents an overview of previously developed BF classes and the new cryptography related classes: Encryption Bugs (ENC), Verification Bugs (VRF), and Key Management Bugs (KMN). We analyze corresponding vulnerabilities and provide their clear descriptions by applying the BF taxonomy. We also discuss the lessons learned and share our plans for expanding BF.