In this paper, the literature survey of different algorithms for generating encryption keys using fingerprints is presented. The focus is on fingerprint features called minutiae points where fingerprint ridges end or bifurcate. Minutiae points require less memory and are processed faster than other fingerprint features. In addition, presented is the proposed efficient method for cryptographic key generation using finger-codes. The results show that the length of the key, computing time and the memory it requires is efficient for use as a biometric key or even as a password during verification and authentication.
The notion of style is pivotal to literature. The choice of a certain writing style moulds and enhances the overall character of a book. Stylometry uses statistical methods to analyze literary style. This work aims to build a recommendation system based on the similarity in stylometric cues of various authors. The problem at hand is in close proximity to the author attribution problem. It follows a supervised approach with an initial corpus of books labelled with their respective authors as training set and generate recommendations based on the misclassified books. Results in book similarity are substantiated by domain experts.