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Brugman, Jonathon, Khan, Mohammed, Kasera, Sneha, Parvania, Masood.  2019.  Cloud Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for Industrial Control Systems Using Software Defined Networking. 2019 Resilience Week (RWS). 1:98—104.

Industrial control systems (ICS) are becoming more integral to modern life as they are being integrated into critical infrastructure. These systems typically lack application layer encryption and the placement of common network intrusion services have large blind spots. We propose the novel architecture, Cloud Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (CB-IDPS), to detect and prevent threats in ICS networks by using software defined networking (SDN) to route traffic to the cloud for inspection using network function virtualization (NFV) and service function chaining. CB-IDPS uses Amazon Web Services to create a virtual private cloud for packet inspection. The CB-IDPS framework is designed with considerations to the ICS delay constraints, dynamic traffic routing, scalability, resilience, and visibility. CB-IDPS is presented in the context of a micro grid energy management system as the test case to prove that the latency of CB-IDPS is within acceptable delay thresholds. The implementation of CB-IDPS uses the OpenDaylight software for the SDN controller and commonly used network security tools such as Zeek and Snort. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt at using NFV in an ICS context for network security.

Orosz, P., Nagy, B., Varga, P., Gusat, M..  2018.  Low False Alarm Ratio DDoS Detection for ms-scale Threat Mitigation. 2018 14th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :212–218.

The dynamically changing landscape of DDoS threats increases the demand for advanced security solutions. The rise of massive IoT botnets enables attackers to mount high-intensity short-duration ”volatile ephemeral” attack waves in quick succession. Therefore the standard human-in-the-loop security center paradigm is becoming obsolete. To battle the new breed of volatile DDoS threats, the intrusion detection system (IDS) needs to improve markedly, at least in reaction times and in automated response (mitigation). Designing such an IDS is a daunting task as network operators are traditionally reluctant to act - at any speed - on potentially false alarms. The primary challenge of a low reaction time detection system is maintaining a consistently low false alarm rate. This paper aims to show how a practical FPGA-based DDoS detection and mitigation system can successfully address this. Besides verifying the model and algorithms with real traffic ”in the wild”, we validate the low false alarm ratio. Accordingly, we describe a methodology for determining the false alarm ratio for each involved threat type, then we categorize the causes of false detection, and provide our measurement results. As shown here, our methods can effectively mitigate the volatile ephemeral DDoS attacks, and accordingly are usable both in human out-of-loop and on-the-loop next-generation security solutions.

Kohlbrenner, Anne, Araujo, Frederico, Taylor, Teryl, Stoecklin, Marc Ph..  2017.  POSTER: Hidden in Plain Sight: A Filesystem for Data Integrity and Confidentiality. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2523–2525.

A filesystem capable of curtailing data theft and ensuring file integrity protection through deception is introduced and evaluated. The deceptive filesystem transparently creates multiple levels of stacking to protect the base filesystem and monitor file accesses, hide and redact sensitive files with baits, and inject decoys onto fake system views purveyed to untrusted subjects, all while maintaining a pristine state to legitimate processes. Our prototype implementation leverages a kernel hot-patch to seamlessly integrate the new filesystem module into live and existing environments. We demonstrate the utility of our approach with a use case on the nefarious Erebus ransomware. We also show that the filesystem adds no I/O overhead for legitimate users.