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Karavaev, I. S., Selivantsev, V. I., Shtern, Y. I., Shtern, M. Y..  2018.  The development of the data transfer protocol in the intelligent control systems of the energy carrier parameters. 2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :1305–1308.
For the control of the parameters and for the accounting of the energy consumption in buildings and structures the intelligent control system has been developed that provides: the continuous monitoring of the thermodynamic parameters of the energy carriers measured by wireless smart sensors; the calculation and transmission of the measured parameters via the radio channel to the database for their accumulation and storage; control signals delivery for the control devices of the energy consumption and for the security devices; the maintaining of a database of the energy consumption accounting. For the interaction of the hardware and software in the control system, the SimpliciTI-based protocol and algorithms for the reliable data transmission over the radio channel in a dense urban environment have been developed.
Sajyth, RB, Sujatha, G.  2018.  Design of Data Confidential and Reliable Bee Clustering Routing Protocol in MANET. 2018 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1—7.
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) requires extraneous energy effectualness and legion intelligence for which a best clustered based approach is pertained called the “Bee-Ad Hoc-C”. In MANET the mechanism of multi-hop routing is imperative but may leads to a challenging issue like lack of data privacy during communication. ECC (Elliptical Curve Cryptography) is integrated with the Bee clustering approach to provide an energy efficient and secure data delivery system. Even though it ensures data confidentiality, data reliability is still disputable such as data dropping attack, Black hole attack (Attacker router drops the data without forwarding to destination). In such cases the technique of overhearing is utilized by the neighbor routers and the packet forwarding statistics are measured based on the ratio between the received and forwarded packets. The presence of attack is detected if the packet forwarding ratio is poor in the network which paves a way to the alternate path identification for a reliable data transmission. The proposed work is an integration of SC-AODV along with ECC in Bee clustering approach with an extra added overhearing technique which n on the whole ensures data confidentiality, data reliability and energy efficiency.
Selar, G Dheeraj, Apoorva, P.  2017.  Comparative study on KP-ABE and CP-ABE algorithm for secure data retrieval in military network. 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2). :1—4.

In many hostile military environments for instance war zone, unfriendly nature, etc., the systems perform on the specially promoted mode and nature which they tolerate the defined system network architecture. Preparation of Disruption-Tolerant systems (DTN) enhances the network between the remote devices which provided to the soldiers in the war zone, this situation conveys the reliable data transmission under scanner. Cipher text approach are based on the attribute based encryption which mainly acts on the attributes or role of the users, which is a successful cryptographic strategy to maintain the control issues and also allow reliable data transfer. Specially, the systems are not centralized and have more data constrained issues in the systems, implementing the Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) was an important issue, where this strategy provides the new security and data protection approach with the help of the Key Revocation, Key Escrows and collaboration of the certain attributes with help of main Key Authorities. This paper mainly concentrates on the reliable data retrieval system with the help of CP-ABE for the Disruption-Tolerant Networks where multiple key authorities deal with respective attributes safely and securely. We performed comparison analysis on existing schemes with the recommended system components which are configured in the respective decentralized tolerant military system for reliable data retrieval.

Fan, Z., Wu, H., Xu, J., Tang, Y..  2017.  An Optimization Algorithm for Spatial Information Network Self-Healing Based on Software Defined Network. 2017 12th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE). :369–374.

Spatial information network is an important part of the integrated space-terrestrial information network, its bearer services are becoming increasingly complex, and real-time requirements are also rising. Due to the structural vulnerability of the spatial information network and the dynamics of the network, this poses a serious challenge to how to ensure reliable and stable data transmission. The structural vulnerability of the spatial information network and the dynamics of the network brings a serious challenge of ensuring reliable and stable data transmission. Software Defined Networking (SDN), as a new network architecture, not only can quickly adapt to new business, but also make network reconfiguration more intelligent. In this paper, SDN is used to design the spatial information network architecture. An optimization algorithm for network self-healing based on SDN is proposed to solve the failure of switching node. With the guarantee of Quality of Service (QoS) requirement, the link is updated with the least link to realize the fast network reconfiguration and recovery. The simulation results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can effectively reduce the delay caused by fault recovery.