Machine learning algorithms used to detect attacks are limited by the fact that they cannot incorporate the back-ground knowledge that an analyst has. This limits their suitability in detecting new attacks. Reinforcement learning is different from traditional machine learning algorithms used in the cybersecurity domain. Compared to traditional ML algorithms, reinforcement learning does not need a mapping of the input-output space or a specific user-defined metric to compare data points. This is important for the cybersecurity domain, especially for malware detection and mitigation, as not all problems have a single, known, correct answer. Often, security researchers have to resort to guided trial and error to understand the presence of a malware and mitigate it.In this paper, we incorporate prior knowledge, represented as Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs (CKGs), to guide the exploration of an RL algorithm to detect malware. CKGs capture semantic relationships between cyber-entities, including that mined from open source. Instead of trying out random guesses and observing the change in the environment, we aim to take the help of verified knowledge about cyber-attack to guide our reinforcement learning algorithm to effectively identify ways to detect the presence of malicious filenames so that they can be deleted to mitigate a cyber-attack. We show that such a guided system outperforms a base RL system in detecting malware.
Knowledge Graphs (KG) are becoming core components of most artificial intelligence applications. Linked Data, as a method of publishing KGs, allows applications to traverse within, and even out of, the graph thanks to global dereferenceable identifiers denoting entities, in the form of IRIs. However, as we show in this work, after analyzing several popular datasets (namely DBpedia, LOD Cache, and Web Data Commons JSON-LD data) many entities are being represented using literal strings where IRIs should be used, diminishing the advantages of using Linked Data. To remedy this, we propose an approach for identifying such strings and replacing them with their corresponding entity IRIs. The proposed approach is based on identifying relations between entities based on both ontological axioms as well as data profiling information and converting strings to entity IRIs based on the types of entities linked by each relation. Our approach showed 98% recall and 76% precision in identifying such strings and 97% precision in converting them to their corresponding IRI in the considered KG. Further, we analyzed how the connectivity of the KG is increased when new relevant links are added to the entities as a result of our method. Our experiments on a subset of the Spanish DBpedia data show that it could add 25% more links to the KG and improve the overall connectivity by 17%.