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Detecting Attacks on Synchrophasor Protocol Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :102—107.
2021. Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are used in power grids across North America to measure the amplitude, phase, and frequency of an alternating voltage or current. PMU's use the IEEE C37.118 protocol to send telemetry to phasor data collectors (PDC) and human machine interface (HMI) workstations in a control center. However, the C37.118 protocol utilizes the internet protocol stack without any authentication mechanism. This means that the protocol is vulnerable to false data injection (FDI) and false command injection (FCI). In order to study different scenarios in which C37.118 protocol's integrity and confidentiality can be compromised, we created a testbed that emulates a C37.118 communication network. In this testbed we conduct FCI and FDI attacks on real-time C37.118 data packets using a packet manipulation tool called Scapy. Using this platform, we generated C37.118 FCI and FDI datasets which are processed by multi-label machine learning classifier algorithms, such as Decision Tree (DT), k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), and Naive Bayes (NB), to find out how effective machine learning can be at detecting such attacks. Our results show that the DT classifier had the best precision and recall rate.
An interactive, extensible environment for power system simulation on the PMU time frame with a cyber security application. 2017 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC). :1–6.
2017. Power system simulation environments with appropriate time-fidelity are needed to enable rapid testing of new smart grid technologies and for coupled simulations of the underlying cyber infrastructure. This paper presents such an environment which operates with power system models in the PMU time frame, including data visualization and interactive control action capabilities. The flexible and extensible capabilities are demonstrated by interfacing with a cyber infrastructure simulation.